There are 7 Ages, each age is represented by 1 Seal, therefore the seven seals. The 4 horsemen represent the first 4 ages, since they have long been over, Jesus does not tell us much about them in His first prophecies Revelation, chapters 1 through 11. The Bible refers to the first 4 ages as A TIME.
Human life did not start until the 2nd Age. In The first age God said lets us make man in our image after our likeness, but in Genesis 1:27 God said He created them male and female, not man and woman.
Jesus spends more time on the 5th age and the 6th age, because it was the beginning of the first little season of the 7th Season of Rest for the 5th Age, and beginning the first little season, of the first Season (labor) for the 6th age. The bible refers to the 5th and 6th age as TIMES because there are two of them, each having 49 little season each, or 7 Seasons each. The Bible also refers to a little season as 1 generation. 1 generation in the 5th and 6th age = 40 years.
Another way Jesus distinguishes the ages is the 5th age is the time of the Jews, and the TRIBULATION, and the 6th age is the time of the Gentiles, the GREAT TRIBULATION, the time of the fig tree. For the 6th age the season of rest was from 1680 AD to 1960 AD (280 years). For the 5th age this
0 AD to 280 AD.
The 7th Age is only a HALF of Age (980 years). It is the time of the unbelievers. The Bible refers to this as a HALF-A-TIME.
The Rapture as christian call it will take place in the year 2800 AD, after the the seventh trumpet has been sounded the rapture will happen, then comes the 7 utterances, one will be spoken every 20 years until the end of days, in the year 2940.
We are at this moment living Revelation 8:5 everything before Revelation 8:5 has already happened. We are also at this time living in Revelation 17:18. The second trumpet will not sound until the year 2100 AD
Revelation 12 through 22 is the same story as in Revelation 1 through 11, but Revelation 12 starts at the very beginning of human life (The land of Nod, 2nd age, and the Garden of Eden, 3rd age, the time of Noah was the 4th age) and goes to the end as Revelation 11 does.
2007-09-02 17:17:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Book of Revelations is highly figurative. It is not so much to be taken literally as understood as a work of prophetic literature, with rich symbolism and metaphors.
I have read it for many years, and agree with you that the Four Horsemen are not four guys on horseback that show up one day on the evening news, let's say...rather, they represent four periods of history....the empires that flourished in those periods, for example.
To understand the Book of Revelations better, you have to read the Old Testament prophets, such as Daniel, Ezekiel, etc.
The curious thing is how many intepretations are out there in the public domain. For example, the Whore of Babylon is widely believed by Protestants to be the Catholic Church. Catholics of course disagree with that.
It is a fascinating subject, and unlike mathematics, there is no one answer and there is no one expert to tell us all what it means and that's that. We have to weigh out all the information and think for ourselves.
2007-08-31 15:15:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
it could be. we have to keep our eyes wide open these days. I have no doubts that the Lord will be back for his people very soon. I'm not against Obama because he is black, as some people like to think. I do not trust him and there is just something evil about him that I can't explain. his wife just has a look of pure hatred on her face every time I see her. people get ready. it's going to be a bumpy ride.
2016-05-18 03:03:48
answer #3
answered by ? 3
The 1st white horse is not speaking of Jesus (which I erroniously taught years ago)-but is representing an unparalled time of world peace-a false peace,short lived ushered in by a series of false messiahs, culminating with the anticrist whose bow is a symbol of war but the absence of arows implies that this victory is a bloodless one-peace won by agreement and the crown (see ch.6 vs 1-vs8 Revelations of the 4 horsemen of the apocolypse)-is the antichrist becoming king elected by the wsorld's inhabitant regardess of the cost, and will conquer the entire earth in a bloodless coup.
All of this occures with the opening of the first seal.
2nd seal-conflict on earth-this a fiery red horse and it was grandted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and the people should kill one another and there was given to him a great sword.
3rd seal-scarcity on earth-a black horse and the one who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand-world wide war brings destruction of food supply spawning global hunger-the scales indicate the scacity of food leading to rationing and food lines.A qt of wheat sustains one person for one day only-barley,usually fed to horses takes a day's wages and is enough only for a small family's daily supply. seal-widespread death on earth. The pale horse and the name of him who sat on it was Death and Hades followed with him and the power was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword,with hunger,with death, and by the beasts of the earth.
All of these things take place during the last half of the 7 years of Tribulation and are recorded in Revelations ch. 6 thru ch. 18.
2007-08-31 15:34:46
answer #4
answered by marlynembrindle 5
Rapture shall cometh to pass upon the sullied wings of unholy madness! Bereft will be the souls that forgo their Father as delectation eternal awaits his faithful and terrifically dull sheep.
2007-08-31 15:22:06
answer #5
answered by Dog 4
White one Antichrist (Person
Red one war (Not a person
Black one famine (not a person)
Pale one hell and Judgment (Armageddon)
2007-08-31 15:12:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Lo, and it shall be in those days that the children of man shall forget their grammar and gibber incomprehensibly as illiterates do.
2007-08-31 15:27:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
it was just a dream not a revelation good luck!
might as well say Larry Moe Curly and Shemp!
2007-08-31 15:11:01
answer #8
answered by dogpatch USA 7
I always thought the white one was Jesus. =(
There are many many more horsemen than that, I assure you.
2007-08-31 15:10:23
answer #9
answered by Somewhat Enlightened, the Parrot of Truth 7
It won't. The whole business is silly fiction.
2007-08-31 15:12:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous