Anyone else think this is really annoying? It's just a divisive term used mostly by other Christians for those who don't agree with their exact beliefs or someone they think is not mistaken in their actions. People can be a Christian (believe Jesus is the son of God and try to live their life for Him) and have all kinds of differing beliefs and they sometimes don't act in a "Christian" way.
Not to say all those beliefs or actions are correct or should be accepted, but just because someone believes something that doesn't line up with your doctrine or just because they say or do some things that are not Christian-like does not invalidate their Christianity.
Christians should do their best to present Christ to the world, but people make mistakes and misunderstand things, so who are we to tell someone they are not a "real" Christian?
I will acknowledge someone has a Christian, but I will inform them in a loving manner if I believe they are not presenting Christ well.
43 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
John M, you should say something, but instead of name calling, explain to them why they are incorrect.
16:18:45 ·
update #1
I don't consider someone who is struggling with sin not to be a "real" Christian. If that is true, than I and every other Christian I know is not a real Christian.
16:25:07 ·
update #2
budleit2, read the 2nd part of the definition of Christian. Your father does not fall under that definition. Many can call themselves Christians and not be saved, but I am referring to those who apply to both parts of the definition.
16:29:29 ·
update #3
Some of you seem to jumping to conclusions about what I am saying, please read the details carefully before answering.
16:32:33 ·
update #4
I understand what many of you are saying, we should not try to be politically correct (if you've seen any of my answers, you know I am far from pc) but our goal is to correct these Christians in a manner that will cause them to see they are misled. There ARE real and true Christians, and there ARE people who call themselves Christian who are obviously not, I don't deny that, but to TELL them verbatim they are not a real Christian only creates dissension and causes them to go on the defense. Correct in a civil and educated manner, no one is gonna be won over by you telling them they are not a true Christian.
16:52:27 ·
update #5
Charburker, I would like to defend myself against your argument, but I'm not sure what you are talking about. You are clearly insulting me and think I have some type of "agenda", could you clarify what you mean?
16:59:10 ·
update #6
Starbrite, as difficult as it may be to accept. There are genuine Christians and pseudo Christians the same as there are real diamonds and fake ones, genuine pearls and simulated pearls, real currency and counterfeit currency, real
doctors and bogus doctors, etc., etc. To be identified as real,
genuine, or true there are strict standards to be met, requirements to be lived up to. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ tells us that not all who bear the name of "Christian" are really disciples of his at Matthew 7:21 - 23: "Not everyone saying to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one DOING THE WILL of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name and perform many powerful works in your name?' And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness."
The identifying marks of "true" Christians are set forth in the Holy Scriptures. One of the most outstanding being love for
one another that would be evident. John 13:35 says, "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." ( this leaves no allowance for going to war and killing our neighbors/brothers) Their religion is a way of life not simply a set of teachings or performance of rituals as attested to in Acts !9:9 & 23; 1 Corinthians 11:1. Followers of Christ (Christians) would put aside the works of the flesh, & manifest the fruits of the spirit spoken of at Ephesians chap 4 verses 17 & 19 - 24. They would have no divisions among themselves, they would be a worldwide brotherhood with no sects, First Corinthians 1:10, John 10:16. They would be faithful witnesses as "imitators" of Jesus Christ their Savior; Revelation chap1 verse 5. and they would glorify the father according to Romans :15:5,6 and make his name known John 17:6, John 12:28 and Isaiah 12:4,5
2007-08-31 17:30:40
answer #1
answered by lover of truth 2
An excellent post. I couldn't agree with you more - though the REAL Chri... wait a minute, no, the true Christia... no, no, the... ;-) I appreciate the diplomacy you used in asking this question.
May I call you a "good" Christian? You seem to love Jesus well and spreading anyone's words of love and peace (without insisting the other share your religious belief) is a plus in my book.
Now will Christians stop calling atheists faithful? *Wink*
EDIT: Wow, looking at some of the answers above me is a bit scary - you're right, everyone seems to have the same excuse: "But Jesus SAID"; "This is the way Christianity is. MY way. It says so in the Bible!" There are some truly wonderful Christians here; I am sorry to see they have to deal with such divisiveness amongst others of the same faith. Far too many people quote only the passages that put them in a good light and conveniently 'forget' the others.
Sorry you have to deal with all of this - but there are lots of good 'uns too!
2007-08-31 16:34:26
answer #2
answered by Thrice-Baked the Third 2
There are so many people out there who claim to be Christian but really aren't. You have to do more than say you are. You have to know what the basics of Christian faith and belief are. You have to actually put Christ's words into practice in your daily life. I personally know some people who go to church every Sunday, say the approved prayers, and honestly think that this alone is going to buy them a seat in heaven. Really. I'm not kidding. Unless they actually repent, and live the faith, they are in for a rude awakening.
This is no place for feel-good, lets-all-just-get-along "political correctness". People's souls are at stake here. People need to hear the truth, as uncomfortable as it may sound
I am not saying that you should always tell all these people bluntly that they are not real Christians - all correction and instruction should be done in the proper spirit. But people need to hear it just the same. Some people need to be reminded from time to time (me too - I'm not perfect either) in a manner that is not harsh or condescending. We are all at different levels of our spirituality.
2007-08-31 16:37:35
answer #3
answered by the phantom 6
I don't mind that people define what a Christian is; as many have pointed out here, it's pretty clearly laid out in the Bible.
What I do mind is the assumption by some that they know exactly what another's relationship to Christ is, based only upon their denomination. Unfortunately, that's how the term "true/real Christian" is most often employed -- to accuse someone of being the opposite.
2007-08-31 16:33:34
answer #4
answered by Clare † 5
no because a" true" or "real "Christian walks in the spirit for the most part and is displaying the Fruit of the Spirit. I use to call myself Christian because I believed in god and Christ but I was doing my own will, I was an alcoholic, a drug user and had an abortion all the while believing in Christ. a true or real Christian has RECEIVE him they do more than believe they put their faith in action...Faith without works is dead. Besides people of all kinds of groups like the KKK for one call themselves Christians, but they are not walking in Love as Jesus said you will be able to tell if a person is TRULY HIS DISCIPLE.. last word, Jesus said " not everyone who calls Lord Lord will see t he kingdom, but only those who do the will of the Father" Not at all saying that once a person gives their life to Christ that they become perfect, but there will be evidence by their behavior. Peace.
2007-08-31 16:42:05
answer #5
answered by candi_k7 5
Christians NEED to use such terms like 'true christians' or 'real christians', so they don't need to address the BIG ickie things that 'some christians' do do. If they actually would have to acknowledge such people they would have to enact the teaching of 'Jesus'---that is IF they are really followers of "Jesus' rather than Christian.
Mat 7:16-20 A good tree cannot bear evil fruit, a tree that bears evil fruit is to be cut down and burnt
One is NOT supposed to 'PRUNE' like the protesting daughters did with Catholism.
2007-08-31 16:33:06
answer #6
answered by Lion Jester 5
Well, here's where I would use one of those terms - for someone who claims the name Christian but who preaches or teaches false doctrine. I'm not talking about disputable matters like whether or not you eat pork or whether your Sabbath is one day of the week over another or if your women wear dresses vs. pants. I am talking about things like that Fred Phelps guy who claims to be a follower and preacher of Christ who spreads lies and slander about who Jesus Christ is and what His feelings are towards sinners. If someone is taking Christ's name in vain or profaning His name by false teaching, yes, I will name it the false doctrine that it is.
I do agree with your general premise, though, that we should reserve the use of these terms for very specific behaviors and inform people in a loving manner when we believe they are not presenting Christ well.
2007-08-31 16:34:51
answer #7
answered by adoptive mom 4
i agree with Jhon M.
however the most of the time that i see this terminology used it is people defending their previous crimes.
Crusades...not real Christians.
witch burning....not real Christians..
it is a simple cop out for what the organized church has done in the past. i would rather someone say...
Yeah we did that, everyone makes mistakes. but now we are trying to move past that.
for example. I am a Celtic Pagan that prizes peace. the Celts were known to hunt the heads of their enemies. i do not say that they were not true celts. i say that what i do is preserve the things that they had that was of spiritual or social value. and explain to people what customs led to headhunting, and the use of the death penalty in celtic society. in many cases it can be equated to any modern war.
as can the Christian crimes against humanity. what bothers me is that they will not take responsibility for them. that they actually seem to be in a state of denial that these things never happened, or that their church and religion did not do them.
2007-08-31 16:32:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I wish I could agree with you. It would be wonderful to know that all who claim Christianity actually know what it is they are claiming. There are so many out there that are just Sunday (maybe) and Holiday Church going or praying Christians. They don't really know why it is that they believe. another point would be that there are some on this site who perpetrate being a Christian and then use the harsh and sometimes despicable language. I don't point the finger at any individual, but I sometimes say "true Christians" just to catch the attention of someone who might see it and look to see what I mean. If they are insulted, then don't you think that possibley, they may have reason to be? Maybe it will make them reflect and be convicted and learn what it is they say they are. There is only one truth, that is the BIBLE. Any denomination that teaches contrary to the Bible is not a "true Christian" denomination. They are then doing exactly what God told us not to do. Add or Omit to serve the desire of man, not of God's will. The list is long of those who claim Christianity, Catholic, Baptist, J.W., Mormon, Methodist, Lutheran, Episcapol, non-denominational, these are the most common, but there are others that spin off. Why do you suppose any of them spin off? Why do you suppose there are so many denominations in the first place? Somewhere, someone decided to twist it up to suit their particular opinion, not God's will. That is not to say that any person from any of the listed denominations are not "true Christians", becasue I am sure there will be a variety of denominations who meet Christ, but only becasue they really love Jesus and lLEARNED that they need a personal relationship with him and not just a ritualistic list of things to do. Being a Christian is more than going to church on Sunday and saying a meaningless prayer when you eat. You must live it! You must pick up your cross and follow in Jesus' footsteps as a way of life, submitting to his will, not your own, and surely not anyone else.
I am glad to hear that when the occassion arises that you feel the need to approach someone that you do it in a loving manner, there is far to much hateful and rudeness coming out of those that call themselves Christians. How would they expect to plant a seed for Christ by showing the opposite of what Christ Jesus taught us?
God bless and forgive me, but I figure that if someone is insulted by my general use of the term "true Christian", maybe there is reason and maybe they need to ask God to search their heart and convict them so that they can be "true Christians".
2007-08-31 16:32:33
answer #9
answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7
Nope. No can do. I love the Lord too much.
When I see fundamentalists pushing themselves on the world as the only Christians around, I have to say something. Calling themselves Christians doesn't make them so, any more than a thorn bush calling itself a fig tree makes it one, as Jesus himself put it.
Jesus was all about loving one another and accepting people, even people who were his doctrinal "enemies" like the Samaritans. When the fundamentalists show up with their bigotry and intolerance and willful ignorance and hatred, calling themselves "Christians," and telling the world that they are the preeminent Christians, I have to say: Sorry. No can do.
One of the basic Quaker tenants is "Speak the Truth."
2007-08-31 16:17:13
answer #10
answered by Acorn 7