hello i am a Muslim we believe in one God and 5 foundations of islam .. we also believe that the MOHAMMAD pbuh was the last prophet of Allah ... and what ever we do in this world well get the reward on the day of judgment ....
actually we believe that if some one is a good person , he gives others their right , he prove to be a good , kind , person and people like him , he do not commit any crime and make charity and help needy people and orphans even then he is not a muslim ..... he would get his reward by Allah ... he would reward him for his good deeds but if he is not a muslim he had not fullfilled the duties that are given to him then ALLAH only knows where he would send him into heaven or hell,,, but ALLAH almighty is the most gracious and beneficient and only he knows whome he would sent to heaven and whom to hell .... may be a person who is a good muslim but do not obey his parents , not kind with others and tease people with his deeds and think that he is a muslim and he can do any thing then this is wrong ALLAH will first punish him for his bed deeds .... As a muslim i believe that ALLAH is the most mercifull and all the people who have faith and courage to understand the truth and are good with others and do not do bed activities , love others , give equal rights to any one would get his reward .. as ALLAH has sad that he "huquq-ul-ibad" are the most important that u give every person his equal right .
2007-08-31 03:04:23
answer #1
answered by dew drop 4
Former Episcopalian (think Catholic Lite)
Currently an Atheist
The first person to tell me I was going to hell was a Baptist preacher. Why? Because I wasn't Baptist.
I'm not much worried about eternal punishment or reward, given my present view on deities. I am, however, adamant about living what I view as a moral life.
I feel concern for anyone who's religion forces them to behave in a certain fashion. With most mono-theistic religions, it's either follow the rules or suffer. There's no big sacrifice involved in following the rules (at least from the perspective of Christianity). You play nice with everyone, you get the carrot.
True moral strength comes not from doing the right thing out of a desire for a reward or fear of punishment, but from doing the right thing when no one is looking and there is no hope or expectation of acknowledgment or reward.
2007-08-31 10:01:31
answer #2
answered by Rusty Knight 2
I am wiccan I believe in being happy everyday wicca is not the same thing as witchcraft so don't mix that up i believe in nature the way things revolve around it how we work with it how it helps us in everyday things.
I believe that what you do reflects what others do around you if your in a great mood some on will show that same emotion.
I don't believe my god/dess will shun you down because you sinned you wont go to hell well cause there isn't one all things have to be a balance there is good and evil in all of us if not then we would go insane if we had to have a smile on our face and think Happy thoughts 24/7 lol so why have should my god shun you down because you did want to watch a TV show and some one else did and you say something mean to them just a thought. I don't try to convert in any way because i believe you have the right to what you want to believe and i respect that and most wiccans feel the same way.
I hope this helps i could go on for days talking about this
I've been wiccan for 13years..
2007-08-31 10:04:14
answer #3
answered by Wyldfire 3
Religion cannot save man, only God can.
There will be a lot of so-called Christians who will go to Hell, including some Christian Ministers, Elders in the Church etc.
I would not get so caught up in particular religion, instead I would focus on establishing a personal relationship to God.
God will guide you on the path that you should be taking, if you pray sincerely, and ask him for help.
2007-08-31 09:58:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm a baptist, and despite the great commission, I don't feel a need to convert anyone personally. I suck at it anyway. Besides, in today's age, no one realistically has never heard the gospel, they just haven't been listening.
As for non-believers, it is covered in the bible. Non-believers aren't going to heaven, no matter how well they lived. It isn't about how you lived, it's about whether you had a relationship with God.
2007-08-31 09:59:23
answer #5
answered by Curtis B 6
I am a Christian and I attend an Assembly of God church.
I believe in one main thing: the bible. There is scripture after scripture in the bible that says there is only one way into heaven, and that is through believing in Jesus Christ, accepting that he is the Son of God, that He died for our sins and that on the third day rose again, and that you accept Him as Lord and Savior over your life. Works don;t get you into heaven, but the definition of a Christian is one that is "Christ-like". Although I often fall short and find my self in a position to sin EVERYDAY, I try to live my life as Christ lived his. The great thing is that God knows we are human, and so we are bound to screw up sometimes! He still loves us even when we make mistakes and simply asks us to come back to Him, humble ourselves, ask for forgiveness, and try it again!
God is the one and only judge and it's up to Him to decide your fate on judgment day.
2007-08-31 10:04:17
answer #6
answered by Shay_Shay03 4
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. There are no denominations.
Let me ask you a question. I don't know what your situation is, but pretend your are a parent. If your kids don't follow your rules of what they are supposed to do, do they still get their allowance? Most loving parents say no. Their rules are designed for the kids to be easy to follow and needed for them to grow into good adults.
Where do you think that came from? Why should anyone expect God to disregard His standards and give us rewards anyway? He makes allowances for those who never had a chance to choose true worship, never knowing what it was, but that does not cover those who have had the chance at knowledge but turned it down.
2007-08-31 10:32:36
answer #7
answered by grnlow 7
As salaamu 'alaikym, my friend.
Insha'Allah, we are taught in Islam that it is always wise to leave the judgment of others to Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala as He and He alone has the wisdom and the ability to judge in true justice while also being fair, compassionate, loving and forgiving. Humans often seem to be lacking in these abilities.
From my personal experience, Buddhist do not judge anyone nor anything seeing all that is as it is (or working so as to achieve the same).
Most religions preach not being judgmental, but, sadly, few appear to put this teaching into practice. If we simply treated one another with respect, caring and kindness, as well as love and tolerance and left all judgment to Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala (or YHWH, Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, etc.) the world and ourselves might all be better, insha'Allah.
Ash hadu an laa ilaha ill-Allaah, wadua la sharika lah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh. (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, who is alone worthy of worship and has no associates, partners nor sons and daughters, and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His slave and His prophet/messenger.)
I am a Muslim, insha'Allah.
Ma'a salaam.
2007-08-31 10:24:02
answer #8
answered by Big Bill 7
i have a question for you.....do you think we humans would possibly know what will happen on judgment day???? no we won't know!!! heaven and hell is not in our hands only god decides whether to this person should go to hell or heaven! as for not converting to some religions well it's up to them BUT they have to believe that god exists!!
thank you..
2007-08-31 10:10:04
answer #9
answered by RoChEr 5
I'm a Pagan, not Wiccan or any other recognized subset of Paganism. It's not my business which religion anyone else chooses to be. I don't believe in hell. We each have to take the consequences for our actions whatever religion we practice.
2007-08-31 09:55:38
answer #10
answered by Cheryl E 7