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9 answers

A "Mormon" is just a nick name for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We prefer to be called LDS.

Wiccan is a belief system having to do with Wicca or witchcraft.

2007-09-03 08:49:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mormon is a term that is sometimes considered offensive and is relating to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. John Smith, the prophet, said to be the author of the Book of Mormon. Wiccan is a pagan worshiper of the mother earth and has very old roots in history… older than Christianity. Some may say that they practice witchcraft while others do like like to be associated with the term witch.

2007-09-01 12:16:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

As informed by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., the word Mormon means "more good." Mormon was an ancient prophet on the American hemisphere, the next to the last of the prophets as recorded in the Book of Mormon.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are commonly called Mormons; a name given in derision in the early years of the Church. We take no offense to the term.

Wiccans are paganistic in belief, and to my understanding, practice witchcraft.

2007-09-01 12:16:58 · answer #3 · answered by Guitarpicker 7 · 1 1

The rational response would be to look - with eyes wide open - at the reasons why so much bad news is published about Islam. It's the things Muslims DO. Some say it needs a serious overhaul ... to move into the 21st century. (which is when we happen to be living now) as it honestly hails from the thinking of ancient primitive desert dwellers. Better still ~ move into the light and get to know Jesus.

2016-05-18 23:42:17 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

A Mormon is a person who is in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They are called 'Mormons' because alongside the Bible they follow a book called the Book of Mormon, which they believe documents more of Jesus' story, about him coming to America. They will send you a free copy of this if you wan't to learn more, and can provide free information and will even send missionaries to talk to anyone who wants to find out about their faith, even if you explain straight-up that you don't want to convert, just see what it's all about. They have a modern-day prophet called Gordon B. Hinkley, and they believe that he can give messages direct from God (kinda like the Pope to Catholics, is the easiest way to explain it... there are a lot of differences, but for an easy point-of-refference). They place a lot of emphasis in their teaching on a guy called Joseph Smith, who recovered the Book of Mormon, by finding some ancient gold tablets through revelation given to him by the Angel Moroni, who came to him because of his sincere dedication to find the true church of God, and he was able to translate the tablets by the power of God. These gold plates were later taken away again by Moroni, but Joseph Smith had a group of men - witnesses - to their existance. The church has a huge presence in Utah, but is also known all over the world - they have congregations basically everywhere - and because their missionaries are so large in number, their message gets spread a lot. The missionaries are mainly young people (though many Mormons may go on a mission later in life, often as a married couple) and they serve around 2 years (18 months for women), being sent to wherever the church pleases, and they fund themselves. Mormon's do not drink alcohol, or smoke, or take illegal drugs, but they do allow blood donation and transfusion, organ transplants and almost all modern medical treatment. Instead of wine, they use water for the sacrament. They are quite traditional, placing a lot of emphasis on family, moral dress and behaviour, marriage and suchlike. They have churches and temples - before going to temple, a mormon must be both baptised and confimed and hold a temple reccomend. A temple reccomend comes from (usually) the president of their branch (of the church) and says that they are ready and spiritually pure and prepared, and they can enter the temple, which is considered Holy. There, they perform baptisms for the dead, relatives and friends who have passed on and who were never recieved into the church. The church has a long and complicated history, and also many traditions and customs - far too many to explain here. However, it also has some excellent websites, http://www.mormon.org and http://www.lds.org

A Wiccan is a follower of the religion of Wicca. This is a pagan religion, and Wiccan's are almost always witches. They may be solitary, practicing alone, or may practice in a coven. Generally they have a strong belief in the power of nature, and in a male and female deity, a God and Goddess. There are many, many websites online dedicated to Wicca, and literally thousands of books on the subject. Wicca claims to be an ancient religion, but more accurately it is a new name and set of teachings based on ancient pagan religions - Wicca itself is modern. Generally the major and minor Sabbats are followed as celebrations throughout the year, and the majority of Wiccans believe that these are celebrations of the cycle of the birth and death of the God and Goddess. Wiccan's believe in love and peace, as a rule, and try to take care of the environment. http://www.witchvox.org/ is a good place to start for further research.

To learn more about these, i'd advise you go to the above links to learn about Mormonism (because, after all, whose gonna know more about the religion than them themselves?) and try Wikipedia as a basis for more research - it's a good place to pick up the basics, and because so many people contribute to it there's rarely an incorrect comment left there for very long! Also, check out the links in the source list for some good places to go to find out more - i've selected these because I think that they give fair, impartial over-views of the religions stated :)

2007-09-01 14:00:59 · answer #5 · answered by Pebbles 5 · 2 1

They are religions.

Mormon is a form of Christianity and Wicca is a form of Witchcraft. Wiccan is a descriptive term for someone who practices Wicca.

2007-09-01 12:10:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Wiccan is what a person of the Wica religion calls themself.

Mormon is what a person of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints calls themself.

they are just names of religions.

2007-09-01 12:11:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

theyre listed in the cults book
kingdom of the cults by Martin

2007-09-01 12:15:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Wikipedia, my friend.

2007-09-01 12:14:44 · answer #9 · answered by McLovin 7 · 1 1

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