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Peace and Love

2007-08-31 22:36:35 · 12 answers · asked by digilook 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

2007-08-31 22:50:25 · update #1

12 answers

It is unfortunate that there is much misunderstanding and mistrust in the world. To Buddhists this is partly called "ignorance" because there is thus "ignorance" of others.

Mindfulness Practise involves becoming actively involved in reversing this trend or way of thinking. Mindfulness makes us aware.

The Practise starts with the Observers Stance, living each moment, savouring its experience whether "good" or "bad", noting these feelings associated with it and noting these feelings wane as the experience wanes.

We interact with others during these experiences...noting others..Observing them...actively Interacting with other folk then moving on to the next moment...this interaction forces us into Action in thought, word and deed...this is where Mindfulness comes into play...we must be Mindful that others are different, others have different ideas and values, others behave differently and are often un Mindful and often Selfish...

This "ignorance" must be dealt with in some way...in which way should it be dealt then..? We must be Wise, we must be Moral and we must be Mindful...

We should carefully guage our Actions so that there are no negative consequences of our Action...therefore we must remain harmless, we must be wise enough to realise that anything done against us causes consequence therefore we must try to neutralise these consequences, often these consequences can be thus neutralised by maintaining the Observer's Stance and by Not "picking up" the negative feelings arising from harm aimed at us..by Mindfulness then we become aware of other's motivations and our response can be quite valid in staying clear of the unwise..in the Lord Buddha's words.."by Associating with the Wise and purposefully Not Associating with the Unwise"..

This does not mean that we ignore the Unwise...rather we become more aware of these types of folk and more aware of their motivations in causing harm and so we avoid the negative consequence or Karma associated with them..this to me is better understanding, where we understand others better...we are thus harmless in our intentions towards harmful folk and wise in avoiding their Karma...

It is Mindfulness which guides our Actions towards harmlessness and Mindfulness which allows us to accept there are such harmful folk and that sometimes the wisest Action is to retreat and Observe from a distance...would you pitch a tent on an ant's nest to Observe ants or would you maintain distance in your Observation..? There is no real need to try to change another person...their motivations and Actions are their own as is their Karma...

Mutual understanding requires a willingness in both parties to thus enact understanding, to attempt friendship with another who refuses to exhibit such willingness would be Unwise..it would be wiser to be thus Mindful of such folk and to maintain unharmful intent towards them, yet remain approachable enough so that they do not feel threatened...a neutral Stance is thus required as opposed to a beligerant or a frightened one if you follow me...

Mutual Understanding is thus often not possible so that Neutral Action with subsequent Neutral Consequence is the only option...Wisdom through Mindfulness will dictate such Action to remain harmless and thus free of suffering for both parties...

We cannot always change the world all the time, yet we can change the possible outcomes of harmful intent by being thus harmless and mindfully wiser than those that are unwise and purposefully attempt harm and thus neutralise the inherent Karma generated by being the stop gap, as it were...let the wave of negative Karma wash against us and disspiate rather than rebound in further negative Karma...if you are willing...

Some thoughts on Mutual Understanding from...

A Buddhist...

2007-09-04 22:01:18 · answer #1 · answered by Gaz 5 · 0 0

i think if everyone didn't have a religion the world would be better off. then there would be no wars (or not many, because most wars are based on one side not believing the other's religion. which is really ridiculous and a waste of life.) and with that, i think we would have mutual understanding. but unfortunately it's all a theory and a dream with all of the extremists in every religion (the ones that also just so happened to get the most media attention).

2007-08-31 22:50:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Getting each and every person to accept ANY particular idea will, by definition, bring about "mutual understanding" of that thing. Regardless, history shows that attempts to get a group of people to all accept some kind of ideology has resulted in destruction for the people who weren't willing to buy it.

2007-08-31 22:43:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am not sure. Why can't we live in peace while we know we are different people, unique individuals with different beliefs and come from diverse background? Being different from each other is not a threat we will end by saying we are 'one' and we live happily ever after! The point is in acceptance, tolerance, love, undrestanding.


2007-08-31 23:32:12 · answer #4 · answered by daliaadel 5 · 0 0

Accepting won't do it.
You must know beyond any fear that we are all connected, are one, the all that is.
What that will bring, we can only suppose.
At the least, yes mutual understanding.
Could be the end of the world as we know it.
Maybe that is why people won't let it be known to them.

2007-08-31 22:45:30 · answer #5 · answered by Astro 5 · 0 0

No, far too many people have jealousy and greed in their hearts.

Someone always wants more power, more money, more material possesions.

Feel sorry for them for they cannot help themselves, it is from low self esteem which gives them the need to be superior by having something their neighbor does not.l

2007-08-31 22:46:28 · answer #6 · answered by Gravy B 5 · 0 0

You... Are My buddy. I even have entrusted you with My thoughts and products of My existence. You in return have finished the comparable... an issue shared is an issue halved. i won't be able to use the kinfolk well-known by way of fact it has already been used. I additionally see my destiny is brighter with you in it.

2016-10-19 21:20:41 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm holding hands with you now ,a singing that Coke song.
Teach the world to sing.

2007-08-31 22:49:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Unity does not equal uniformity

2007-08-31 22:42:27 · answer #9 · answered by ReliableLogic 5 · 1 0

Cannot accept a lie. This is not what Jesus taught.

2007-08-31 22:42:53 · answer #10 · answered by single eye 5 · 0 1

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