Another stereotype. I believe that sin is sin. Any sin is between that person and God. It states clearly in the Bible that all sins are equal and that is why God is the judge not man. Man separates sin into categories. "Not so bad sins, kind of bad sins, bad sins and really bad sins."
2007-08-31 02:38:31
answer #1
answered by ♥Sunny Girl♥ 5
Once again...flawed logic displayed here...If you keep looking to Christians for all these answers to your biblical principal issues you will recieve the same answer over and over. The Bible states what it should with regard to these things and any Christian out there who studies the Bible won't be ranking any one persons sins above another. However, since we're pondering the concept...fat, money grubbers have had their toll on society with no fan fare or circling of the helicopters but it was such a gradual advantage that crept in over the centuries beginning with aristicracy, hierarchy and the monarchy since you asked and then to the clergy. Ever since Kingdoms were established on the earth, gluttony and greed have reigned in the supression of the masses. Its a given and no longer has any shock value. However, homosexuality, for a time, was a societial issue that had been cornered and closeted, but it is and Christians or "fundies" as you call them are hard pressed to find a way to deal with the condition being "shoved" down their throats by way of media saturation, political agendas and even the possible laws that may prohibit them from voicing their concerns out loud without fear of legal ramifications. There is no hierarchy of sins...the consequence of various sinning may affect us in ways that we are not prepared to accept or are ill equipped to battle with. That is why I don't. The Bible is written and readily available for anyone to read if they are seeking God. I whole heartedly promote it...the truth is there. However, the truth is that Jesus will be as it was in the Days of Noah, so all this protesting is an excersize in futility. Its all coming down...this is just simply another drop in the bucket spec for each side to pick at meanwhile misexamining the cedar beams that exist as a myriad of sin everywhere...even in our own lives. Love in Christ, ~J~
2007-08-31 09:56:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The ranking of the sins (the "Seven Deadly Sin") is not found within the Bible itself. It is a listing which thelogians developed during the early Middle Ages. Homosexuality is including within as those sins as one of those covered by the Deadly Sin of Lust.
Within the Bible itself, you will find homosexuality listed in 1 Corthians 6:9-11 along with several others sins including "greed" and "drunkness". So you can make a valid Bible agruement that they are equally "sinful". 9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexuals 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
The reason that the church as spoken against homosexuality so much recently is because of the current efforts to make it an acceptable and legallized lifestyle. I am not aware of anyone fighting for laws to make obesity acceptable or to grant it legal status for extortionist. There is such an effort for the act of homosexuality. Because of that, the church has had to spend more time speaking against it.
Of you look at the current climate today, you will find that "gluttony" is currently a concern in your culture. People all over are condemning it and working to help reduce it. So the church does not need at this time to make it one of their major concerns. The secular world is doing it for them.
However, my church - and most of those I know - are currently offering classes on nutrition. We have an execercise program on Saturday mornings which includes diet and cooking tips for a healthy lifestyle. Recently we did a program in which the majority of our members pledged to lose 10% of their body mass over a 120 day period, or pay $10 per pound for what they failed to lose. The money was used to rebuild an orphanage in Honduras that had been destroyed by a hurricaine. We had over 70% of our people meet that 10% goal. (Because we lose so much weight, the donations would have been very small, so most of us gave $10 for each pound we DID lose instead).
So the churches are dealing with "gluttony" and the other sins also. It is just that the homosexual one apparently affects you personally, so it is the only one you pay attention to and notice when we talk about it.
2007-08-31 09:48:45
answer #3
answered by dewcoons 7
There are 7 deadly sins:
1. Pride:
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
2. Envy:
Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
3. Gluttony:
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
4. Lust:
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
5. Anger:
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.
6. Greed:
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
7. Sloth:
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
2007-08-31 09:39:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Man came up with the hierarchy - I was taught growing up that all sins are equal in God's eyes, and the only unforgivable sin was willful disbelief in God (because obviously you're not going to ask forgiveness for that!).
I completely agree with you, it's complete hypocrisy for these people to be calling things like homosexuality and abortion abhorrent when they are so greedy and selfish in their own lives. I can't figure out how the right became known as the "Christian" political affiliation. These people aren't Christians in my definition. It's all for political gain. I for one am absolutely sick of politicians and how it seems to be "given" that they will filander and trade favors, and line their own pockets. This is America, don't we have a right - a duty - to demand better of our leaders? That's the true patriotism.
2007-08-31 09:38:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
and where do you get the idea that Christians do not have issues with those topics??
did we not fight against putting soda machines and fast foods in schools because of the FAT problems , but were voted down by the non Christians....
do we not boy cott, write letters, complain of the commercials and the fast food places on every corner because of the FAT problems....
What did the Christians hear from you??? don't tell us how to eat!!
who is spending money and supporting industry that is "clearly" nothing a christian would go near or have anything to do with??
And when Christians try to have such things stopped or laws against YOU are there crying that we are taking away your toys!!
the old testament dietary laws that many Christians try to follow....not eating unclean....the grocery store is a war zone of trying to find the healthy items that a person can eat....
who are the big manufactures that create all those strange glow in the dark foods that no one should eat???
who fights against faith based health care?
who refuses to close the work place so Christians can go to worship?
who mocks everything Christians do and then blame the Christians for things that go wrong?
being over weight is a symptom of the bad eating habits of the bad American diet.... grease, fried foods, fast foods, pig products, beef products, dairy products, sea foods, processed foods.......
complaining about the televangelists, a few are good, the rest are flakes....the flakes make everything difficult for the rest of the world....I write to the network to complain....
I am informed that that is what the viewing public wants.....and that includes the other crap on TV that is not the fault of Christians...
news flash...we have our own satellite TV networks and try not to watch your secular TV with the flaky televangelists...complain to the network...
2007-08-31 10:13:23
answer #6
answered by coffee_pot12 7
The seven deadly sins are called "deadly" because they're gateway sins, that will lead to actions and behaviors that will separate you from your Creator.
I believe the outline comes from a Catholic writing or teaching.
The pastor at my church gave a 7-week sermon series on each of them. If you're interested in reading what he had to say, email or IM me and I'll provide you with the link.
Take care.
2007-08-31 09:40:16
answer #7
answered by samans442 4
I read in the Bible that GOD abhors such acts as homosexuality. I do not find anywhere that HE says so about "gluttony" or "greed". This, I believe is why some do so. I see no difference in any SIN since SIN is any transgression of our FATHER'S WORD. Have a wonderful weekend.
Each and every one of us will meet CHRIST at the Judgment and will answer for His/Her SINS. You are correct, all sins are equally wrong according to what I read and believe and WE are NOT to JUDGE others!
2007-08-31 09:37:11
answer #8
answered by Eds 7
Life is complicated. There is no such outline, but people haven plenty of issues with the obese and the money grubbers. You only see it when it affects you.
2007-08-31 09:36:16
answer #9
answered by butrcupps 6
I am an evangelical fundie but I am a communist.
I take GREAT issue with how Christians act and how we are perceived. You are 100% right in your criticism of us. We are mostly money grubbers, shysters, capitalist, usurists, etc...
The Church is rife with hypocrites and we have no one to blame but us.
2007-08-31 09:41:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
The use of the failure to address other sins as a cover for another sin is quite imaginative and creative, sort of like, "The best defense is a good offense."
2007-08-31 09:43:59
answer #11
answered by Anonymous