Can anyone supply me with a suitable bottle for feeding tiny puppies? Over the years i have tried syringes, eye droppers, banana shaped bottles with teats that are too small. There must be something more suitable.
11 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
So far I guess you guys all live in the States. Here in the Uk the choice of equipment is very limited and even my vet cannot supply what i am looking for. He agrees that the range is totaly inadequate.
11:21:15 ·
update #1
Around here, the best bottle and nipples available are at teh Tractor Supply Co. I like the Catac ones. Here's a link to a photo of the ones I mean. Have you tried them?
ADDED: You can order from that link I have here. They ship internationally.
2007-09-01 11:15:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My Vet gave me a little plastic bottle that was great for starting tiny newborns on (I have fostered and cared for a large number of pups from newborn to a couple of weeks old, that needed bottle feeding.) I have found that using something like that or an eye dropper are great to use for the first days and then change to a pet nurser after the first few days to a week or longer if the pups are newborns and depending on how small the breed.
When getting a pet nurser, I get one that has a variety of nipple types because there are some types that some pups seem to favor, usually longer and softer ones. I use a heated safety pin to enlarge the nipple.
I loved the little plastic one I got from my Vet which was real cheap and real simple! Had a screw on top and a little red cap. It also had a good flow and was great for starting pups on.
Varying the types of feeding equipment is what I have found most helpful. Those first few days are always hard with newborns.
Just to add, though you likely know this already, a bottle feeding pup has to be helped to go to the bathroom at each feeding and needs to be feed, to start every two hrs around the clock if newborn. For best results, anyway.
I prefer the canned Esbillac or Just Born for formula.
I have made homemade recipe when I needed to, but I prefer these products that are superior and developed with specific nutritional needs of a nursing pup in mind.
Also, for newborns, most pet nursers now come with "Benebac" (beneficial bacteria) which you can also buy separately and is great for newborns.
2007-09-01 11:15:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Tube feeding! I was forced into learning how to do it when a mother of nine developed toxic milk syndrome. Since you use a seringe with the tube itself you will know exactly how much milk each puppy is getting. And, yes, it is much faster if you plan on feeding every two or three hours.
Don't delay, see a vet immediately even if it means going to the emergency vet. They can teach you how to tube feed, as well supply the right size tube. You can lose a tiny puppy in a matter of hours if they are not being fed. Get going and good luck.
2007-09-01 11:36:28
answer #3
answered by bully4me 4
Depends on the size of the puppies.
I've never had much luck with bottles, I prefer a syringe. But tube feeding is supposed to be a good method. Have the vet show you how, though, if done wrong you can send formula into the lungs.
2007-09-01 11:21:12
answer #4
answered by DaBasset - BYBs kill dogs 7
I rescued a three week old domestic dog a whilst returned and that i've got been given powdered milk for her. It is attainable in cans like little one milk and has each thing you it needs. I fed my domestic dog this milk via a pipette as she exchange into so tiny. you may particularly take it to the vet or PDSA to learn its ok because of the fact all new child puppies have worms and their mothers lick their rear ends throughout and after feeding to maintain the worms at bay. in the event that they have not got that the worms will advance w and advance. this would reason abdomen pains and you would be able to truthfully hear the tummy growling and cramping. they are going to be ill and and a few worms would go out the physique by utilising the mouth and rear end. If it is not dealt with the domestic dog can get very ill and in step with possibility die.
2016-11-13 22:48:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Really, tube feeding works a lot better than bottles. takes a lot less time also.
Your vet can show you how and give you a tube that is the right size for your pups.
Even in the UK, you can get a tube for tube feeding. Really. I am sure you can find a vet in Namibia that can provide you with one. It is not a specialized piece of equipment. All vet should have them for many other reasons than tube feeding puppies.
2007-09-01 11:11:57
answer #6
answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7
You vet should have the right bottle for the pups you are rearing. i know mine has several different types.
Depending on the size of the puppies tube feeding often is more affective than bottle feeding if they are small and/or weak.
2007-09-01 11:12:36
answer #7
answered by Mr. P's Person 6
Just a regular old human baby bottle will do the trick! I use them all the time.
You may think it is too large but look at the size of the mama's teets! Just right!
2007-09-01 11:11:25
answer #8
answered by nomosno64 2
Try orschleins they have bottles for many species. they will probably have one that is right for you. They are also not bad priced. I would not however recommend getting anything else for you pet there as they have cruddy food and many other bad practices.
2007-09-01 11:21:29
answer #9
answered by lizard S 4
most pet stores have bottles for hand rearing pups and kits. if not then ask your vet. don't know where you live of course, but if you live near walmart, they have them too
2007-09-01 11:08:16
answer #10
answered by bassetfreak 5