How do you explain that God is so big that this universe but that He lives completely inside of you?
I usually talk about God being our Creator, King and Father.
Creator: The one who made the universe including you and I. Why we were created is our purpose and that our owner's manual is the Bible. The Bible tell us how to care for ourselves just like an owner's manual.
King: As God is the Creator of the universe, He is also the King of the universe. As He was the Creator that gave us our purpose and owner's manual, so God has also given His Subjects His Law. As a creation running outside the specifications in the owner's manual breaks, so breaking a Law condemns us of the whole law. God is Holy and Just and must punish sin. As His servants, we deserve the full penalty of the law which is death.
However, God has invited us to be adopted as His children. Like the King illustration, the Father has His law for His children as He did His servants. And both children and servants can stand before God, guilty of being disobedient.
The difference is that servants are responsible for paying their debt to the King. Children, on the other hand, are not responsible for paying their debt to the King. The Father is.
So when a child is adopted by the Father, the debt owed the king is now the responsibility of the Father to pay.
Hope this helps.
2007-08-30 18:23:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous