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i am getting married in march and one of my best friends it a boy. i was wondering if it is bad if i had him in my party??

2007-08-31 10:46:01 · 23 answers · asked by darkvamp4542 3 in Family & Relationships Weddings

the man im with was my best friend before we dated and then we fell in love. their is no one out their that i love more. with my other friend their is no way we care about eachother more then just friends. you CAN have a friendship with out liking someone or having feelings for them. i dont find him attractive at all.

2007-08-31 11:58:38 · update #1

23 answers

If he is one of your best friends of course you should be able to ask him to be in your party. Whether he will want to wear a fru-fru dress and hold a bunch of roses is another matter...
Seriously though, why not? It's your wedding. If you don't have him, 20 years from now will you regret not asking him, or will you be glad you didn't?

2007-08-31 10:56:07 · answer #1 · answered by Rebecca 2 · 5 0

I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all. My fiance is having 4 people stand up for him and I am only having two. My little sister is my Maid of Honor and my best guy friend is my Bridesman. I don't think that you have to follow all the traditions to have a great wedding- the day is about you and your husband- who cares what everyone thinks! Besides, shouldn't you be celebrating this special day with the people who really care about you and you are the closest with?? It doesnt matter if they are men or women, surround yourself with the people that are truely happy for you.

All of our attendents are walking down the aisle by themselves. The boys wearing corsages and my sister is carrying a bouquet. Think of the extra money you will save too with less bouquets to purchase!! =)

2007-08-31 19:11:28 · answer #2 · answered by erin_jessa 3 · 1 0

Not at all! My "Maid of Honor" is actually my brother, because he is the reason that I am alive...and my very best friend (who is a guy) was the reason that my fiance and I met one another. I think that both of these men deserve to be standing next to me on one of the most important days of my life...and in cases such as ours, tradition gets trumped by importance of friendships/family. Be proud that you have people who are important to you, and don't worry about whether they are all female or not. if it's any consolation, everyone who has heard that I have both a "Man of Honor" and a "Bridesman" thinks that it is such a cool idea and they are looking forward to the wedding. So am I!

2007-08-31 18:20:55 · answer #3 · answered by Cerra 2 · 3 0

It would be great to have a bridesman and for him a groomwoman. Perfect solution and no it wouldn't look weird because I have also seen the groomsmen all female and the bridesmaids all male.

The wedding party pictures are wonderful........

2007-08-31 18:25:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No Of course not. Have him by all means. Maybe he could wear a nice suit with a waistcoast and tie to match the bridesmaids. This is happening more and more.
You have your best friend. Good luck tho.
What I wonder about sometimes, is how come so many girls have male best friends but marry other men? Wouldnt marrying your best friend be the logical thing to do?

2007-08-31 18:08:55 · answer #5 · answered by bluegirl6 6 · 3 0

You can have a bridesman. Nowadays it is normal to have a guy stand on the brides side and vice versa.

It is your wedding, have your wedding party how YOU want it!

2007-08-31 19:38:01 · answer #6 · answered by Terri 7 · 0 0

Of course it's not bad. A lovely lady I know had her brother as her only attendant. It was meaningful for all involved.

Another couple I know had their only wedding planning argument over which one got to have my brother as an honor attendant. They finally decided to share him.

And while I didn't wind up choosing a man for my own wedding party, there were a couple I seriously considered for the role.

Choose the people you are closest to, and don't worry too much about their sex. Those who know you will understand.

2007-08-31 18:37:29 · answer #7 · answered by gileswench 5 · 2 0

You would do the same thing as if you had a brother. Your boy-friend should be one of the Groom's Men or Ushers, he should be with the other men in the wedding party even if he is from the Bride's side....unless you want to dress him up in taffeta and make him a Bride's maid/man

2007-08-31 20:23:27 · answer #8 · answered by CindyLu 7 · 0 1

Wrong. The wedding party is for both the bride and groom - so if you have a male friend, he would be a groomsman. Just the same as if your bf had a sister, she would be your bridesmaid.
And, your best friend should be your husband - priorities, girl!!!
Another option is to have him be an usher, or do a reading at the ceremony.

2007-09-01 09:33:36 · answer #9 · answered by Lydia 7 · 0 2

have him wear a tux, but stand on your side of the church. Call him a groomsman, or bridesman, walk down with the girls or stand up with the guys for processional. play it by ear, but definitely include him.

2007-09-01 01:10:36 · answer #10 · answered by csbiup 4 · 0 0