If you're asking for a Theory of Everything, I have to ask for a little more time. But I am certain that inserting God into places of uncertainty is useless, at best.
2007-08-31 03:50:06
answer #1
answered by Eleventy 6
if not God then what, how do you propose that we got here-
-->Well, It wasn't magic, that's for sure!
who created,well, everything,
-->Nobody created anything... it was always here in one form or another
what is the Bible?, a hoax?
-->ever read the Iliad? the Odyssey? Those are considered myths... just like the Bible- both the aforementioned books are equally relevant in today's society.
, a joke gone too far? what!?
-->not a very funny one considering how many people were killed to protect it's lies...
if God is the creator of all things, what created God?
-->uh huh?...
also science and God don't cooperate, which is true? perhaps both to a degree?
-->Creationism and science don't agree... says nothing of your religion (but it is rather funny- if one part of the bible is wrong, how much else is?)
... i want some insight, but i think i will play it safe and be christian, and hopefully there is a heaven in it for me.
-->hahahahahaaaa pascals wager- you gonna side with one god out of thousands? what if YOU'RE wrong after taking sides? I don't think Thor would like that too much...
kind of hypicritical i know, but are we chirstians just simple minded, and you guys outside of the box thinkers?
-->no comment
i beleive 90% in God and Christianity, please help me understand that other 10%.
I'm not going to tell you what to believe- if you really want to know these things, go to a library and start reading... instead of interrogating atheists with the same arguments the rest of you guys drop in our laps daily.
2007-08-31 03:59:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I was having a theoretical discussion about God etc today.
Think about it this way. There are thousands of years of writings. Writings that go back way further than when Christianity came about. If God is all that there is, then why wasn't he there before?
Not many like to believe it, but it could have just as easily been any cult with a charismatic leader that became the world's leading religion. It just happened to be the Christians. Right time, right place.
Don't get me wrong, I believe that there is a higher power, but I don't believe that there is a need to personify it. Who says it's a he or she? Who says it has to be?
As for the creation of the world, well. There was a big bang, a huge reaction that created the world and out solar system etc. Life on earth came about because the conditions here were right. The first traces of life sprang into being near volcanic fissures under the sea. These quickly evolved to adapt to the ever changing and volatile environment. And so on and so forth until we get to humans, who just happen to be the best surviving species, and that's the only reason why there's so many of us. We came down from the trees, started eating meat, so out brains grew bigger, more capable, we learned to farm, we made things easy, had more time for things, so we made more things easier. so on so forth.
The bible is a collection of stories and/or events. Told and retold and retold. And then edited by people who didn't like or agree with this or that or the other. Such as the King someone's version, where he insisted on large chunks of it being taken out. did you know that suicide wasn't even a sin until later? All these followers started killing themselves cause they couldn't wait to get to heaven, so the Christians went 'wait, if they all die, so does our religion, lets make it against the religion to kill yourself.'
Why can't science and a higher power co exist? Some things can't be explained by science, so there must be something. Even if there's not something, i still choose to believe there is, otherwise it's too depressing, that there's no point to it all, no, there must be something there. But why can't chemicals and physics and elements exist in this reality too? Higher powers surely have better things to do than to make a race a self destructive beings who are so selfish and mean. Why wouldn't they have made us better?
There's a good point, it says in the bible 'God made man in his image.' I there for pose the theory that nothing we do can possibly ever be wrong, cause we are like god, so if we can and will do it, god must approve, right? Cause god is infalliable, he doesn't make mistakes... he's all knowing, all seeing. and if he doesn't make mistakes, and he made humans, all humans are therefor perfect. You could go on and on.
2007-08-31 04:05:38
answer #3
answered by A derka der 7
First: Dear god, with all due respect please learn the basics about paragraphs and line breaks!
Second: Most atheists accept that the universe came to be in its current state through entirely natural means - the big bang (however it occured) started everything off and the universe is explanding as a result. Life arose from a rich chemical "soup" that contained the elements required for amino acids to form spontaneously. After a method for storing information - DNA/RNA came about evolution took over and provided us with the diverse array of life this planet holds dear to it.
You can be Christian, by all means, no one's stopping you from believing in God or Jesus or whatever. Just don't shut your mind to reality based on a few vague stories from the Bible (Genesis). Most people take the whole Adam and Eve thing figuratively and the "original sin" is the mere nature of man, not some capture evil obtained from simply knowing of it.
Open your mind and think critically about all information. And be aware that perceptions can change - don't assume that everything you know is perfectly correct. Look at Pluto, everyone "knew" it was a planet until recently.
2007-08-31 04:35:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There is no reason to believe in the existence of any sort of god or other supernatural process; the entire universe, as we understand it today, exists as a consequence of the laws of physics. The bible isn't a hoax (meaning an intentional fabrication -- as opposed to the Qur'an, which is), but it is a work of fiction; there are hundreds of errors of fact as well as dozens of internal contradictions. The notion of "playing it safe" is called Pascal's Wager, after Blaise Pascal, the famous mathematician who came up with the idea; unfortunately for BP, the idea was shown to be both logically and scientifically inconsistent a long time ago. See:
2007-08-31 03:59:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Epicurus: "Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. If God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?"
"The poets were not alone in sanctioning myths, for long before the poets the states and the lawmakers had sanctioned them as a useful expedient.... They needed to control the people by superstitious fears, and these cannot be aroused without myths and marvels."
— Strabo, (ca. B.C.E. 58 to C.E. 24), Greek geographer
There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. But he dares not face this thought! Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed.
— Bertrand Russell
"Morality is doing what is right no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told no matter what is right."
Seneca: "Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."
I was far too lazy to do anything serious so I let smarter people than I say a few words.
It's a pity about lotsa things.
2007-08-31 04:15:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I don't know the answers to everything, in particular I don't know what happened before the big bang. But, I can't just say a deity did it because that is saying just because I can't understand something it must be magic. I think we've come far enough as a species to understand that while we don't have all the answers, we should actually try to figure them out without relying on the crutch of a god.
2007-08-31 03:51:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You asked for honesty?OK. Science is about truth,religion is about dogma.While there is no proof to be had for or against a creator god,as in deism,there is much to disprove the Christian version of it.No one knows exactly WHY the BB occurred,the god of deism(creates,doesn't interfere)really isn't necessary to refute.It is personal choice as to "WHY".The bible,on the other hand,is the biggest hoax of all time,it is utterly ridiculous and intellectually shameful to even believe in all that nonsense,it is utter garbage,totally contradictory to itself and observation and facts.The god of the christian bible is so utterly distasteful,even if that silly concoction of Christians DID exist,one would have to be morally bankrupt to ever bow down and kneel to such a creature.It is a badly written fairytale,a waste of an otherwise productive mind,to believe in a magic man in the sky who is going to send everyone who doesn't believe that he became a son to himself,so he could sacrifice himself to himself,so that his BELOVED creations won't go to hell for using the brain he gave us.If you want a theist stance,try deism,pantheism,not a hateful,ignorance promoting religion such as Christianity
2007-08-31 03:58:57
answer #8
answered by nobodinoze 5
What is the bible?
A mythology. Filled with mythological stories. Written by man. With science there is no reason to believe half the stories in the bible. With sociology and understanding of premodern man, we can explain how alot of these stories came about to explain phenomena.
I can understand your position to want to believe in god. Its part of our hard wiring. That with our realisation of mortality, our brains created a concept or a notion of god to help us deal with the reality of a sad depressing world. That a key focus of the art of neurotheology. I suggest you do some reading on that. That will definitely answer the question on whether or not theist are 'simple minded' or atheist think 'outside the box'.
Hope that helped.
You really should go read on neurotheology. Id think youd find it interesting.
2007-08-31 03:56:17
answer #9
answered by Menon R 4
That's an easy question! Look around you! Things are alway evolving. Are people the same as they were in cave man days? What does the bible say about cavemen, dinosaurs, and innocent babies born with severe deformities? Have you anyone to have seen Jesus, or a god w/in 2,000 yrs? The bible was written by a bunch of old men that said they were told to write it. How do you know they weren't just sitting around smoking something saying like, "yeah people are soooo dumb. I bet if we wrote this...they would believe it".
As for a "virgin" Mary, I knew someone that swore she was a virgin, despite having twins. She said that her boyfriend didn't "get it in all the way", so she was a virgin. Give me a break!
2007-08-31 03:54:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
1. Start paying attention in science classes. Graduate or get a GED take some Community college courses. Maybe go further.
2. See if you still need yo ask this question.
2007-08-31 04:01:36
answer #11
answered by capekicks 3