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Why do you buy Organic Food? It is really organic? Why do you believe it is best?

2007-08-31 21:29:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Environment Other - Environment

14 answers


The only real organic farming you can be sure of is if you do it yourself or personally know the people.

.The label Organic sells for more ,and some farmers will adopt the label to make more money.

Some think that not to use chemicals means

organic farming.

Chemicals is cheaper ,because one works with kilos ,pick up trucks and less labor

But real Organic signifies many tons of organic material ,compost ,mulch and so on..so bigger equipment is needed,tractors and trailers big trucks ,and more labor .

In theory pure Organic means no Harmful Chemicals ,no Pesticides ,herbicides or fertilizers ,

But when faced with a plague it is easy to reach for an emergency method ,

And people that set out on Organic Farming face these problems especially in the beginning,

Because Organic pest control,.
takes time to set up and running,such as producing wasps to combat caterpillars ,breed Chooks ,Silkeys or Bantams(for running or hopping pests) get them living as a component within the concept ,with their shelters etc .
or encouraging birds to eat caterpillars
the potions made from tobacco ,Lavendal,Chilli,etc are a lot quicker.

The production of sufficient compost or to grow for mulch also takes time.

All in all a 100 % Organic situation may take a few years before it is established .

So instant Organic farming is not possible and the change over takes time .

During which time even the best intended person can stoop to half truths.

As to why Organic is better
for the consumer it is of course much healthier.
no nasty chemical to have sterile babies from and a whole range of possible health hazards

For the soil it is much better because the soils gain in quality instead of tiring it out or polluting it

But is is a lot more work . So it takes enthusiast ,a demanding Market and energy to make it happen .

the Acient agricultural method were Organic because there was nothing else ,and some of this farming has proved to be sustainable after even a thousand years
such as the Inca teraces or the Aztec Chinampas

Modern farming is about cutting costs ,and with less and less labor ,and we are paying the price for that ,
with desertification and a range of illnesses loss of land ,loss of water ,and loss of soil

In Mexico are many examples of sustainable ancient farming ,but the Mexican farmer is very hard headed about taking advice from mere natives
Their invading culture wiped all Native memories of the board including the agriculture

And on top of that It has been and is the Government who is peddling the chemicals as well as high bred seeds to addict the farmer to these products and then control them and profit from them .

in 100 years thousands of species of local seeds have been systematically destroyed .
Everybody must start to produce their own seeds again and preserve indigenous ones that are still around ,because they are hardier and more disease resistant ,even though they may not look as pretty on the shelf -

2007-09-02 20:17:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Some organic products are a lot better for you than non organic and the use of fewer pesticides and artificial fertilizers is better for the environment. Organic milk for example doesn't have all the hormones and antibiotics. A lot of organic produce, though, is just the same as regular produce, but more expensive. The only way to tell is to check information on the farm or company selling the produce, the name should be on the sticker or label.

There is one big problem with organic food. Growing organically takes usually 30-50% more land to get the same amount of food. This is because pesticides and fertilizers that are antural tend to be less effective than artificial ones. If we were to switch the entire population over to organic that would mean that either much more natural land would have to be destroyed to open it up for farms, which would damage a lot of very sensitive areas, such as rainforests, wetlands, etc; or the population of the planet would have to go down; or everybody would have to become vegetarian since it requires much less farm land. With the current system and techniques for organic growing, feeding more than about 5 billion would be impossible. And as the climate changes and desertfication increases that number will go down.

2007-09-01 01:12:06 · answer #2 · answered by ahoff 2 · 1 1

Great question. I have always prioritized buying certain organic products,such as milk, especially in the winter when the cost of organic food is much higher than conventional. We also have a great list on Care2 of thetop 10 foods that are the most important to eat organically, which shows you when you should splurge and when it might be less urgent. But two new studies just came out that make me want to recommend that we all spend the extra money to eat organic food whenever we can. One shows that organic food is better for the heart, and the other that women who used pesticides in their early pregnancies had a higher rate of gestational diabetes, suggesting that pesticides affect glucose metabolism. And, of course, organic farms are far and away the most caretaking of the environment--everything we can do to support them the better.
I will give you the link to this article and a organic delivery service so you can get some ideas on what is out there.

2007-09-01 11:09:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I guess because we have this feeling that it's freshy and supposed to be healthy. It doesn't matter really, like organic vegetables are healthy, why so are normal veggies.. so why pay more for something the same? Other than organic brands on some types of foods [not a produce] we buy Organic milk.. because I was taught in cooking class that cows where all put in rooms and didn't have space..slaughtered or forced to give milk, often fed by the blood of their fellow cows. **** those business corps and their silly $ ideas and heartless heads.. Organic milk is from farms, [ that treat cows WAYY better than these big companies ] and a different taste too.. I feel satisfied to know that my milk came from a happy cow, who's happy, if not, SUPPOSED TO BE!!

Ahh i really dont know if organic foods are really better on some.. but the tastes are different =)

2007-08-31 21:37:47 · answer #4 · answered by Mimí..ツ 5 · 1 1

Depends on what you consider organic. What the governmetn consider organic, does not meet the standard of the average citizens, anymore. THe rule has been loosened in the last year or so. MOst organic farms come from factories, and now packages organic foods can use some nonorganic ingredients. PS Soy products and some other vegetables now contains a small amount of genetically modified products. Some farm products is known to contain some contamination from GM>

2007-08-31 23:29:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Belladonna, Yes, organic produce is MUCH better for you and for the environment than produce that is grown on farms that use chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides is.
Organic fertilizer is natural and can be used by the soil to feed the soil. The soil in turn, feeds the plants. The result is a fruit or vegetable that has more nutrition in it.
Chemical fertilizer has limited nutrients in it, so it cannot feed the soil, the soil dies, produce has less nutrition, and it has some of the chemicals used in it. We wind up eating those chemicals in the produce.

For a farm to become organic, it must not use the chemicals on the produce for seven years. Then the state qualifies them as an organic farm.

I do believe that organic produce is the best by a very large margin.

2007-08-31 21:59:50 · answer #6 · answered by Jeanne B 7 · 1 0

If it says it's organic on the label or sticker, it HAS to be organic. I WOULD buy organic products, but they are more expensive and I simply can't afford them, unfortunately. Organic is definitely better for you though. For instance - organic apples are grown without any chemical pesticides or herbicides and they aren't gassed to make them ripen quicker, therefore, they are better for you... no chemicals to wreak havoc on your body. The same goes for anything organic. The ingredients used in organic breads are grown without chemical pesticides and herbicides. Organic clothing comes from cotton grown the same way. There are no fillers, additives, chemically produced sugars, preservatives, etc., that leave you with cravings for more when you already ate plenty. All of those things are present in non organic foods and those things are why we gain weight and suffer all of the problems that go along with it (diabetes, heart disease...). Next time you buy a loaf of bread, read the label. One of the first things you'll see is high fructose corn syrup or something similar. That's a man made sweetener that will leave you with cravings for more. If I could buy a farm and raise my own food, I would be very happy, thinner and healthier.

2007-08-31 21:48:10 · answer #7 · answered by ♪♪BandMom♪♪ 5 · 2 0

Organic is healthier whether it’s naturally grown or naturally made into another product. Organic can be in anything from food to makeup too even house cleaning supplies. And it’s better for you. I despise cleaning the house using chemical cleaners because it gives me a headache and it just smells bad, but when i use natural cleaners that don’t have chemicals you can just smell the freshness of the products and it makes cleaning a little better(still not fun of course). Also there are people out there who can’t wear makeup because of the chemicals in the products, there are natural products out there that not only look better but don’t cause break outs or irritation of the skin. Another thing is that so many people buy supplements for when they are working out and it harms there body, slowly but surely, but there are naturally organic products that help you not ‘grow muscle’ but keep you going for longer so you can build yourself up the ‘natural way’. Organic can be in everything, it just can be hard too find the products that are TRULY organic and not PARTIALLY organic, because partially natural does not make it organic. That is why i sell products online that are all natural, because it is not only better for you but also keeps you going more than any store bought products can. And i use them myself for that same purpose, too keep me going. You can find these products at http://bitzandpieces.mychoices.biz

2014-02-17 07:28:26 · answer #8 · answered by Jack Bonsos 1 · 0 0

Organic isnt always greener...when you look at the fact that you are buying organic, but it was grown in Europe or somewhere overseas. All the fuel is being pumped into the environment to bring it over here. So I try to buy local over organic if both options arent available.

2016-04-02 10:19:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Is Organic REALLY Organic?"

Only if it's certified organic.

"Do you buy it?"


"Why is it better?"

1) Usually tastes better.
2) Better for you.
3) Better for the environment.

2007-08-31 21:34:45 · answer #10 · answered by The Man In The Box 6 · 4 0