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i understand they are against it, but gay marriage would be something other people would do, so where is the problem?
i mean it wouldnt be something that affected christians in any way, their marriage would still be valid and loving and christian so in what way would gay marriage influence their lives?
is their opposition just based on hate?
just because you christians think i am wrong and a sinner for being gay do you think it is ok that i am denied a right?
in what way would your faith be affected if the union between me and my boyfriend was called marriage???
why some of you care so much about words?? wouldnt it be possible you want to be christians and remain politically correct when you say you dont want it to be called marriage???

2007-08-31 13:13:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

Read your questions sometime and instead of using the word Christian (or some form there of) substitute the word "homosexual" how would you react? Or substitute the word "******" how would African Americans react? Or substitute the phrase "wet-back" how would Mexican Americans react? Hate and bigotry are never good, no matter who the target is. The message of Jesus was one of love, tolerance, and compassion.

2007-09-04 11:05:39 · answer #1 · answered by demandfreespeech 5 · 0 0

You are incorrect in saying that the legalization of marriage for gays in the US "wouldn't be something that affected christians in any way".

It isn't OUR relationships that could be threatened by this legal maneuver. It is our freedoms of religion and expression that are under attack. This is NOT based on hate! Why is that always the first assumption?

Once "gay marriage" becomes the law of the land, it becomes a federal crime to deny that right to any couple. It can be considered a criminal discriminatory act to refuse to marry a same-sex couple, EVEN IF your religion forbids such a thing! It can even be considered a HATE CRIME to say the words "but homosexuality is considered a sin by my God", and that can bring jail time and federal fines.

Political correctness has become the new legal deity. Sin against THAT "god", and the government can take everything: your money, your house, your freedom.

Don't believe me? It is already happening...in Canada.

Ministers and believers are being told what they can and can't say in church. If a Christian minister opens his Bible and reads the passages detailing how God feels about homosexuality, the federal government can SHUT DOWN HIS CHURCH for committing a "hate crime". The minister can go to jail. All for practicing his religion, which says that God loves all of us, but does not approve of all of our actions...

{Of course, the rules are different if you are a Bible believing Christian (or a Jew, or a Muslim). Christians are slandered in the news all the time, called hate-mongers, idiots, morons, superstitious jerks, child molesters. Believe in Jesus? You are automatically a monster according to CBS, NBC, and ABC. "How DARE you think differently than the establishment?" On us, the PC god does not smile...}

Anyway, that is part of the problem. You WON'T see this on "Good Morning America", they won't out themselves or their allies in this fashion!

2007-08-31 20:58:05 · answer #2 · answered by MamaBear 6 · 2 0

Hypocrisy and it is an easy target. Not once, unless someone on here can give me a good argument, has a Christian actually explained how gay marriage would destroy hetero marriage, I just hear sound bite after sound bite without any explanation. Plus I do not see them trying to ban adulterers, swingers, sterile and old people, or even pedophiles from getting married. Oh yeah, and having to hear other viewpoints from yours is a burden you have to live with if you want to live in a free and open society.

To Matthew P below me: Do you believe that there are rights that go beyond just public sentiment and/or religious conviction or are there rights that extend to all peoples and takes a fundamental rewritting of our constitution to change them?

2007-08-31 20:20:45 · answer #3 · answered by Lynus 4 · 2 0

I'm sure it's not just Christians who feel this way but there are just some people in the world who will always be against gay marriage, whether they are religious or not.

I'm not necessarily in favor of it, but if you want to be with someone then go right ahead, I'm not going to cause any trouble about it unless it directly effects me...and in most cases, it won't. I just feel that marriage should be between a man and a woman. It seems unnatural any other way. However, I don't see why some people care so much. It's not directly effecting them so it shouldn't matter. Some people just like things to remain the way they are, the world fears change...simple as that.

2007-08-31 20:19:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

they actually believe that if Gay Marriage becomes acceptable that Gay couples will infiltrate suburbia. with their good manners and well dressed ways and recruit their children into the Homosexual lifestyle.

then try to undermine classic family values. and to change the idea of the traditional family.

they honestly believe that it is a choice made in direct defiance of their god. and for no purpose other than to defy god. and because it is a choice not a natural thing, that you should not have any rights based off of your choices.

seriously Google "the Homosexual Agenda"

me, i am not Gay. but i think that it is seriously screwed up that as a Legally Ordained minister. that i can not choose to preform a marriage for people at the discretion of my god sand my church

2007-08-31 20:29:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There is no "apart from that". It's the whole point. Homosexuality is a sin, period. That would be like saying "OK, I know murder is a sin, but what if we allowed it if the murder was done in a 'humane' way (i.e. non-violent)?"
Making something more palatable to man doesn't matter at all if it's a sin against God. His opinion is the one we should all be concerned with.

2007-08-31 21:41:12 · answer #6 · answered by ChildofGod 3 · 2 0

I'm not a Christian, but I have questioned a lot of them on gay marriage. And those who oppose gay marriage usually seem to think its wrong because the Bible says it's wrong because it's wrong because it's wrong because it's wrong because it's wrong....and around in a circle they go. The weird thing is that they don't seem to realize their reasoning is circular or, sometimes, even know what circular reasoning is.

2007-08-31 20:22:35 · answer #7 · answered by Subconsciousless 7 · 2 1

If we don't have just one standard for marriage where will it end? I heard interviews with some Gays saying they are against polygamy so what would marriage be,anything one could dream up?Think of the different scenarios.

2007-08-31 20:26:41 · answer #8 · answered by firelight 5 · 1 0

Outside of God's Word you and I have no rights. Blessings come to every breathing person by the hand of God alone. Even if you don't acknowledge Him, it is He that allows you to draw your next breath. Yes, homosexuality is a sin, an abomination to God. Because of this, there is no other reason to reject sin. For He is God, you are not and neither am I!

2007-08-31 20:51:00 · answer #9 · answered by HeVn Bd 4 · 1 0

The difference is this: if you choose to live a lifestyle that you just admited at the top of this question is a sin in the eyes of God... that's your choice. However, in a democracy, the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Therefore we have a responcibility in the decisions of the government as they represent us. We pay taxes, we elect leaders, and we answer to God for our nations spiritual state. Your choice to live how you please is just that: your choice. However, we are responcible for at least using what voice we have in leading the government that is both ours and yours to make the decision we believe to be the best for our society. Remember, though some may cheat and try to make this untrue, your voice and mine are just as loud. I'll stand, fight, fall, die, etc for your right to represent your oppinion because it is your govt too... at the same time I will raise as much of a voice as I can to lead the Govt in what I believe is a moral direction.

2007-08-31 20:22:00 · answer #10 · answered by Matthew P (SL) 4 · 0 2

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