Huh - what was her problem? that you were reading her book, or the possibility that you might understand it better than her?
You have a right to read any and every book you want = and you should.
2007-08-31 20:13:29
answer #1
answered by Cheese Fairy - Mummified 7
Well I can see where you are coming from and where she is coming from, I don't condone her behavior at all. When you are in a group home, ppl don't have very much family or friends that truly love them. It's sad but it's the truth. She is holding on to what she has and a book or a magazine or anything can be like gold to her. I would just simply apologize and move on. Ask her next time in a nice manner next time you don't want anyone reading or touching your stuff please put it away.
I would also speak with whom ever is in charge and explain the situation to her.
It has nothing to do with reading or your ability to read those types of books, its a social matter that does need to be addressed. Meanwhile read all that you can, and keep going to school. This way you will get a good education and your life will flourish. One day you will have your own family and I would raise them to be respectful and love them so that life will be great and yours too.
Foster care has different ppl coming and going, just do what is right and be the bigger person. Don't let this matter bring you down. It's her problem not yours. So go ahead read, that's what is going to take you somewhere some day.
2007-09-01 03:35:16
answer #2
answered by orangie 5
I think she overreacted. Maybe she was having a bad day or something and let it out on you. Dont' get too upset about it. I don't think you did anything wrong; it's not like you were damaging or tossing the book. I would just apologize and tell her you thought it was your foster aunt's book and you were curious about it. And you can tell her not to leave her stuff around if she doesn't want anybody getting near it. I'm sure she'll realize she overreacted once she cools down.
2007-09-01 03:20:45
answer #3
answered by Melissa 6
I think your entire foster family really had issues from what you have said. They treated you horribly. Some people should NOT be permitted to be foster parents. Shame on the state for even allowing them to have children in their care.
2007-09-01 11:59:01
answer #4
answered by Patti C 7
She was jealous of you and the fact that you were probably smarter than her! The same thing happened to me in 7th grade on the bus ride home. My friend saw me reading the 8th grade book and got very mad and made a scene. (I was in the advanced language arts class and they just gave us 8th grade reading material.) Anyway, I asked her later why she was mad and she said, "Because you are smarter than me." to which I replied, "Yeh but, you have nicer hair than me." And then everything was fine again. Your foster cousin was just immature and a little bit jealous.
2007-09-01 03:20:40
answer #5
answered by cat 4
How rude and selfish can anyone get? Maybe if you had been smaller, we could understand, but 15yrs old. She was acting as though you were a child,even then this would not have been an apporpiate way to any situation, I would ask her what was the deal? maybe she was hiding something?
who knows?? ! People who treats others badly usually gets paid back .I would say just pray for her and hope she will learn how to treat her fellowman.
2007-09-01 03:31:32
answer #6
Sounds like she had a controlling issue. Could it be that she had been around a lot longer than you and felt that you had no business touching her stuff. Sometimes when your around individuals that never had a sense of belonging, they have to protect whatever is theirs. This at time could be insecurity. Talk to her about and see if you get a sense of where she is coming from. Sometimes it just a matter of opening up to the right person.
Be a big sister.
2007-09-01 03:20:41
answer #7
answered by Lady B 2
seems like your foster cousin doesn't really respect and think much of you. better just stay of her way
2007-09-01 03:21:08
answer #8
answered by THE GOOD NIGHT 6
That person is a cruel a hole.
2007-09-01 08:17:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
answer back and tell her that. she made you feel bad so make her feel bad too. sometimes you have to do it..
2007-09-01 03:22:02
answer #10
answered by maxwell g 2