You need both. The Bible teaches us how we are supposed to live our lives. We learn about God and Jesus. How else would this happen if we did not have the Bible? It is the foundation of the Christian religion.
2007-09-02 05:22:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The true Christians are dependant on the bible, because the holy scriptures are written in it.
The scriptures stated:
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scriptures is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God maybe perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.(2 Timothy 3:15-17 KJV)
and for the examples you have given and to all those who have not known the law, here is what the scriptures stated:
For as many have sinned without the law shall also perish without the law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; ( for when the gentiles, which have not law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves; which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.( Romans 2:12-16 KJV)
2007-09-03 06:57:09
answer #2
answered by szuki 1
I,personally, am Agnostic but I used to be a hardcore Christain when I was a younger teenager.
If I really think about religion and christainanity, I do think that SOME Christains place too much emphasis on the Bible. I know all about the Bible. I have read through that thing countless times and spent hours studying it.
I think that someone who places too much on the Bible can be intolerant and are one of those people that I think sound evil... eg. people who are against gays, evolution, etc.
Those types of Christains are too extreme and are very narrow minded.
If there is a God, I am sure he loves everyone no matter who they are and what they do. If there is a Heaven and all this is ture, you could be gay and go to Heaven as long as you believe in Christ.
2007-09-02 12:38:03
answer #3
answered by Sarah* 7
The bible is where we learn about Jesus. It is where we get our instruction from about how to live a life pleasing to God. Surely, you can believe in God and accept Christ, without the bible. But, your relationship with God will not grow very much. God's Word says " Study to show thyself approved." It is God's command that we study His Word. How can we know what He has to say, and how to live a Godly life if we do not? Such thinking is very ignorant.
P.S. I agree with Slayers answer.
2007-09-02 12:35:09
answer #4
answered by biggestjesusfan, † Cat P.W. † 4
I know what you are saying and I agree with you somewhat...but I would not use the word "dependent".
What I WOULD say is that Holy Scripture, taken alone and outside of the context of the Traditions of the Church and our own God-given human reason, is a mistaken theology.
Why? For the reasons you stated...and also because the idea of "Scripture Alone" (Sola Scriptura) was UNHEARD OF for the first fifteen CENTURIES of the Church. Also...the Church canonized Scripture, not the other way around.
Also, (and this is a biggie for me!): There was NO complete canon of Scripture for the first 400 years of Christianity...and the Church grew quite well without them, did it not? I believe that helps make your point as well!
"No Church, no Bible"... NOT the other way around.
Unless somebody really believes that the Apostles traveled all over the Mediterranean basin with nice bonded-leather-bound copies of the King James Bible (Red Letter Edition) under their togas!!!
2007-09-02 12:32:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No, I think it's the best thing ever. It's like learning something new everyday,but out of the bible. If I have a problem or concern on something; I ask God for the answer and I talk to him; he leads me right to the bible. The bible is there as a feeding; it's a spiritual guide to living right and going to heaven.
2007-09-02 12:35:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
To christians, especially JWs (I know this because it was brought up when they came a knocking) the only way God can speak to a person is through the bible. To them God can no longer speak directly to people so they have to rely on that book. If it isn't in the bible then it isn't worth anything, if it is in the bible then it is worth everything. All other accounts of creation and salvation are false to them they can't see any other roads but their own. The path of christianity is a Highway with no exits and no side roads in order to get out of it a person has to go off roading.
2007-09-02 12:25:27
answer #7
answered by Cat's Eye Angie 3
To throw away the bible and rely upon the Holy Spirit could lead us on false trails; how do we know that the Spirit is speaking to us? With the bible we can compare to see if what we have received is consistent with it and tus be more sure.
2007-09-06 11:37:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Agreed. Yes, resoundingly yes. Thou shall not worship anyone or anything but God. The Bible is a book of books, not to be worshiped... and it should not be held so high and holy as some mistakenly, but sincerely, honestly, mistakenly do. It is not the end-all, be-all of God... God is oh so much more than what a book contains.
God is better than a book written by human beings. All things that human hands touch is imperfect... But, God is perfect, and God only.
2007-09-02 12:24:05
answer #9
answered by Holly Carmichael 4
Yes. The essential basis of the teachings of Jesus are in the Bible, particularly the New Testament.
2007-09-02 17:26:21
answer #10
answered by peskylisa 5