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I would like to know how others feel concerning the Christain Faith vs psychics. Now I know in the Christain Faith it states that Christains should not have anything to do with psychis-sight seerers, whiz's, witches, etc.

Now how should Christains deal with psychics that help solve crimes, and beleive in God, Angels, and Jesus Christ who according to them never did die on the cross, but who marreied a woman, had kids, and lived with his family in France?

2007-08-31 09:41:51 · 8 answers · asked by Beck92 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

This is what Scripture Says & I Agree. Enjoy! John


A. Contact with necromancers and mediums was specifically forbidden by the
Word of God, Lev 19:31. This still holds true today. You are not to
consult fortune-tellers. You are not to go to seances. You are not to seek
information about problems or anything from people who are involved in
astromancy, i.e., astrology. This means contact with demons, getting your
information from Satan. This means getting false information.

B. Contact with necromancers and mediums was a sign of reversionism and
brought liability from divine discipline, Lev 20:6.

C. Necromancers and mediums were to be apprehended and subjected to capital
punishment, which meant being put to death by stoning, Lev 20:37. God does
not want you to have any contact or any relationship with demon-possessed
people. They destroy the society in which they operate.

D. Demonism, including necromancy and seances, characterized the degeneracy
of the Canaanites. The Canaanites had occupied the land before the Jews.
The Bible says that in the days of Abraham the "iniquity of the Amorites was
not yet full." The Amorites are a part of the Canaanite nation. This means
that in Abraham's day they had not taken over, but they did 500 years later,
Deut 18:9-12.

E. Saul died the sin unto death for consulting with a witch necromancer,
1 Chron 10:13.

F. Unbelieving King Manasseh was one of the most evil of all the Jewish
kings. His evil is described in terms of relationship with demons, and he
was always heavily involved in necromancy. He held many seances and even
went in for child sacrifice, 2 Kgs 21:6; 2 Chron 23:6.

G. Josiah, one of the better kings of Judah, is famous for outlawing
necromancy and mediums as well as other demon practices, 2 Kgs 23:24.

H. Isaiah warned Israel to consult the Word of God and doctrine rather than
necromancers and mediums, Isa 8:18-20.

I. The fifth cycle of discipline was administered to Judah because of
necromancy and demonism, Isa 29:1-8.

2007-08-31 09:56:17 · answer #1 · answered by moosemose 5 · 1 0

This is your lucky day! I am a Christian who has had psychic experiences. I have nothing against psychic abilities, or those who get psychic experiences. (Naturally, eh?)

But am I just a sinning Christian who wants my cake and eat it too?

I would disagree. Because I would not have anything unless it were given to me by God. When I didn't believe God erased some issues I had because of what I was shown.
1) I no longer had to wonder about spirits; I knew that I had one.
2) I could then spend my time wondering about where it all led to, what more was there to life since spirits are real?
3) Many people who I was supposed to look up to didn't believe in spirits, so I could look at them as not really knowing the truth about certain things. They were not 'wise' about certain things. Perhaps other things they were, but not those things.
4) I could wonder about a beginning, an order to things, where my eternal place would be.

I LOVE the fact that I had an out of body experience, a vision or two, and too many prophetic dreams to count. (Don't worry, they had more to do with me, and nothing that I can remember about the end of the world, I am not one of those!) I can understand John 15 and 16 better because of it. I have had an excellent conversion when I gave myself to God. (His Spirit was so very loving. )

So I am a Christian who has had these truly wonderful things given to me, and I feel very special to Him that I have them.

2007-08-31 10:00:45 · answer #2 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 0

Spirituality is born from a personal occurrence with a divine, psychic or mystical experience of one form or another which inevitably connects a person to All that Is/God/Goddess/Allah/Great Spirit /whatever you want to call it.

Religion is second hand opinion of someone else’s divine experience. I think you will find that religions, and especially fanatical religions, tend to separate and divide people, while spirituality brings people together.

Thank God that Spirituality in all its seemingly paranormal forms is on the increase! http://www.psychic-junkie.com

2007-08-31 12:51:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why would witches and sight seers be instilled with the power to speak to the dead or see the future if they couldn't use it? Some people can't stop the sightings and voices. And if you think it can be controled with meds, what about when they didn't have meds?

2007-08-31 09:50:55 · answer #4 · answered by Melynda 2 · 0 0

as a psychic who believes in God but is not a Christian...
I am told that what I do comes from Satan

so it doesnt matter that I believe in God

2007-08-31 09:49:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Psychics are from Satan. No one knows your future but God.

2007-08-31 09:51:35 · answer #6 · answered by conny 6 · 1 1

its the occult ....only God knows the future Noone else

2007-08-31 09:46:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

they should treat them like they treat any other co-worker.

2007-08-31 09:47:57 · answer #8 · answered by Andi 3 · 0 0

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