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I was just asking, because you always hear about it. I thought god loved everybody. How come people who accept who they are, are shunned?
Think about it.
People say you wont go to heaven for being gay, but seriousley!!
am i the only one who think this is crazy stupid?!?
I even saw someone once write "well i mean, the whole point of being but on earth is 2 multiply. you cant do that if your gay"
well, um, just because your on earth, doesnt mean your having sex all the time. so i dont get why being gay would make this any different.
theres alot of aspects 2 life and i dont see how just being gay can damn you for eternity.
does anyone agree?
i suppose i just want your opionion

2007-09-02 15:57:26 · 23 answers · asked by k.nicole211 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

The need to control behaviour of one's followers.

2007-09-04 01:34:53 · answer #1 · answered by fooles.troupe 7 · 1 0

Will try to make it easy here. The bible was written in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic. There was no word for homosexual in those languages. The word "homosexual" did not exist until the early 1900's and was coined in Germany.

Any attempt to understand or study human sexuality has only occurred in the last 100+ years. Just as far back as Henry the VIII, it was thought that it was the woman who determined the gender of the baby.

So NOT ONE of the bible verses actually are talking about what we in the 21st century understand to be homosexuals or bisexuals. The bible verses ARE talking about sexual ACTS that happen between two people of the same gender.

If anyone bothers to take the time to READ about the CULTURES at the time the bible was written. You will LEARN that there were many competing religions at the time and they had religious rituals that were VERY different. Some of them included sex acts (incest, bestiality, same sex acts) which Leviticus prohibits. There are several other rituals in relation to sacrifices, garments worn, food eaten, etc. And those are also forbidden in Leviticus too.

I am not saying this is THE answer. I am just putting this forward to show that there are other ways to interpret the information, based on an understanding of the cultures, languages and other factors that go into translating a text like the Bible from it's original to what is read today.

2007-09-02 17:41:20 · answer #2 · answered by mdbshop 2 · 2 0

I am 56, a Jesus lover Bible believer all my life but I think I am basically open minded. I ponder on this same issue, but I just don't judge. God loves every single human being the same even Ted Bundy or Jeffry Dahmer, just like we love our children, but it is the behavior God doesn't like . We must always separate the behavior from the person. God loves people who choose a gay life style just as much as absolutely any other child of His, but He according to the Bible is against the choice of homosexual activity. We all have choices and on this issue i just be kind and loving to gay people, but I have never had to actually face the number here, I have 2 grown children 28 and 30 and when the were very small I often asked myself, if one of them grew up and wanted to be gay and bring their lover home, what would I do ????????/ I also thought about if they got pregnant out of wedlock and all those things because I love my babes so so so much and I just can't see turning against them but also as a Christian I would have had to seek deep spiritual guidance from an open minded Christian as to what to do if my child did this ???? We are all sinners and make choices I don't' know the true answer.

2007-09-02 17:36:25 · answer #3 · answered by I Love Jesus 5 · 1 1

that's the ACT that is incorrect. Being gay, lesbian, or bisexual can no longer relatively be helped for my section. they are certainly born that way, for my section, and that is entirely a threat that that is genetic. And WHY is it incorrect? as a results of fact the Bible, this is our authority, says so. the two in the previous testomony, and the recent. that is seen sexual immorality, which Jesus DID communicate out against. Why does the Bible say that is incorrect? Now that must be the question, do no longer you think of? My opinion is that that is incorrect as a results of fact that is volatile to the individuals who have interaction in it. HIV/AIDS information teach this. that is plenty extra possibly for someone to settlement HIV/AIDS through gay intercourse, particularly between 2 adult males. i will get the information for you in case you like, they are on a nonbiased website that in basic terms comments the findings. As for lesbians, that is rather risky to insert something into the vagina that may no longer formed like a penis, and that may no longer malleable like a penis. the rest can tear the vaginal partitions, and reason infections. And by using how, i'm now a non-practising bisexual. i became into bisexual for quite a few years, dated some distinctive women individuals (considered one of which i became into at last going to be hand-fasted to, i presumed i became into very plenty in love together with her...and that i nonetheless think of approximately her plenty), and so i will communicate from adventure. in spite of the fact that I nonetheless have the urges each and every now and then, i will cope with them.

2016-10-17 13:18:34 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

First your whole premise here is wrong. You ask why people who accept who they are, are shunned. First I do not shun gays. To do so would not be Christian.

Second you say they accept who they are and thus should not be shunned. Lets change the question a bit. A pedophile accepts who they are. They are a person who wants to have sex with small children. Should they be shunned? Just accepting who you are does not make it right.

Third God does love everybody. However just because He loves them does not mean He will accept their sin. The Bible makes it clear that homosexuality is a sin (verses below). If you are an unrepentant sinner you do not go to heaven.

1Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor abusers, nor homosexuals,
1Co 6:10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Romans 1:26 For this cause, God gave them up to dishonorable affections. For even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature.
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust toward one another; males with males working out shamefulness, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error.

2007-09-02 16:12:38 · answer #5 · answered by Bible warrior 5 · 1 4

There is no question whatsoever that God loves everyone, no matter what!! The fact remains though, that if a homosexual continues to be a homosexual even though it is an abomination in God's eyes, they will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.....If they should choose to turn their lives around and truly accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior, then they will repent completely of the sin of being a homosexual and will have eternal life in heaven!! If you own a Bible, read Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lays with a male as he lays with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death (meaning spiritual death;going to hell) Their blood shall be upon them!"
I hope this helps!! Love the sinner, hate the sin!!!
God Bless! (:

2007-09-02 16:51:45 · answer #6 · answered by Linda M 4 · 0 2

Greeetings! Here's something interesting to ponder.

The Old Testament had made some references to being gay. Most of what was said have been in Genesis, Exudus, Deuteronomy and Numbers. The author of these four books (argued to be Moses) had made much mention about homosexuality being God's Gross sin.

Now here is something very interesting, Think of the New Testament and the life of Jesus. The fundies have been thoroughly instructed to be absolutely Christ-like in order to be received into the kingdom of God. Remember this for a moment.

Now think of Jesus' teachings...think of his red letter words (for those who don't know what I am talking about, in many Bibles the words of Jesus have been printed in red ink).

Now Jesus had many parables against rich people. He made it clear that he DESPISED people making money from his father (the overthrowing of the money changers at the temple is an example). Jesus had a lot to say about loving one another and loving God. He even said something about obeying your parents. He even made statements about how to know when Jesus was served on Earth (remember what he said about clothing the unclothed, visiting when in Prison).

He even spent some time explaining the importance of forgiving those who sin and making sure the log has been removed from one own's eye before he removes a splinter from another. Remember that one?

Now with all that in mind, could someone tell me just exactly how many times Jesus' red words were aimed DIRECTLY at homosexuals? How many parables did Jesus tell that could only be translated to gays?

The answer is ZERO. Not one, folks. Nada. Zilch. Nyet. Squat. Zip.

Now if the man that everyone is supposed to emulate did not make a single statement about homosexuality, how important was the issue to the Lord and Savior of the entire Christian institution? It obviously wasn't remotely important, so why do we have modern money changers (tele-evangelists, pastors of multi-million dollar churches), politicians and arch right wing wannabes screaming about the moral decay because of Gay rights?

Remember, when you hear the people arguing about marriage being a man and woman, remind them that their lord that they are supposed to live like did not say a solitary word regarding homosexuality.

Once more - Christ did not say word one directly at being gay. Christians are supposed to be Christ-like. Who is really being Christ like when they bash gays?

Take care.

2007-09-02 16:32:51 · answer #7 · answered by TeacherGrant 5 · 2 0

First of all, I am Bi. Let that be a reference to what I am about to say.

A Christian adopts God's opinion on things. One of God's opinions is that homosexuality is wrong. The Christian might not be able to stop themselves from committing something that God has an opinion against, and will do it anyway.

God isn't sitting up in Heaven wringing his hands, worrying about someone sinning. We are all sinners. We Christians told Him that when we gave our lives to Him. So if God wants something to change in us, He will bring the change.

I would suspect that there are many Christians who will live out their lives doing Gay things. God might not be interested in stopping that is certain people. There will be other things that He thinks are more important for any individual.

What God wants from us is trust. If we trust Him we are faithing in Him. God wants our dedication to what He says as true.

So it's not even about homosexuality. Or anything that God calls 'sin'. It's about trust. Which is 'faith'.

2007-09-02 16:18:43 · answer #8 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 2 2

must we go over this? first off, if you think I hate homosexuals, then you either haven't read this or skipped major details.

1. God doesn't hate anyone. part of the being saved is killing the old nature, as hard as it may be. homophilia is simply a biological inconvenience. everyone has something that makes it hard to live right. for them, it's inclinations. for others, it may be addictions, mindsets, attitudes, even dealing with pain.

homosexuals, on the other hand, are differnt. homosexuality can be defined as two things
-- homophilia embraced, worshipped and self-justified
-- a lifestyle choice incorporating the acts, avoked/trained feelings and condoning of homosexual acts

2. Biblically, homophilia is just like all the other urges to sin: tempting, but not invincible. homosexuality is strictly a sin. basically, it goes against (maybe not biological nature but the natural order) nature, against God's designs for sexual relations/relations between the sexes/marriages/familes, promotes other sins (such as selectiveness, liberality, re-interpretting God's word to fit your wishes, other sexual sins and defiance in some cases) and of course, anything used in apprpriately is wrong, even a mind.

3. by God's standards, a homophile can
-- be saved
-- be forgiven
-- be treated like any other Christian
-- participate in straight relationships
-- not condone the sin (no sin should ever be condoned)

a homosexual is to be treated as any other sinner. it's naturally disturbing to most, so emotions get involved admittedly, but sin is sin. we are to hate no one, just sin.

2007-09-02 16:16:24 · answer #9 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 1 3

The why, I don't think anyone really knows why. Chalk it up to the sign of the times. Since it up being written about, now it's like that is the only thing that some have to focus on.

2007-09-02 16:11:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

God wouldn't be holy (one of the essential attributes of God) if God loves sin. From the Bible it's clear that homosexuality is one of such sins. That's why Christianity says it's wrong to be gay.

Nevertheless, God loves gays like everyone else and wants them to change and become straight.

2007-09-02 17:37:57 · answer #11 · answered by alomi_revolution 4 · 0 2

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