This is impossible. If you believe the doctrine your church teaches is true, then if another church teaches a doctrine that contradicts it, then you must believe they are teaching a false doctrine.
Various churches today teach things that contradict each other, therefore, they cannot truly believe their own doctrine and believe the other churches' opposing doctrine at the same time. Therefore, they cannot believe all churches are equal, because their doctrine is not equal.
2007-09-02 09:27:26
answer #1
answered by JoeBama 7
Most are basically the same with some small differences but there are a few religions that are a lifestyle not just the church you go to. I am a Seventh Day Adventist, we believe right from what the Bible says and so it is a different lifestyle it changes how we live and eat and things like that. Catholics are a lifestyle somewhat too but not as strict in the same areas as well as the Judaism. Which has vering degrees of strictness, and more like the Adventist. I don't think that the mainstream religions like Baptist, Methodist, Church of Christ, and that sort really feel like one is worse or better then another. The lifestyle religions I think are more likely to feel that the other ones are missing something.
Hope that helps. I also hope I didn't offend anyone. I would hate to do that. I believe that God's People are everywhere, in many other religions, and I believe that "God's people" are always searching to know God better, that is what makes them God's people no matter what religion they are in.
2007-08-31 17:14:22
answer #2
answered by Ddvanyway 4
Are all mainstream Christian religions, here in America, considered equal by other mainstream Christians? It is difficult to answer for all mainstream Christian groups. As a Catholic I can say this...
For me the pinnacle of worship is sacrifice; for Catholics this Sacrifice is epitomized in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where the Bread and the Wine cease to be ordinary bread and wine and transubstantiates (becomes something else without changing appearance) into the actual Body and Blood of Christ. How? Simple, Jesus is God in the Second Person of the Holy Trinity and He said it: "This is my Body, this is my Blood... Do this in remembrance of Me..." I believe Jesus is God therefore I believe what God says is... Truth.
So for me if one is not participating in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in his religious service then he is not in full communion with the Church that Christ established. I am not saying that I am "Saved" and that others are "condemned" for the authority to judge and condemn has not been conferred to me by Divine Right. All that I am saying is that for Catholics the ordinary means for Salvation is a Sacramental life culminating in receiving the Body and Blood of Christ at least once a year.
Like all informed Catholics I realize that God would that ALL Mankind be saved therefore God, in His Wisdom, employees extraordinary means to save those who are not in full communion with His Church.
2007-09-01 03:05:23
answer #3
answered by H 7
By and large, yes. The difference between different types of evangelical Christian churches are the types of worship, the nature of the sermons, the "props"... things that in the grand scheme of things are a matter of personal preference. The main thing is the central focus on Jesus Christ as savior for the sins of the world. Everything else is, again, a matter of personal preference.
2007-08-31 17:26:31
answer #4
answered by ready4sea 4
I personally do. I don't think being a Christian is the name over the door but the relationship we have with Christ our Lord. And that can be in any denomination.
I have been struck down by this statement but I stand firm in my belief. Only God knows what is in our hearts.
2007-08-31 19:02:22
answer #5
answered by gabeymac♥ 5
Depends on the definiton of "mainstream" in the term, "mainstream Christianity"....
One group may feel that they're mainstream, and others will reject.... (I'm sure you can think of at least ONE example!! ;)
2007-09-01 17:04:50
answer #6
answered by Yoda's Duck 6
The fact that the expression "mainstream Christian" is widely understood should give you your answer.
2007-08-31 17:06:14
answer #7
answered by Voyager 4