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God created us, he knew exactly what would happen, he knew Adam would bring sin into the world, before he created the world.

It's not free will if you give someone a temptation that they cannot resist.

2007-08-31 14:21:26 · 30 answers · asked by Daisy Indigo 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Actually we do not have a choice. No amount of free will can make us free from sin. According to the Bible, even Christ himself was not good, only God is good.

2007-08-31 14:42:36 · update #1

30 answers

Yes, God knew Adam would sin and He provided a way out, Jesus.

2007-08-31 14:33:08 · answer #1 · answered by Gem 5 · 1 1

He wasn't giving Adam Sin he was giving Adam free will. He could have not done so and then we would all be dancing around in heaven right now I guess. There was chaos, God made it into something orderly and gave human's free will to take care of it and each other.

It is too free will. There is no such thing as God creating something that a person can't resist, otherwise that story would not even exist. Chaos creates temptation, God tries to make order out of chaos and humans have free will.

2007-08-31 21:26:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Have you ever been angry enough to kill somebody ? But knowing the outcome,you decided that It wouldn't be a wise choice. That's when YOU make the choice to exercise you're FREE WILL.....Same thing with Adam & Eve. Adam was put In the garden FIRST,then God made Eve from Adam's rib. I'm quite sure Adam wasn't gone on a bathroom break while Eve was being tempted,beguiled or bewitched by the serpent. He was standing right beside her...listening and watching. We are ALL given the freedom to choose. What ever choice you make will definately decide your fate. But we're never tempted above what we're unable to bear....Adam did lose man's dominion to satan.That's when God sent Jesus to restore man's rightful dominion on earth. We can bring suffering upon ourselves with foolish choices..and pay the price as well..........

2007-08-31 22:01:01 · answer #3 · answered by Isabella 6 · 0 0

Ok, the question I just answered was to the same question, without the sexist slighting.
Here goes....
First, I'm an Atheist, agnostic, whatever...I do not believe in God.
Second, now having a third person's point of view, let's just say we WERE created by God. It would be my interpretation that He did NOT know what was going to happen, but rather, hoped...I mean, really hoped, that his free-willed creations wouldn't let him down.
The entire world was their oyster, and they only had onnnnnne little stipulation....stay away from the forbidden fruit. Enter Satan, whom I also don't believe in, cause I can't....the temptation begins.....and ADAM brought sin into our world?
Curse those Sunday school teachers, that taught me that it was EVE that disobeyed God. And, EVE that took it upon herself to corrupt the simple minded(and very afraid, I might add) Adam.
And, I was also taught, that, "...on the sixth day, God created man...." then rested.

I love these debates...they are very good food for thought.

2007-08-31 21:43:41 · answer #4 · answered by imrt70 6 · 0 1

Thank you for this laughable notion that is now brought to my attention. Why should I suffer because of what Adam and Eve did thousands of years ago? Why should I pray to Jesus Christ? Because he died for our sins? If it wasn't for God, according to Christianity, there would be no sin. Think about it. There would also be no Hell. If I told you that I could create you but there is a good chance that you will burn in Hell of all eternity or that I could not create you at all...what would you choose? I would choose to have never been brought into existence. It's all crap and I feel trapped by the billions of people that I must share this world with who actually buy into this garbage.

2007-08-31 21:34:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

James 1:13 says “When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.”

God’s intelligent creations were lovingly created with free will. God did not want robots to serve him, but wanted obedient creations to serve him out of love. This was the case with Adam and Eve. Clearly God’s foreknowledge of the future is selective and discretionary as is his other attributes such as power, consistent with His will and purpose. An example is when Abraham went to the point of attempting to sacrifice Isaac, Jehovah said, “For now I do know that you are God-fearing in that you have not withheld your son, your only one, from me.” (Gen. 22:11-12)

The Bible tells us that “God is Love”. Logically, a loving God would not put a temptation in front of someone knowing they would not be able to turn aside from it. What many people seem to forget about Adam and Eve is that they were not like us, they were not imperfect with a tendency to do wrong like we have. They were perfect which means their disobedience to God was not a mistake like we make; it was a choice of rebellion against God, questioning His right to tell them right from wrong.

Likewise, many of the perfect angels rebelled and joined Satan in this issue of Jehovah God’s right to rule. Those angels had been sons of God for untold ages, perhaps billions of years, each with free will, and they too exercised that free will in a wicked way. Fortunately, the majority of the angels chose to remain on God’s side.

Like Adam and Eve, we too have a choice. The invitations and opportunities to receive benefits and blessings set before all men by God are found throughout the Bible God sincerely urges people to turn to serving Him and could not do this if he foreknew their individual destinies. Likewise, he did not choose to foresee Adam and Eve’s rebellion when providing them the test in the Garden of Eden.

2007-08-31 22:06:13 · answer #6 · answered by Learn about the one true god 1 · 0 0

Suffering is a universal condition, as is the desire to be free from suffering. Nor is man the only sentient life form that suffers and desires freedom from suffering.

Freedom from suffering can be attained, but most religions and mythologies prevent us from recognizing or taking responsibility for the true causes of suffering. We each have the capacity to transcend suffering, no Gods required.

But if the whole God thing works for you, and you truly suffer less because of it, then good for you. Stay with what works for you.

2007-08-31 21:34:14 · answer #7 · answered by buddhamonkeyboy 4 · 1 0

Yeah, it's like putting a couple of hungry toddlers in a room with a yummy treat and saying "Don't touch this or you'll die". It's not difficult to predict the outcome.

It would have prevented a lot of problems if Adam & Eve had left the fruit alone and ate the serpent.

2007-08-31 21:30:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

not even close.
Adam and Eve had hundreds of trees to eat. One they could not.
God wanted mankind to love based on free will, not on fear. If there was no choice, then mankind would have been as robots.
So, the choice was eat the fruit that God wanted, or go after the tree they were not permitted.
And mankind has been chasing that forbidden fruit ever since. God still allows that, even when that is not the right choice.

Ask yourself why mankind continues to seek after things they are forbidden, illegal drugs, underage drinking, DWI's, etc., and you will see why mankind can never improve its lifestyle while breaking laws humans create.
Without God, that is.

2007-08-31 21:29:00 · answer #9 · answered by n9wff 6 · 1 1

Adam coulda' resisted it and Cast that devil out of the Garden.

If Adam would'a done that, Even After Eve had blown-it, Eve Could have been RESTORED.

It is a Great Love Story, Adam Thought he was Losing his Wife.

2007-08-31 21:30:25 · answer #10 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 1 0

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