Very good point! I don't think the most devoted necessarily are the worst sinners. There are plenty of examples of devoted Christians who didn't sucumb to alcohol,drug abuse and other criminal acts. There's Mother Theresa who although had doubts on her religion kept faithful and gave her whole life up to help "the poorest of the poor". I think the impact of a person turning to Jesus when they were hopeless alcoholics etc. is powerful because it can help others to feel that they're not so bad, that Jesus is waiting for them with open arms, meeting them right where they are. I do think it would be great to hear a testimony of "even though I didn't use alcohol, drugs etc. the Lord is important to me, and has always been". If you're one of those people, stand up and give your testimony! God bless!
2007-09-03 04:09:01
answer #1
answered by inkster7 3
When you really consider God overseeing you at all times;the awe and love inspired by this feeling makes think of your shortcomings;as if you are going in a big gathering, you will be very careful about you dress and outlook, so that your shortcomings are apparent and this situation shall be more pronounced when you are going to a much more important gathering.The more one is devoted believer in God, the more particular he shall be about his person.The prophets of God are the light which not only shows you the path towards sublime but also sheds off the darkness brought about by unworthy deeds.It does not mean that those who were more devouted were more sinner.In fact the light dawned on their sins.Please turn to Islamic version of forgiveness.If you wholeheartedly part away from sins, never to return back you are as chaste as a newborn baby.Unfortunately the christain clergy does not portray what the Holy Christ has been propagating throught his life.His message was a good news promising all bounties of virtuous life available in his following.
2007-09-04 09:05:07
answer #2
answered by shahinsaifullah2006 4
Those that have been forgiven much have more reason to love deeply. Not only that but God seems to work harder on those that are the deepest in sin and the roughest people have often become His mouth pierce when they learn to know GOD. Look at many of the people in the Bible, look at Peter and Paul. Look at their lives before they tuned their lives over to God. But that doesn't mean that just because you aren't or haven't had a bad life that Jesus doesn't want you too. Praise God you don't have that fare to come back to Him and give your life to him. My mother is a very devoted Christian and she has always been from childhood, so it doesn't have to be that you are bad to be devoted Daniel in the Bible was always devoted as well and Joseph too.
God bless.
2007-09-03 11:10:50
answer #3
answered by Ddvanyway 4
Everyone had major sins before God. Mine weren't near as heavy as those of some of my friend's were. Like you said, they have that "I smoked pot, almost got arrested 50 times, almost died" type testimony, but I don't. I really don't think they're any more devoted than I am. I let my actions speak for myself. When I share the gospel, I don't let my actions get in the way. I don't even mention my actions. I share what Christ did. It has nothing to do with my own salvation experience. God speaks for Himself. I turned to Jesus because He's the way, the truth, and the life.
2007-09-03 11:03:44
answer #4
answered by Christian #3412 5
I am one of those Christians.
It is not because of guilt that I am so devoted. I know that all of my sins were forgiven and that God does not hold them against me. It took me a long time after becoming a Christian to forgive myself. Then God showed me that I was still holding onto my past, even though He no longer was. I forgave myself and in doing so I was set free. My past is no longer who I am. Jesus was not the most plausible thing for me. In fact, I really wanted nothing to do with him. I hated God because of all the terrible things that happened in my life, even when I started to attend church. But the people were friendly, I got free food when I attended (I was really poor at the time), and the music was uplifting and cool.
Then one day in a service, I actually got it. I understood what it was all about. And at that moment, I knew that everything I had done before was wrong. I needed God. I humbled myself before God and I broke. I cried out to Him for forgiveness. My problems were not automatically fixed at that moment. It took almost 2 years for me to get out of the mess I had made for myself. But along the way, I learned about God's love and I found strength in Him. I learned verses in the Bible and when things got rocky for me, I stood on those things. And they worked!!
I am a totally different person now because of Jesus. When I tell people abou the things they use to do, they look at me amazed because I am the total opposite of who I use to be. Had I not turned to Him, I would not be the person I am today. I would still be lost in drugs, paganism, co-dependent relationships, depression, suicide, and hatred. I am free of all of that. I have no guilt for what I've done in the past because all of that is gone. That is why I am devoted to Jesus. That is why my faith is so strong. I had a true Damascus road conversion where I was thrown off my high horse and faced with who I was and what I needed.
2007-09-03 11:12:30
answer #5
answered by shybusch 3
Not really. I believe that those who have been closest to complete spiritual death are simply the ones who know the dangers thereof...and want to keep as far from it as possible.
That's what "metanoia" (conversion - "convertio" in Latin) is all about. Total change (to be transformed - "by the renewing of your mind" - Romans 12)
As for the "most devoted Christians" - this is sometimes true. It has a great tradition....St. Augustine, the Great Bishop of Hippo, certainly proved this.
Read Augustine's "Confessions". It's a wild story of total conversion
2007-09-03 11:03:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Will you find God by yourself? Some would but many usualy fail. The reason of finding God by themselfs would probaly for wealth, health and the blessing and protection of their family very rare they want to find god as He should really is.
Do you have a problem they find God in their weakness? . Undestand yourself first before you look at others people discovery of their faith then you will know the reason.
2007-09-03 11:14:08
answer #7
answered by Kingdomchild07 5
To fully have faith you have to accept the fact that we're all sinners, not one person on the face of this planet can say otherwise with out being a liar.
We fall and we rise, fall and rise, when you fall and Jesus helps you up, you can't help but proclaim his greatness and our affections for him.
2007-09-03 11:01:40
answer #8
answered by I'm Here 4
Most Christians, come from rough backgrounds. It's those who have the sense to understand the burden that was lifted off them.
If you've never been hungry, you can't understand the starving man and what a relief it is, to finally eat.
2007-09-03 11:11:34
answer #9
answered by judysbookshop 4
Absolutely. They take after sinful fathers of the faith like King David.
2007-09-03 11:03:26
answer #10
answered by Akimbo 4