I have alot of devout Christian friends who LOVE LOVE LOVE Harry Potter. (They say despite it being about witchcraft, its very spiritual. And entertaining.)
I don't understand why a Christian would have problems with these such things.
I and lots of people I know have no problem with these such things because were are comfortable in our convictions. We know the truth and try to live it and all other stuff is just fun to watch/read. We understand Harry Potter is fiction.
I wouldn't deny a child disney movies. They are great, I grew up on them, We just make sure that they understand the difference b/w fiction and non-fiction.
As far as the sex stories in the bible go, no we know they are there and we don't do anything about it because it's historical fact, just like the when we learn about past wars in school, its history....true.....history.
Sorry alot of people who claim to be christian but clearly are not have turned alot of people off to christianity.
Christians aren't perfect...were not all Ned Flanders. =)
Hope that helped.
2007-08-31 09:37:25
answer #1
answered by Simmy 2
Harry Potter has nothing to do with the Bible or God- BIG difference. The witchcraft that goes on in the BIble, in the OT- God warns us of not even associating with such things....becuase back then people would, and it was against God.
The big difference is, harry potter is exactly what God tells us to be aware of.
This is a PERSONAL issue though chip- some people don't care. I have a good friend of mine who is a born again christian, LOVES the lord and she actually reads harry potter because she is into that. Now I don't judge her at all, it is her own personal deal with God-- some have conviction and some do not. However I do. I don't think she lets her kids read the books though ( which is kinda funny, I wonder if she will someday, her kids are too young to read anyways...)
Leviticus 19:31
Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 19:30-32 (in Context) Leviticus 19 (Whole Chapter)
Leviticus 20:6
And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
-There are more verses concerning wizardy too ( is wizardry a word) That is why I HATE WARCRAFT! I truly pray and hope my husband wakes up!
2007-08-31 13:40:45
answer #2
answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6
this looks like troll bait, however
the bible is a collection of testimonies, and yes, it deals with witchcraft in its true form. There is more violence in the bible than in harry potter, and believe it or not, God invented sex so yes, the bible has sex in it, read the chapter on how to make love, and yes its in there, but look it up.
i don't deny anyone disney movies though disney is the largest industry that I know of that employees gays. Disney makes some good movies and some bad ones.
the sex with the daughters sounds like noah, but you did not specifiy, the guy giving a slave to a town is a new one to me, so I will have to try to figure out what your saying. You would have done better with Abraham giving his wife to Pharoh. I do know about the woman raped and killed who was hacked up and sent to all the towns to bring vengance on them if that was what you were talking about.
No one pretends they are not there, but I will tell you what it means
it means that we have a history of how those people who were called out to be God's people treated one another.
It is a record of their crimes, their faith, and the lives with the consequences for their actions. it is a faithful record.
I am willing to bet you have not ever stepped foot in a police records department. They are filled with every crime and the crimes against people are horrorible. it would break your heart. Yet there is no hope in reading these records. Many cases aren't solved.
The biblical record does have hope, for God will make all right and will restore to each one, what was lost.
keep that in mind when you ponder why anyone would believe in a dead and now alive savior. He must have something that makes him look worth a second look.
2007-08-31 09:54:45
answer #3
answered by magnetic_azimuth 6
Those stories in the bible aren't exactly children's literature and yes, parents and sunday school teachers must be careful about what children read from their bibles.
We don't leave those stories "out", but we just realize that some parts of the bible are for the more mature person. (the bible is such a great wonderful vast array of all kinds of behavior! No book like it in the world!!)
But just because something is in the bible does not mean that it is glorified or promoted or approved of by God or by Christians - unlike the Harry potter books. We learn from those terrible incidents like Lot and his daughters but we don't encourage our children to imitate them!! At least i hope not!!
god bless
2007-08-31 09:39:22
answer #4
answered by happy pilgrim 6
The bible never encourages witchcraft and contact with spirits it just records God's dealings with His people 'Israel' the Jews and that includes all that they did wrong and all they did right, and they did a lot more wrong than right.
The Bible records it as it was and that makes it all the more credible as an accurate historical record.
I have seen some of the Harry Potter movies, and I'm not disturbed by them.
2007-08-31 09:34:09
answer #5
answered by Dan 4
one of the things i was given a hard time about at the church i used to go to was that i dont think harry potter is evil.
in fact i encouraged people to read it before they went making blind decisions based on what some jerry falwell kind of preacher told them to think.
and really there arent any real witchcraft stuff going on in HP. it's just like disney stuff.
now as for the other stories in the bible, why wouldnt they be there? that stuff happened, it happens all the time, what kind of moral guidance can a book give if it doesnt acknowlege the kind of evils out there? that is one of the reasons i love the Bible, it doesnt gloss over the darker details. it's keeping it real. gore and all
2007-08-31 09:34:39
answer #6
answered by neonatheart 4
I'm not sticking up for anyone who hasn't read harry potter, but you are talking about a small extremist population, and this is a stupid question. The stories in the bible teach a lesson, and the Harry Potter books are fantastic, it sucks if someone decides not to read either
2007-08-31 09:34:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I believe all that is in the Bible is there for some type of reason. But you really should take Tolerence 101 before refering to our scriptures as "garbage".
Also, I watch Harry Potter movies, and Disney movies, and have nothing against them.
2007-08-31 09:32:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Those who are against the Harry Potter series, should watch it. It is not demonic, but ENTERTAINMENT!!!! I am a Christian person as well. I believe that anyone who is honest, needs not to judge beforehand. See the movies and make your own personal assessment, this will only be fair. Remember this, What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. - Psalm 68:19. Peace and God Bless.
2007-08-31 09:33:57
answer #9
answered by In God We Trust 7
I am not one of thoes Christians who is against harry potter but i do understand them. I am a chirstian and pleasing God and being in the real world are both very important to me. They are against Harry Potter because they think it loosens up people minds to easily accept withcraft as nothing to take serious. Books like Harry Potter soften up peoples minds to be more willing to see the forces of evil as not real serious.
Yes you are right the Bible is full fo mans bad behavior, it clearly shows how man is cruel wrapped and sometimes real twisted, but the Bible also shows God has a way to deleiver us from our and the badness of others. The stories you referred to are in the Bible God never denys mans warpness. He says He loves us inspite of it. hes got a plan to deliever us from it. The Bible gives a view of life that makes sence, where we can both embrace mans badness as fact and Gods goodess as reality. Its called the truth, so dont get mad at thoes who have the truth, even if they are a little weird, start trying to find it yourself, without truth life is confusing, makes no sence and your left to deal with mans and your own badness with no escape. read mark in the new testament - who was this Jesus guy anyway?
2007-08-31 09:44:32
answer #10
answered by mdbuchanan2000 5