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I have recently posted two questions and received some excellent answers. One about the definition of Christianity, and the second on the definition of a cult. Christianity definition answers were along the line of "following Jesus, being born again, having a relationship with Jesus." The cult answers were about individuals bring glory to themselves and twisting what the Bible says.

There are different methods and beliefs on baptism. Some people believe it is not necessary for salvation. The people who practice baptism will sprinkle, immerse, or pour. This act may be conducted on babies, children, or adults, depending on their belief.

If your church believed deferrent then another's church, would you consider it a cult? And, why or why not. When can the words from the Bible be twisted, and still accepted?

I am not bashing any religion, but only attempting to learn what others believe, and to possibly stimulate thought. Thanks for all polite replies.

2007-09-01 17:15:45 · 20 answers · asked by jack-copeland@sbcglobal.net 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

You are really asking several questions:

The first pertains to cults:

Cults are the 'johnny-come-lately' where some person comes forth proclaiming that he alone knows the truth as it was revealed to him by: a. Studying the Word of God; b. Meditating upon the Word of God; or c. He was visited by a Celestial Being other than God (say an Angel) and told the... Truth.

The second pertains to Baptism:

Baptism is the washing away of the stain of Original Sin by the use of water and the action of the Holy Spirit. In a valid Baptism the Trinitarian Formula must be used, "...I Baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." Water may be sprinkled, poured, or the newly baptized may be immersed. Baptism can be done by a member of the clergy or in an emergency by a lay person. Baptism signs one over to Christ keeping him/her free of demonic influences that are NOT self-initiated AFTER the Baptized reaches the age of accountability. It is not always 'necessary' for Salvation as the Lord would not withhold Salvation from an Innocent who through no fault of his own failed to be Baptized.

If a church believes differently is it a cult:

Not necessarily. It could be a different Revealed Religion or it could be a Protestant Church or the Sect of a Protestant Church that is still teaching some measure of the Truth.

Last question: When can the words of the Bible be twisted and still be accepted:

See first answer concerning cults. Cults twist the Truth and their teachings should never be accepted as wholly true.



2007-09-02 01:59:06 · answer #1 · answered by H 7 · 1 1

A Christian cult is when the church is based on the Bible and the teachings of an individual. A church should be based on the Bible only.

Denominations may differ on the interpretation of the scriptures, or the focus of worship but ultimately fall back to the word of God.

2007-09-01 17:24:09 · answer #2 · answered by Philbert 3 · 0 0

hi, a million) Critics who don't think in God evaluate all religions interior the international a cult. 2) suited examine up on your historic previous. The Crusades all have been given going using fact the Seljuk Turks, Muslims beset Constantinople. The Emperor asked the Pope to mediate and get the the West for some help. It wasn't over people no longer being attracted to Christianity. 3) Christians who're no longer Catholic are called "Protestants"; they have been given going approximately 1517. there have been no Protestants for the period of the time of the Crusades. 4) only thinking; is international historic previous taught interior the yank college equipment anymore? i'm only seeing some distance too many way out to lunch in this each and all the time. Cheers, Michael Kelly

2016-10-03 12:20:40 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

In my experience, those who claim to be Christians but are truly not, generally deny Christ's deity.

I believe in trine immersion baptism. Not for salvation. Nobody dunked the guy on the cross next to Jesus, and Jesus told him, "This day you'll be with Me in paradise." No baptism necessary.

I think there will be people who are surprised that others were "really" saved and are in heaven with them. I also think there will be some surprised to find out they relied fully on themselves and their works and missed Christ.

But in the end, if a religious group claims to be Christian but says Jesus was just a man, or just another prophet, or that He was any less than the one true living God, then I would say that they are NOT Christians.

2007-09-01 17:22:54 · answer #4 · answered by sweetsarahnade 3 · 0 1

A Cult Is a following of of one live man who dominates his followers in the traditions of men, His power over them is based upon his personal feelings as to what is right.
Jesus was considered a cult leader by the Jewish Religious Leaders, however he didn't teach his personal thoughts, but rather what his father instructed him.
So today anyone who sets on a pulpit and teaches thoughts that contradict what the word of God says or twist scripture to fit their thoughts, are Cult Leaders, no matter who they claim to represent. Because they follow the teachings of their god, the god of the world. Satan, and devil. 2 Cor. 4:4

2007-09-01 17:51:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is an excellent little volume on this very topic written some 30+ years ago. It was by Bill Breese and was called "KNOW THE MARKS OF THE CULTS." It is blessedly brief and to the point.

2007-09-02 02:45:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

An opinion...........
Any organized religion that fails to allow their followers to think for themselves should be considered suspect, and could possibly be called a cult.
The mind of man is a most wonderful gift and should not be allowed to become stagnant. Humans should be taught how to think, not what to think. Faith, Understanding, and Wisdom should be nurtured in humans and allowed to flourish!
The heart of man must be allowed to expand and learn that it is only when a human considers every life as equal to there own is it possible for a human to spiritually grow.

Man has been sent many, many Prophets to aid him in his journey. There is only One God, that is the Father of all mankind. All of the various religions need to cultivate this knowledge, and allow people to find God on what ever path they so choose.

God is awaiting those that search whole heartedly!

2007-09-01 17:55:15 · answer #7 · answered by WillRogerswannabe 7 · 1 0

If it focuses heavily on recruitment, it is a cult.

If it discourages people from questioning the beliefs, it is a cult.

If it discourages people from questioning leaders, it is a cult.

If it claims leaders are somehow above reproach, it's a cult.

If they don't allow members to freely leave without threats of bad things happening, it's a cult

2007-09-01 17:28:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Whenever they DON'T follow Jesus (PBUH)

The True Founder of Christianity
Did Jesus or his Apostles follow a religion called Christianity? Who were the first 'Christians' ? Who founded Christianity and do the teachings of Christianity conform to the teachings of Jesus?

The teachings of Paul, the true founder of Christianity, cannot be found anywhere in the teachings of Jesus or in those of prophets before him.

2007-09-01 17:21:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

When the followers can no longer engage in a normal conversation without evangelizing

2007-09-01 17:20:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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