I'm not a Christian, but I have studied the bible and it seems to me that Christianity SHOULD be a loving religion, because that is how Jesus taught it, but the followers sometimes seem to conveniently forget, or misinterpret, what he said.
2007-08-30 19:36:59
answer #1
answered by Diane 4
First you have to prove the fact that they are true Christians that have done these things and not some one saying we are to rally people to there cause.
If 2 + 2 = 4 then how can you say that 2 + 2 =22 just because someone else says its how the numbers work.
Christians follow the law under God which if not upheld means death or no eternal life with him.
So my point being these were not true Christians but man way of getting again what he wants over someone else's rights and freedoms. Which is against God's law.
Sounds like most of those things that man did was for greed and power.
Does Bush represent all Americans and there beliefs? Because that's what your saying about those so called Christians.
Ok if you didn't get that then here's another example. During the Pirating days they used to run British flags before they attacked other ships. Were these British solders or Pirates?
2007-08-30 19:43:26
answer #2
answered by YANI S 2
As a Christian myself I think it can be a very loving religion. I'm one of those Christians that doesn't believe that homosexuality is a sin (I think they where born that way) I except other religions, I believe in science should be taught in schools because I believe in evolution, I can't stand the KKK, they repulse me. I also am pro-choice. I think any kind of genocide is just horrible. I go by the principles of my faith. One God, and love one another, and that only God can judge. I don't go preaching to people to convert or throw my religion in others people faces. I try to accept everyone as who they are. I try and respect everyone. I feel bad that some Christians in history and in present day where/are not good people, it makes me sad, all I can do is try and be a good person and a good example.
2007-08-31 09:42:29
answer #3
answered by Ghoulina 3
Hmmm its kinda funny your first example was, oh, about 1,200 years after Christ. Now if Christ led the Crusades that would be something else, but what men do 1,200 years after him does not say anything bad about Christ, but about his purported followers. Also since the Crusades go against the teachings of Christ, you only prove one great thing....... when you deviate from the teachings of Christ, bad things will happen. If you stay true to Christ's teachings you will be righteous.
And many Christians were killed in the Inquisition, a minister was killed in the Salem Witch Trials and many godly people and known Christians were killed, many Christianized Indians were killed despite many Christians and missionaries standing up for them and defending them.... The KKK? Jesus wasn't a whitey so I don't see how they have any Christian foundation, especially since the scriptures clearly say color is irrelevant before God. Homophobia I can largely agree with you, they have been persecuted by people professing Christianity but Christ never called for anyone to be killed. Paranoia of change? What are you talking about the Christian churches have done nothing but change. Greek Orthodox. Catholic. Anglican. Puritan. Pilgrim. Quaker. Unitarian. They have constantly been changing. Abortion clinic bombings is another one I grant you, but although I am against abortion I would never endorse such acts. I don't think religion should be taught over science.
Despite all this, yes I can say that the system of Christ is one of love. When you deviate from the teachings of Christ, all these things will happen. That is why it is better to be a fundamentalist Christian then to be one who goes their own way and does these things.
2007-08-30 19:49:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Permit a mere brief addition to the lengthy list of Christian evil device.
1) She formerly layed by me, pretended sweetness, whether we were intimately enjoying each other or not. She expressed genuine love and regard, even confessing to the joy and beauty of romance, sex, sexuality, love and more. Yet, whereas others assaulted me, she perceived some twisted humor in my demise. Now she merely giggles when she sees me.
2) She previously similarly layed by me, similar/same intent, only this one here distinct of (1) above, for she claimed she were a Jew. She too faked regard to get what she wanted, lied and pretended great aspiration towards me sometimes, despite subsequent reported amnesia followed by her poor excuse for humor. Then when all hell broke loose she implied she were as lofty, made arrogant statements, toyed with my feelings, and walked away laughing as if some great accomplishment. She hasn't returned since, evidently feeling she really did accomplish something great.
3) Others claim such astounding faith, yet haven't an ounce of respect for life, even making excuse or agreement for acts of cruelty as premeditated murder, assault, theft, harassment, torture, alteration and more.
Show me a religion that offers anything real, sweet, loving or beneficial!
2007-08-30 19:59:02
answer #5
answered by Astute Spy 2
Religion based in institutional power controls are always flawed. Your premise lumps in so many things which could take volumes to explore. Geo-political alliance and national defense against impirical expansionism, such as the first crusade, is in such a different category as white supremacy organizations, it's impossible to give credence to the question.
Jesus and his word are my guide. I don't follow institutions, or movements. Jesus gave plenty of instruction on providing a radically loving framework for life, that it's beyond any other frame of thought ever known.
I'm not paranoid of change, nor are any of the Christians I know. We live in a most amazing time of change. I love it. I'm not paranoid at all. In fact, I'm enthusiastic for what is coming as we see the world moving to the inevitable things which Bible prophecy has spoken of for 2,000 years. We may well see the return of Christ in our life times. Wow.
2007-08-30 19:42:08
answer #6
answered by TEK 4
Just because a person calls themselves a Christian, does not mean that they actually ARE a Christian. Only God sees our "true" motives & the desires of our hearts, no matter what we "say" or "do" on the "outside. Fear not, those that have done, are doing, or will do things in the name of Christ, are going to account for those things! As are we ALL!
2007-08-30 19:44:10
answer #7
answered by maranatha132 5
Christianity, as a general group are varied. I have met a lot of loving Christians, such as my family. They are not racist, homophobic, anti abortionist, and paranoid. There have been a few people I have met that meet all of the above, but they are rare. More often the Christians I have met are homophobic, which disturbs me but when I start talking to them they seem to accept homosexuals. As an interesting side note, I have met just as many homophobic Atheists. I think homophobia is a result of earlier religious beliefs, but we are starting to see that it is just another form of hatred and it is now looked down upon.
2007-08-30 19:39:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
As a religion is cool even to muslims but at the expense of present civilization christianity getting out of touch with reality.
2007-08-30 19:47:05
answer #9
answered by czaryang 2
The Bible , especially in the New Testament, encourages everyone to love their neighbour. This is Jesus' teaching.
The examples given of what went on in the middle ages was NOT Christianity, but CATHOLICISM.
And CATHOLICISM is still not very loving. Otherwise the Catholic church would cash in all its gold and jewels and property and feed , at least, all the POOR Catholic members of its organisation.
2007-08-30 19:58:00
answer #10
answered by pugjw9896 7