To summarize:
He exists outside of time but he created the universe in 6 days, but as stated above we invented time, hes an uncaused cause and thats your logical flaw (LOL), hes a prime example of irreducible complexity actually the only example from a line of thinking called intelligent design (when you have to invent a new catch phrase to explain something you know theres a real problem),. God is timeless and when he made man that man invented time and counted backwards.
So to answer the question with the answers provided it took man an instant after he invented time.
2007-09-01 16:12:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
As so many have mentioned God has always been. He was there before the foundations of the earth - Job 38:4
"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding".
In asking this question the assumption is made that God is limited by time. God created time when he created the universe - Genesis 1:14, "Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years". God exists outside of time - He had no start or end.
2007-09-01 16:05:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We really have no idea how long it took. It could have been created in a nanosecond. We could merely be a thought in the mind of God. One thing is for sure. It came from somewhere, it had a beginning, it is. Perhaps it had to be this way so that man could comprehend. I doubt that the answers are in a book written by man. There is so much about the universe that cannot be explained. But I must admit when I read Bill Cosbys response I laughed like hell. Perhaps we are just a molecule in the Jello pudding.
2007-09-02 07:47:48
answer #3
answered by JF 3
If a god created the universe in 6 days, then a god creator surely can create such a god in fewer days. Let's go for 5.
2007-09-01 16:09:43
answer #4
answered by CC 7
To be honest, I really do not know a logical answer to that question. People say that the powerful entity known as God (or Jehovah or Allah), lives outside of time and space.
It is not within our known boundries of time and space. Its very difficult to explain.
Sometimes, I think that it may consist of an extremely powerful and an ancient civilization made from light.
If you go to space, you would easily notice just how insignificant we really are. Who or what do you think created all the stars and the heavens?
2007-09-01 20:09:37
answer #5
answered by Zabanya 6
An attribute of God, someone says, is that he does not require to be created by another God.
I wonder who started that idea and how that person became CERTAIN about it? You know, it's easy to state a truth. All you have to say is God told me.
Faith is such pleasant emotion. It doesn't ask us to reason and squeeze our brain cells to figure anything out. It's ready-made at a snap of a finger. I believe, therefore it's true!
If it had been for Faith, nothing would have to be learned, nothing would have to be explored, understood, or discovered. All knowledge, with Faith, comes from God.
2007-09-01 16:01:33
answer #6
answered by DrEvol 7
If you ask about the word "GOD" then the word "GOD" is coined by humans. No other living animal call that power as "GOD".
If you ask about the meaning of "GOD", then also it is humans who have given him the definition like eternal, timeless, ever-pervading, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, etc. etc. No other organism is ever seen to define GOD.
If you ask about Creating the GOD, then all the human's creations are visible and GOD seems to be invisible to my physical eyes. So, Humans can not create GOD as GOD is not visible thing. I don't know anybody other than humans have any creative power. Then, only answer remains to your question is that GOD is created by himself or you can call him as "Self-Revealed" or "Self-Made". And, if he is "Self-Made" then we can't tell the time as it was his job and he hasn't told that to anybody or to any religious person/prophet about that.
If you ask me about existence of "GOD" then I would say that there are many things in the universe that are not created by Humans. Yet, there is a very well orgainsed system. So there must be someone who takes care of this system. If you think that there is someone then you mean the "GOD" otherwise in atheists term there is no one or "ZERO". But, from being 0 to 1 something was happened and that something can be taken minimally as "GOD" though he is Everything.
2007-09-01 16:13:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
God was created in the eyes of man. Without man there would be no need for a god.
2007-09-01 16:19:15
answer #8
answered by flash 4
Read Revelation 1:8
2007-09-01 15:57:29
answer #9
answered by tracy211968 6
This question is logically problematic. If everything needs a creator, than no matter what exists, it must have been created. Furthermore, to be created means that someone or something had to create it. But then, who created the creator and so on? Logically, this would mean there would be an infinite regression of creators and we would never be able to find the first, uncaused cause since, by definition (the questions says that "everything needs a creator") there wouldn't be any uncaused cause. This would mean that the sequence of creations is eternal. But, if it exists that there is an eternal regression of creators, then who created the infinite regression of creators? Remember, the question presupposes that all things need a creator -- even the eternal sequence of creators -- which becomes logically absurd. Furthermore, if there is an eternal regression of creators that are eternal, then the question is not answered. In fact, it cannot be answered since it weakness is that "all things need a creator." Of course, this only begs the question in that how did the process begin? Therefore, the question only raises the same problem it asks and it is a question that, by its own design, cannot be answered. Therefore, it is invalid.
The question is better phrased as a statement: "Everything that has come into existence, was brought into existence by something else." This is a more logical statement and is not wrought with the difficulties of the initial question. In the revised statement "Everything that has come into existence," implies that the thing that "has come into existence" did not already exist. If it did not already exist but then came into existence, then something had to bring it into existence because something that does not exist cannot bring itself into existence (a logical absolute). This pushes the regression of creators back to what we would call the theoretical "uncaused cause" since there cannot be an infinite regression of creators as discussed above and since in infinite number of creators would mean there was an infinite number of creations and created things including things that cannot be destroyed since they would constitute things that exist. If that is so, then the universe would have had an infinite number of created things in it and it would be full. But it is not full. Therefore, there has not been an infinite regression of creations.
By definition, the Christian God never came into existence; that is, He is the uncaused cause (Psalm 90:2). He was always in existence and He is the one who created space, time, and matter. This means that the Christian God is the uncaused cause and is the ultimate creator. This eliminates the infinite regression problem.
But some may ask, "But who created God?" But the answer is that by definition He is not created; He is eternal. He is the One who brought time, space, and matter into existence. Since the concept of causality deals with space, time, and matter, and since God is one who brought space, time, and matter into existence, the concept of causality does not apply to God since it is something related to the reality of space, time, and matter. Since God is before space, time, and matter, the issue of causality does not apply to Him.
2007-09-01 15:53:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous