Please read Ezekiel 28:11-19 and Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7
2007-08-31 13:30:20
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
There is no reference to suggest the devil was an angel. Lucifer was an angel but he was a seperate entity. His fall from grace was to sample the things of the earthly world. Hence he descended from light into the darkness of the flesh. In order to rise again he needed to for go these pleasures and transcend in the mortal manner, difficult even for an angel.
The Old Testament is full of demons, etc. But the concept of the devil as he is percieved by the Christian Church is a much later duality. He appears in Jewish Folklore almost as a counter foil to God or a side kick to challenge the free will of man.
2007-08-31 23:37:30
answer #2
answered by EdgeWitch 6
Another evolved changed story, from the Egyptian panthion!
Set or Seth, was the devil figure of the past, he was always shown to have two pointed ears, nose and a long tail, which was also pointed.
Always shown black, this was the Satan/Lucifer figure adoped by the Jews, after leaving Egypt!
Set was the 'evil' brother of the 'good' and wise 'demi' god king, Osiris.
Osiris and the other 'demi' gods of Egypt, including Set, were half god, half human, like the 'children' of the one main god!
Set murdered Osiris and was then slain in revenge, by the son of Osiris and 'virgin' mother Isis, Horus.
Set was then 'not' allowed entry into the 'kingdom of Osiris' - the 'afterlife' or Heaven!
He then had to spend the rest of eternity in the 'place in between', not on Earth but not in Heaven!
Like a place for lost tortured souls ... Hell!
Horus, was actually the messiah figure too, he vowed that he would return after his own death one day, to put right the chaos in the world.
The people were awaiting for his 'return' for generation after generation, after generation!!
These beliefs were taken seriously, by the Egyptians for thousands of years, no wonder that these myths carried on, when the Judiac tribes and fellow 'Egyptians' left Egypt, in the exodus!!
An evolution of belief, from an older civilisation!!
The religious, i know will thumbs down this answer, but there is 'no' getting out of the similarities between these belief systems and i know which one came first!!
2007-08-31 22:44:13
answer #3
answered by Paul222@England 5
Yes. He fell from grace and started his own agenda when God told the angels that He would become man and live among the people and be sacrificed for the sins of the people. When Lucifer and his followers did not like the idea of having to bow down to a human being, even though He was God, he started his own organization and came after the people God loves.
2007-08-31 20:32:35
answer #4
answered by IRENE THE BOOKIE 3
Yes, he was created by God the Father, and Satan rebelled along with 1/3rd of the angelic beings with their free will against God.
Read about Satan - how he was originally
before and after his rebellion in Ezekiel 28:11-13 or so down to the end of the chapter. The King of Tyrus is another name for Satan.
2007-08-31 20:41:04
answer #5
answered by good day 4
2Cr 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
2007-08-31 20:41:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
yes. he was Lucifer, and an Archangel, like Michael and Gabriel. (Archangels were of a higher order then regular angels).
He was also the leader of worship in heaven. Scripturally he was THE most beautiful angel and litterally had music coming out of him. His Job was to direct all the heavenly worship to God, before the throne of God. Due to his own choosing (free will) He became proud and arrogant and wanted to be worshipped in the place of God. (He wanted to be God). He rebelled trying to overthrow God and took one third of the angels with him. God is God naturally, so of course there wasnt a contest.... satan (the devil) ....(which means adversary/accuser etc) was cast out of heaven forever and his eternal punishement was so many millenia on earth and then eventulally the Lake of Fire (Hell). Hell was created for the devil and his angels (that followed him) due to his rebellion against God. It was never originally intended for human beings.
2007-08-31 20:42:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isaiah 14:12
Here is the sin of Lucifer
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isaiah 14:13
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Isaiah 14:14
King James Version
though he was an Angel. He wants to be equal with God.
2007-08-31 20:48:14
answer #8
answered by arvin_ian 4
The devil is the woman men lust after and the man woman lust after. Mind who is Boss and did cast his bonny behind out of Heaven ? whats an angel unto God ?
2007-08-31 20:43:16
answer #9
answered by marco f 2
Yes he was.Lucifer at one time,before Hell,was a major player in the Heavenly Kingdom.He became jealous of G-Ds position of power wrondfully thinking he could do a better job of it and was more deserving of the throne.Being the influential 'angel' he was,he was able to sway and therefore enlist legions of angels to assist in his "military coup" to seize the throne.The heavens shook and roared for ages.Lucifer and his legions were defeated and cast out of heaven to suffer eternal damnation for their sins. "Link"
2007-09-01 11:47:43
answer #10
answered by Sweet Willy 3