Good points. However, you can point out every flaw in the bible, and it will never do any good. Untill people see the evil for themselves, words like yours, will never change them. For example, a LDS said if i can prove that LDS faith does not follow the teachings of god and is a lie, they would denounce their faith. I pointed out 10 contradictions between the Book of Mormon and the Bible, but they still said that LDS is not a lie. It was hard core, proof and evidence, but they refused to accept it. Proof unfortunately does not mean to anything to most of these people, and unfortunately, most of them are aware of the problems of their religion but it is easier to cast aside their own failings, and find fault in everyone else, especially faults that they are guilty of Religion doesnt make sense, and the people who follow it are not blind to what happens, but they chose to ignore them, and pretend that it doesnt exist.
2007-08-31 06:46:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First of all, whether Christian or not, we are all sinners. Being Christian does not make you better or more holy than others, and no Christian should not give that impression.
You are making a generalization about Christians and church-going people. Going to church every week does not make you a Christian. You're a Christian if you love, believe in and follow the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. You're a Christian if you have accepted Christ as your personal saviour, knowing that only through God can you be saved.
You stated that, "most Christians continue to have sex,flirtations outside marriage" Of all the married Christians I know none who flirt and have sex outside or marriage. Once again, an unfair generalization to the Christians who keep themselves pure. And about loving others, you're right, we must love everyone. Everyone is a precious jewel, carefully created by God and made uniquely and special. We are not perfect, we fail often. But God has shed His mercy on us and forgiven us. There are times it can be hard to love someone because they can really get under our skin, or they have opinions that we dont share. Those are the times when we must try our best to love them.
There are a ton of girls trying to be older than what they really are. It is pathetic, though there are times I can be accused of this too. We are living in a generation where people make an effort to get to a certain age and look, then spend all their time and money to stay that way. God has created us special and unique, and we all grow up at our own times.
About the homosexuality issue, the bible considers it a sin. Greed is a sin, and so is homosexuality. 1 Timothy 1:10-11 "These laws are for the people who are sexually immoral, for homosexuals and slave traders, for liars and oath breakers, and for those who do anything else that contrdicts the right teaching that comes from the glorious Good News entrusted to me by our blessed God." Homosexuality is a sin, God created marriage for man and women.
Your question is a good one. Just remember that no one is perfect, and that Jesus loves you, and everyone else even so. People like you force us Christians to look at our faults, and then to ask God to help us to rid of our faults. But we're still sinners, and we'll fail again. But once again God will forgive.
\o/ Praise God!!! \o/
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
John 3:16 For God so loved the World that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Your question has forced me to think, and I hope and pray that my answer does the same to you!!!
2007-08-31 07:07:07
answer #2
answered by Papagena 6
you should get you facts right. not all Christians are like that. so stop stereotyping us. they're a different types of Christianity so some people might be stricter then others.
1. Your right celeb rites are influencing young girls and boys but who told you these youngsters are Christan's. You can't just say things like that. The bible doesn't say you can wear make up or short skirts. But short skirts are not allowed in church for obvious reason.
2. I don't think you're in the bed with these Christan's when the have sex or around them when the flirt. So how do you know ? Christan's are people remember that so how are you meant tell what a Christan looks like. No it's not allowed but there is a thing called repent. Not all Christan's discriminate against against other people. We are entitled to are opinions just like any other human being on this earth !
3. Don't tell a Christan what;s not and what is in the bible. Greed and homosexuality are two very different things.
All in all if these so called Christan's are doing any type of sin wither its lying or stealing it doesn't matter god will forgive them if they ask for him to forgive them. If not then they're not good Christan's but what can you expect.
Jesus died for our sins !!!
2007-08-31 07:01:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You need to understand that people are carnal by nature and it is hard to change nature. Next, Christians are people too. They are NOT perfect. Not now, never will be. The only perfect person was Jesus. The rest of us, (yes, ministers, preachers, priests, and Popes) are just struggling to be CHRIST-LIKE (meaning we are trying to do a Jesus would do and be) However the natural man/woman is still here. We can`t live without our carnal bodies. Thus we are carnal minded.
It amazes me that most people think that once you become saved and accept Jesus as your savior you instantly become HOLY..
We are each on different levels of our spiritual journey. Some of us are just now taking baby steps and some are sliding in to home.
All sin and fall short of the glory of God.
Now understand that he knows this and just like any other father he wants what is best for us and he loves and and when we screw up, he forgives and helps us back up and taking a few more baby steps.
It doesn`t make us bad or wrong or right. Being a Christian is being a follower of Jesus CHRIST. Which is NOT his last name. It means anointed.
It does not mean we have all the answers and are always right. Some of us know JUST enough, to be dangerous.. LOL
Peace & God bless from Texas. <><
2007-08-31 06:58:16
answer #4
answered by jaantoo1 6
Most true Christians do not live that kind of lifestyle. I have noticed also the way the younger generation are living their lives. Absolutely scary. Have you ever herd the saying every generation is worse than the one before? Obviously that is true. But as a true Christian myself, I do not know of anybody that shares my faith who does not try to love everyone equally, never discriminate other religions, or especially commit adultery. Where are you getting that from? The people you are talking about are obviously not true Christian. I can tell you that even allot of people who go to church every Sunday are not true Christians. By true Christians I mean trying to live in the way Jesus would want us to live. But you are right allot of people are enraged over homosexuality issues, but not just Christians. It does say in the Holy Bible that a man should not lay down with another man. Referring to homosexuals of course. But as far as me and my Christian friends we do not care what they are doing. We may pray for them if we know someone personally who is gay. Judging people is not up to us. It is up to our God. Sorry this is so long I hope a little of it made since to you.
2007-08-31 06:56:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First, I'm a Christian, and I agree that it's sad how girls feel they have to emulate celebrities, esp. since most really aren't very good role models anymore (Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, etc.).
Christians should be following Jesus' role model, and most do. I try to also, but of course I fail miserably more times than I can count. But all I can do is ask for forgiveness and keep trying to be the best Christian I can.
The reason so many Christians are so enraged over the homosexuality issue, is because so many people try to claim that it is ok to be gay. God specifically condemns homosexuality, and we follow God's laws, so I'm going to stand up for them. Greed is just as bad a sin and so is murder, but most people agree that those are sins. Doesn't mean I hate people who are homosexual, just like I don't hate people who are greedy. Everyone sins in one way or another, so I would have to hate everyone, including myself.
2007-08-31 07:08:41
answer #6
answered by kaz716 7
It is hypocritical. That's why we need to come out the world (figuratively speaking) and be selective in what we do. To love man'kind' without becoming like much of it.
As a father I am particular on what music my children listen to. What games they play. How they dress etc. There are a vast number of HORRIBLE influences out there being spewed onto our kids (whom are VERY easily influenced). Then America pretends that it really must ask what's wrong with people.
My children must understand that all that glitters isn't gold. And that these 'role models' don't care about them other than making a sell. They are encouraged to learn the perfect and unconditional love of God. Church is on the Sabbath as it was instructed of Christians.
Just become someone claims to adhere to a belief doesn't mean a thing. In earlier times people were killed for being Christians. So you had to be committed to making that proclamation. You made this conviction known often times with your life. Things have changed...somewhat.
Christians are not perfect. We live in a world hell bent on sin.
But we have to draw a line in the sand as to where we stand.
God bless
2007-08-31 06:57:37
answer #7
answered by F'sho 4
While you're right that Christians often fail to live up to their beliefs, I'm not so sure they get 'enraged' over homosexuality. Most of us are very aware of our failings. But that does not relieve us of our responsibility to inform others that they, too, have fallen short of the glory of God, and need salvation also.
People love to call Chrisians hypocritical. But hypocrisy is PRETENDING to be something they are not. Christians don't pretend. They simply fail all too often.
2007-08-31 07:00:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
When the metaphor loses it spiritual meaning and it becomes history as in the case of fundamentalists Christian and Muslims then it is read as History. When it no longer touches the heart and is no longer a guide for humans to touch the transcendent. History becomes law. When new revelations are apparent the old tribal ways are breaking up the terrorists who are afraid and are blind to Gods work here and now. become terrified because they don't trust God. They revert to the OLD time religion and either Hide in basements waiting in fear for God to come and save them or they blow things up.
THEY are the ones who miss the new Direction from God.
They just don't get it.
2007-08-31 06:56:34
answer #9
answered by Rich 5
well, the first thing you need to know is that not all christians are like that...and youre also a lil uninformed.... i agree with you about the young girls today....i dont think any christian would argue that greed is not a sin..i know it is a sin! and so is homosexuality. i am enraged about greedy people,too.... how can someone have so much, and not even be willing to give?? they dont even see what has been GIVEN to them.
2007-08-31 07:00:57
answer #10
answered by heather b 5