Driving is a privilege. If it was a right, then everyone should have access to driving a car regardless of abilities, age, safety of others or even regards of the laws.
You break the law, you face the consequence. I know a man serving 5 years in prison for driving without a license. I wouldn't recommend driving with a suspended license. You could receive fines and prison time!
2007-08-31 05:32:21
answer #1
answered by Erica, AKA Stretch 6
With your licensed getting suspended you don't deserve to drive. While there are idiots that drive drunk (and kill), drive while talking on their cell phones, and drive like maniacs, driving will always be a privilege.
It will only be a right if people would actually follow the rules of the road and not like they own the road, drive drunk, drive while talking on their cell phones or otherwise being distracted. But like that would ever happen. Got the point? DRIVING IS A PRIVILEGE!!!!
2007-08-31 16:35:25
answer #2
answered by sea228793 2
I for one would like to know why your license is suspended.
As for your driving anyway. I HOPE YOU GET CAUGHT!!! You're one of those people that an officer is going to get behind, attempt to pull over, end up in a high speed chase, and some innocent child is going to end up dead!!
WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? Driving is a PRIVILEDGE!! NOT A RIGHT! Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth and the rest of us weren't? Do you think you're better than everyone else? HOW DARE YOU TURN YOUR NOSE UP AT THE LAW!! Oh I get it, the law doesn't apply to you because you're special.
YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW! And since you don't understand what that means I'll explain it too you. What goes around comes around. You will be caught in one way or another.
Okay, I've taken a deep breath and have calmed down. Being married to a police officer and reading something like your question just made me see (red). Let me explain.
Regardless of what you may think. Police officers are real people, just like my husband. And every day he walks out that door to go to work I have the realization that I may never see him again. And 98% of the officer's out there are out there because they DO CARE and want to make a difference. There is no such thing as a "simple traffic stop". And since you have such a low regard for the law. Would you be driving with a hidden gun just waiting to use it on my husband when he walks up to your car window? Are you going to kill the only man that has ever truly loved me? My best friend. A mothers son?
I don't know you. But I do know that you have no regard for the law and no regard for life. There's a reason your license was suspended and you're clearly not telling us why. Was it too many DUI's? Too many points? Either way you're a danger not only to yourself but everyone else on the road. Your "Priviledge" to drive has been taken away from you until you get your act together. It's very clear that you don't care.
How very very sad. You need all the prayer I can give you. I just hope you'll never need forgivness from killing someone.
May God watch over you and keep you safe and out of harms way. May He soon send someone to you that will help to soften your heart towards His one and only Son Jesus Christ. For it is only through Him that you can find true salvation, love, and understanding.
God Bless You...
2007-08-31 05:05:55
answer #3
answered by Godwillhealme 3
A bad driver doesn't drive his car he aims it. A car in the hands of a bad driver is a lethal weapon. For this reason we have rules for driving a car. If you break those rules you must expect to lose your right to drive. If you didn't obey the rules for owning a gun, you would not be allowed to own a gun. A car, being somewhat larger, can be more dangerous than a gun. I hope you get caught and I hope they extend you ban for a long period. What right do you have to endanger other peoples lives? Remember, if you have an accident you will be uninsured. Insurance companies do not cover banned drivers. I hope you have a good bank balance.
2007-08-31 04:39:51
answer #4
answered by Tony A 6
It's a privilege. You get caught driving suspended in my state, and 3 things happen. You get arrested, your car is towed and impounded for 30 days (And you get to pay the 1300 bucks to get it out or it goes to auction), and your license is revoked for a minimum of 3 years.
2007-08-31 04:33:52
answer #5
answered by chuck_junior 7
I am so sorry to say that I am in the same boat. My license is suspended and I drive everyday. I hate breaking the law but driving is a critical part of my life. I pray everyday that I don't get caught.
2007-08-31 04:41:47
answer #6
answered by Nitawee 2
You will find many "rights" you don't have when you go to jail for driving with a suspended license.
2007-08-31 05:12:12
answer #7
answered by sensible_man 7
Nope. You have a right to live, a right to freedom, a right to eat and be healthy and a right to an education. Nothing else. Everything else is a luxury. You can live your life perfectly ably without being able to drive.
2007-08-31 04:32:23
answer #8
answered by Mordent 7
you must of gotten your licence taken for a reason. because you think its ok to break the law and harm other people on the road. ur a hazard. its not a right its a privilege.
2007-08-31 08:56:54
answer #9
answered by chloë 2
Well, driving is a right and not a privilege depending on what kind of car you're driving... What kind of car is it? Describe it... What state do you live in? What's your address? What's your license plate number?
2007-08-31 05:24:24
answer #10
answered by lillllbit 6