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teenagers and it said she is a prostitute. I am so ashamed, someone came up to me in the shop saying did you read about her in the paper they were laughing enjoying it, i feel really low at the moment and angry with her for doing this, expassilly as she got kids as well, i am bringing them up she does care about they or i feel, how do i deal with these nosey people

2007-08-31 23:51:49 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

29 answers

Just remember everybody has problems and many times the ones that laugh are hidding things they are ashamed of there selve`s. You did the best you could do at the time you raised your daughter.We all make mistakes in every faset of our life`s.Hold your head up and teach your grandchildren to love the Lord and pray for those that are talking and laughting.They have a day coming that they will be humilimated. God bless and keep and help you.

2007-09-01 00:07:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Before feeling ashamed, maybe you should think about how your daughter feel, (don't bother about how others think, ignore those heartless people),if she is also feeling ashamed. The most embarrassed person will probably be her, she will probably feel unable to face the world now. Being angry with her isn't going to help, but instead hurt her more.Think of it this way; Is she forced to do so, or is there something that she is going through that you don't know? This is something that you have to resolve with her, and not on your own. Show more care for her, try to lift some of her burdens. Its not the point of time to be angry at each other, but to prevent the problem from happening again. This rumours will die down soon, its just a matter of time, meanwhile, its best not to get worked up and flare at them, thats just what they want, instead, just ignore them.

Cheers XDXD

2007-09-01 09:59:41 · answer #2 · answered by anonymous 1 · 0 0

How awful for you. I wish people would understand that it is not always the parents fault when children commit a crime!
Your daughter is 26 and knew right from wrong so how could that ever be your fault. She did the crime and must do the time as they say. If it were my daughter she mugged or your daughter had been mugged then i am sure you would want justice done.
When people come up to you and start going on about it...hold your head up high and state " I am ashamed of her and yes she is serving her time for the crime she committed"
You have no reason to feel guilt although i understand why you do. It is not your fault.
Your daughter is lucky she has you to take care of her children.
I wish you well and hope your daughter's prison sentence gives her the time to reflect on her actions so that she never does that again.

2007-09-01 07:31:24 · answer #3 · answered by laplandfan 7 · 0 0

This is a time when you need to draw on your inner strength.
People can be cruel and unkind. Those people shouldn't make you feel anything but sad for them.
Your daughter has made a mistake, a big mistake, but she is paying fo it, and when she is done, with help, love, and a strong family she will get her life back on track. bless you for taking those babies and making them safe, and in a place where they can florish.
The people who are enjoying your grief and sadness are worse then your daughter, that side of human nature is never pretty, and it will all come back on them some day,
you just hold your head high and say F--U.
Love and peace

2007-09-01 08:22:41 · answer #4 · answered by ladyhawk8141 5 · 0 0

By simply ignoring them, Theres not much you can do about what people say and think but you do have control over how you let it effect you.
Your doing your job as a mother very well by looking after your daughters children whilst she is having a difficult time, mums need to support their children no matter what they do.
One day she will see things in a better light and will have you to thank for the support you have given her.
Get on with your life, doing well what it is you do and ignore small minded, inconsiderate people.
Take care,

2007-09-01 06:59:35 · answer #5 · answered by mlud12000 4 · 1 0

You hold your head up high. What your daughter did is wrong, but she is the one that has to answer for what she has done. It is her name not yours, and you can not be held accountable for what someone else does. Thank you for taken in her children and raising them, it takes a good person to do that. As far as the people laughing about it, look they square in the eye," I sure hope nothing like this happens to you, and you find out that you don't have any friends, when you need them the most."

2007-09-01 07:03:51 · answer #6 · answered by LIPPIE 7 · 1 0

It sounds as though your daughter has alot of problems if she has hd to resort to prostitution and mugging people for money. She may be involved with drugs.
However these are your daughters problems not yours and as you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to be ashamed about. I appreciate how hard this is for you and the children.
If anyone tries to belittle you or the children hold your head high, If necessary tell them. Yes my daughter has problems but the rest of us are doing our best to get through this..
I do hope your daughter sees sense when she is out of prison.

2007-09-01 07:01:34 · answer #7 · answered by bri 7 · 3 0

First off, I am sorry that you are having this kind of ordeal, and praise you for taking care of your grandchildren.
As far as others in this world go, just ignore them. Your daughter is a grown woman and you are not responsible for her actions in any way. It's not your fault...you didn't raise her incorrectly and I am sure that had you known that she was doing such things, you would have done your best to help her before she got in trouble. Aside from that, she is your child and regardless of what trouble she gets into, you don't stop loving her.

Sounds to me like she committed crimes in order to make money to possibly support herself and her kids and probably too proud to come to you and say she needed financial help.
Most women that are "escorts" do it for that sole reason. It's not about harming someone, it's about surviving.

for those that give you grief: Tell them that your daughter made a bad decision, and it was unfortunate. Ask them how they would feel if it was their child going through hard times? In a couple of weeks, no one will remember what happened and they will move on to something else to gossip about.

2007-09-01 07:05:33 · answer #8 · answered by simmychick 4 · 2 1

People act that way because they feel the need to enjoy someone elses misery in order for them to feel not so miserable. Those people have dark souls and should be pitied. Next time you run in to someone like that just remember that they're using you to try and make themselves feel better. They must be at a pretty crappy place in their lives if they need to do this.

2007-09-01 07:01:58 · answer #9 · answered by santokieann 2 · 1 0

those people are not your concern. They are not the ones who are going to be there for you if you face some rough times. your daughter needs you more than ever and this is a rare opportunity for you to show her that you love her and give her an example of what a parent should do, so that hopefully she can straighten out and raise her children.

2007-09-01 06:58:00 · answer #10 · answered by shnugums 1 · 2 0

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