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Don't give me links to science Journals, because when you want us to prove to you creation happened we can't use the bible.

I've seen pictures drawn of man rising from apes, I've seen fossils of people long ago(like 12,000 years or something?) but I haven't, in all of my science classes, seen pictures of fossils of a transitional species turning from ape to man...

So...give me proof macro evolution is happening. Major changes in species from ape to man....

And yes, yes, there is micro evolution, eye color, skin tone, facial features, etc...but that's not Macro-evolution...

2007-08-31 08:30:54 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

There IS such thing as Macro-evolution.

Macroevolution - evolution that results in relatively large and complex changes (as in species formation)

Microevolution - comparatively minor evolutionary change involving the accumulation of variations in populations usually below the species level.

Big difference...

2007-08-31 08:37:35 · update #1

29 answers

I think Ben Affleck said it best:

"What, are you f**king RETARDED?!?!"

The whole point of using scientific methods to prove things is that they're OBJECTIVE -- the results are the same whether you want them to be or not! That's why science is a valid way of learning and proving things and faith is not...

2007-08-31 08:35:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

How do you expect to get examples of this? I can not, and nor can anyone else show you a 20 million year video tape of some person's family as they evolve. It just doesn't work that way. Some examples of things you can take note of. -

The pinky toe on the human foot is dissapearing over generations, we don't need it.

The tail bone humans have, is shrinking, also not needed.

The wisdom teeth, present in the back of the mouth, are not needed, and in most cases have to be removed at aulthood because they don't fit in the mouth. Not only is it illogical that a devine god would create humans needing a part of their body removed, but Evolution will explain how early man had signifigantly larger mouths than we do now, needing the extra teeth to chew raw nuts and meat.

Humans and apes are the only mammals in the animal kingdom with two nipples, present on the breast.

Humans and apes are the only two mammilia, that the male of each species, has nipples.

There is a spider, found in Australia; this spider's venom is harmless to all animals, with the exeption of APES, AND HUMANS. Every other creature on earth is immune to its poison.

AIDS, is a disease only able to affect humans and APES.

I could go on with these examples for the rest of my life but I'm still not even sure exactly what you wanted to hear.

Now, I' m also adding this, negating the fact that MACRO-MICRO evolution does not exist. Evolution is evolution. 'MICRO' evolution is the process that forms what you would call 'macro' evolution. NOTHING evolves via one generation, it takes thousands of thousands of years for ONE genetic change to be apparent. Micro/Macro evolution, are terms created by idiots.

2007-08-31 15:41:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Complex life evolved from less complex life their activity and decay spawned new but different life. You owe your backbone to a early fish, fish evolved into shallow water to breed and aviod prediters, these waters can get staggnint the fish started to go to the surface for a gulp of air, this started lung evolution. Plants were already on land before the fish evolved onto land after mutating into a kinda amphibien, their activity and decay on land spawned new but different life. The amphibiens mutated into reptiles mutated into mammels mutated into monkeys mutated into apes mutated into man. All the while other smaller smaller life mutated into other species. Life is tinatious once it starts and evolution is just a way to help it survive. As long as things stay unchanged life doesnt feel the need to change, competition and a changing environment causes mutation. I'm not a good typer, try this there was once scorpions with a stinger the size of softballs, millipieds the size of tables, spiders the size of vollyballs, dragonflys the size of seagulls. And just for you head lice evolved into body lice after man invented cloths. Remember that the dino's had it good for over a hundred million years then a space chunk took them out, this opened the door or playing field for mammals, without that hit you wouldn't be asking this Q. There is life 2 miles down into the earths crust it survives on water and gasses from the earth's crust, no sunlight, but it carrries the genes for breathing air and it looks like slime. Sience has fed micro organisms found incased in salt for over a hundred thousand years and low and be- hold it came back to life and started swimming again. Theres my attempt at playing Chuck Norris my fingers and eyes are tired. Forgive my spelling my check isn't working and by the time I edit there would still be errors and the Q would be old and evolve.

2007-08-31 16:25:32 · answer #3 · answered by wakemovement 3 · 1 0

This is a joke right? Saying we can't use science journals? come on. That is just a desire for ignorance. There are plenty of transitional fossils that clearly show the evolution of humans from lesser species. There is also evidence in the form of observation, experimentation, DNA, and just about every other corner of biology and anthropology.

2007-08-31 16:46:32 · answer #4 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 0 0

in the beginning when god created this earthhe created the day ,night,the land ,the waters,the earth and all the stars,planets and everything you could think of that has ever been and ever will be on the earth.he created the first man ,then the woman.they had children who had children and more children until the time of Noahs ark.now all these people who were on this earth did not get a place on the ark for they were a sinful people. this is why God destroyed the earth with a flood.this flood covered everything. the people who were living here couldn't swim so they took to the high ground and the caves to escape the rising water.
go to this site and read more about it.
If man came from apes then why do we have births.We should just wait for an ape to change into a man. you don't see that happen to often.as a matter of fact you don't see it happen at all.

2007-08-31 15:48:28 · answer #5 · answered by drummer158 3 · 2 2

> Prove to me Macro-evolution happened...?
Obviously I can't. I can't even prove that the universe wasn't created Last Thursday.

> seen pictures of fossils of a transitional species
Go and google around for Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Australopithecus.

> Major changes in species
A mini-dachshund isn't a wolf. There're a couple of mutations, and hundreds of generations of selection separating the two.

2007-08-31 16:46:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you believe in microevolution you believe in macroevolution. Macroevolution is simply microevolution on a large scale. Applying inductive reasoning to microevolution gives one macroevolution.

How am I supposed to prove this without linking to a science journal? Where else am I supposed to get the evidence that I can use to demonstrate my claim?

There's a huge difference between citing a scientific journal and citing the Bible.

Scientific journals contain information that has been peer-reviewed and tested under controlled methods. The theories expounded in scientific journals make accurate predictions about observable phenomena.

The Bible is a story written by people that has been changed over time. Some predictions it has made have come true, but the majority of them have been proven false.

2007-08-31 15:37:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

You can define words anyway you want:

Christian - a blithering idiot who has no grasp of science.

So why are all Christians such blithering idiots, and why do they not have any grasp of science?

Evolution is evolution is evolution.

If you want to claim otherwise then you need to back it up with facts:

Show me the process that limits the number of changes that a DNA strand can undergo.

If there is no limit then "macro" is just a long series of "micro" changes. And you are proof that my definition of a Christian is at least partially accurate.

2007-08-31 15:44:26 · answer #8 · answered by Simon T 7 · 3 2

"Macroevolution" is nothing more than cumulative "microevolution". Please reread that last sentence until it sinks in.

Pointing to scientific journals for lists of scientific evidence (which you can in turn look up and see on your own if you contact the author) is not the same as using the Bible to prove the Bible.

There's a big difference between published research, and dogma that makes unfalsifiable claims and is presented as religious text. Scientific journals are not taken as dogma. Any credible journal will review articles before publishing, and scientists realize that they have to be sure of what they're publishing for fear of ruining their own reputation. Science changes in the face of new evidence; dogma does not.

Evolution works in gradual steps over many generations of a gene pool, not in huge leaps over single generations. To make an analogy: try listening to the Billboard top 10 CDs that they put out for each year. The one from 2006 doesn't sound too radically different from 2005. The 2005 doesn't sound too radically different from the 2004, and so on. But the one from 1968 sounds extremely different than the one from 2006. You can however follow the chain of influence. When enough bands of a certain style become distinct enough we label it as a genre (akin to "species"). A new genre doesn't spring out overnight, and not from a single band. Yet that's what you're asking for.

Anyway, here you go:

Actually, read these first (they're shorter):

2007-08-31 15:41:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

They cant! Ive asked similiar questions also. They all say the same thing either your stupid look in science books or what ever, the Book you read is not based on facts. Yet none of them have come up with a name for the "cross-over species". It is amazing they shout and shout but cannot tell it for themselves. Just look at your high school science book is pretty much all you get. Good Luck with your question. ASk them to name the species next time or maybe I will.

2007-08-31 15:42:50 · answer #10 · answered by Reds 2 · 0 3

call these professor in doctors in they will tell you every thing about Macro-evolution

Prof. Robert A. Gastaldo
Auburn University
Department of Geology
210 Petrie Hall
Auburn, AL 36849-3501 USA
334-844-4486 (FAX)
334-855-4885 (PHONE)

Dr. Charles Marshall
Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1567
310-825-2779 (FAX)
310-206-2303 (PHONE)

Dr. J. John Sepkoski
Dept. of Geophyiscal Sciences
University of Chicago
5734 South Ellis Ave
Chicago, IL 60637 USA
773-702-9505 (FAX)
773-702-8167 (PHONE)

another person that was writing books about Macro-evolution
was stehpen jay gould he study it for more than 35 years check it out

2007-08-31 15:44:32 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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