That is an interesting question considering he knocked up another man's wife.
Hmmmmm - god violated one of his own commandments did he not?
Sex is awesome. Just be safe and do no harm to anyone. Use protection.
There is a saying that he/she that dies with the most toys wins. I say Bull Crap to that - He or she that dies with the most orgasms wins.
I have read the bible and I have read "The One Hour Orgasm" guess which one has done a lot more for my quality life.
Now granted I share these experiences with my wife today. But we also did these things before we were married - and believe me - Marriage would never have been an option without knowing what I was getting into before hand. Having said that - my wife rocks my world and life is good.
Also - sex is for more than procreation in this life. That is it's main biological purpose. However it also builds a bond between partners and strengthens a relationship when done well. It helps to build love mixed with lust - The two are quite compatible you just can have a true relationship where only one exists. I can definitely tell you that I lust for my wife whom I love very much.
Oh - and for people that advise that sex is not important for a relationship - they are doing it wrong.
2007-09-02 16:16:43
answer #1
answered by Atrum Animus AM 4
The problem is with the concept of marriage, which is a relatively recent practice in terms of a human history of several million years. It is only in the last 20 thousand years or so that we formed communities that insisted upon a formal ceremony and commitment.
The institution is useful and has much merit, but is falling out of use with the decline of the power religion hold over our minds. However, by an historical accident, the religious act of marriage was absorbed by civil government. Is it not a sacrilege for a civil servant to consecrate a marriage in a village or city hall? Does a man need the permission of a patronage hack to kiss his bride?
Ideally, the marriage license would be abolished and replaced by a civil union, a sort of contract, recorded like a deed, which would grant property and parental rights, etc., made with necessary restrictions between two adults, regardless of sex, race, etc.
Then, if a couple wanted to be married, they could do that in a church of their choosing, with or without the civil contract. They would be smart to also get the civil union, which would serve minimally as a pre-nuptial agreement.
If a particular church refused to perform a marriage for a homosexual couple, they could look for another church. If none were available, they could start their own church.
That’s the way it has always been done.
2007-09-03 03:16:25
answer #2
answered by 6
Would You Buy a Car without First Kickin' the Tires ?, Take-in her for a Spin ? Slammin' a Few Gears or Lighting Up the Tires ?? That "Contract" of a Union in/of Marriage, is Some Very Heavy stuff , a HUGE Life Decision, a VERY SERIOUS Matter Indeed. I remember a time: when about 12/13 yrs. a Pal from down the st. hot/day now 10pm in a backyard tent/campout. we are both Cathiolic, He Cath School, Me Public sch. so He Knows ALOT more stuff about Our Religion. of coarse at 12/13 we are Both Very Curious/Interested in Girls, an obvious subject of conversation. what I'm tryin' 2 say, He Tells Me the Church - Religion? Frowns on Extra Sex (When MARRIED !) other than Having Kids (Makin' Babies) soon after that, My Sundays Became Free for other activities beside church services, like bikes, go-carts, Girls, Sports, Cars etc. If Anyone is Thinkin' bout a LIFETIME Commitment, My Expert Advice, and To Avoid Any "Suprises" (on the Honeymoon?) Ya Better Jump-In and Take it For a RIDE !!
2007-09-02 17:15:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think that the main focus of NOT having premarital sex was because if the woman was unfaithful and became pregnant there was no proof that the baby was that of her intended. As times and cultures change, now we see a blind eye still being turned to it ( more for females these days than in the past - in the past males could do what they wished, as pregnancy is not possible). But now, technology allows a new way to see who the father really is, and so the necessity of not having premarital sex has somehow lost its importance. You will still find some willing to wait, and they should be admired, it does seem unusual. Quite frankly, I don't see how ones sex life is a major burden to the Lord. It just seems that there's more important things to worry about.
2007-09-02 17:37:20
answer #4
answered by The Pope 5
Because he believes that is something sacred to your future or now partner and is only to be can be done after marriage because having sex can strengthen your realationship between the 2 of u. Also having sex before marriage can sometimes make cause problems like abortion or not having a father for your child. You may not think that is a problem but think if you had a child and was born into a mess would you like to be that person with no father or a person that was a real live person and you died and never got the time to live because you had sex with someone guy and they never lived or breathed air once. I thinking of my little nephews and what a great blessing they are and how cute they are.. God made it so women would create life and by doing abortions and stuff your destroying his plan of creation.
2007-09-02 16:25:36
answer #5
answered by Atotalcutie 3
Sex was made for married people a man and a woman committed to each other for the rest of their life's til death do us never was meant for any other purpose.....if people that are in love can't have enough strength to wait until they get married then they are weak, and childish and shouldn't be together anyway because they are not grown up enough to have a relationship especially is not a game can harm people mentally and physical if they are too young ,and even those that are old enough....sexual perversion is not for the marriage bed...and in the last 100 years sex has gone insane but from the beginning of time it's been a act that has caused more hate, and death than any other act a human can do, it's a big problem and one of the worst sin ever especially outside of marriage,
2007-09-02 16:45:38
answer #6
answered by purpleaura1 6
God doesn't approve of adultery - when one, or both, are married. God is okay with fornication - in fact in early american times, bundling was practiced (getting the young ones to sleep together 'for warmth' - and marriage took place when pregnancy was confirmed - make sure that "go forth and multiply" edict was followed. Plus, you needed kids to help out on the farm, and a lot of your little ones wouldn't make it past the first 5 years (no vaccines, etc)
Virginity was only a huge issue for the elite classes, had to be sure that the child of the husband was his - because that is who all property was going to in the end. Often, peasants, serfs and the like (in the 1500's) didn't even get married. Nothing to inherit - no point.
Very interesting subject - yes I have no life....
2007-09-02 16:17:29
answer #7
answered by Susan M 3
God wants to protect us from suffering emotional hardships. Premarital sex can lead to so many sad situations for us. God created sex not only to bring new life into the world, but also as a sacred thing between a married couple. It brings you so close to someone when you know that you only have sex with eachother, and it's your special thing. It makes it somehow sexier in a way too.
I'm not saying bad things will happen specifically to you, but chances are greater they will than not. It's hard to explain untill you've experienced it, but trust me, it's a whole different experience when you use this act in the way God intended. God Bless=)
2007-09-02 16:19:30
answer #8
answered by mandie 4
Morality is a factor for many people when deciding whether or not to have premarital sex. Is it a factor for you? After all, the messages we receive from most TV shows and movies these days tells us "everyone is doing it." In light of today's permissive attitude, your peers may think you're weird to even question it.
But maybe there is something inside you, like a voice in your head, that is making you uncertain about whether or not sex before marriage is a right or wrong action. Many people refer to this voice as their conscience. How can you know if your "conscience" is right? People all around the world look to the Bible as a moral or religious book, so let's see what it says about premarital sex.
The Bible refers to premarital sex as fornication. That's a word we don't hear much these days, so what does it mean? Fornication is sexual intercourse between people who are not married to each other. The only distinction the Bible makes between premarital sex and adultery is that adultery involves married persons while fornication involves those who are unmarried. Premarital sex is just as much of a sin as adultery and all other forms of sexual immorality. They all involve having sexual relations with someone you are not married to.
The Bible explains, "…The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body" (1 Corinthians 6:13). Verse 18 of this chapter goes on to say, "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." Galatians 5:19 speaks the same, "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity…" Ephesians 5:3 says it most plainly, "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people." From these verses, we see that the Bible promotes complete and total abstinence from premarital sex.
2007-09-02 16:25:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hi Rove. God tells us we are to abstain from premarital sex. He warns us very clearly in 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 that we are not to have premarital sex:
“For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: 4That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;”
God tells us that marriage is Holy in Hebrews 13:4:
“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”
God tells us more in Matthew 5:28:
“but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”
The marriage institution is under attack from the whole world, and having sex out of wedlock is the main reason. This is one of the main reasons for the high rate of divorce, everywhere we look we see sex being used to sell something or make us feel good. And sex does make us feel good but it should only be used after marriage. This is one reason people should take time to know each other before getting married.
2007-09-02 16:16:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous