Matthew 10: 34-36 is referring to the sword of division..."I have come to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother." Being committed to Christ can cause division between even a mother and her daughter. If you continue to read on, in verse 37 He continues,"If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine." Hence the sword of 'division'. Christ has to be FIRST in our lives!
2007-08-30 16:07:58
answer #1
answered by cbmultiplechoice 5
You speak the name of Jesus very many places and truly love Him and commit your life to Him, you will see what comes up towards you in family, business and life..., unless you never encounter people who are not in the kingdom of God.
The world does NOT love Jesus. You can talk about "God" in many places, but you mention Jesus and you can feel the feathers begin to ruffle. Peace is not being a pacifist; not compromising to keep a peaceful atmosphere; not negotiating terms and conditions. Peace only comes when we stand firmly in our convictions of godliness and refuse to compromise. I can have "peace" inside when everyone else is in chaos or outside circumstances are not in harmony.
What he said was: Matthew 10: 34 and following verses. Read it in context and get it straight. When you are born-again and surrendered to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you create quite a stir among people who can't and won't (yet) surrender. They truly believe they are losing something in Jesus rather than gaining everything. Most people will argue long and loud about Jesus can't be the ONLY way to God, but the truth is, they just don't want to give that job up to Jesus since they want to "sit on the throne". Selfishness and rebellion is the root. They are deceived. You know Eve didn't "eat/partake" until she was first deceived.., the devil's best game.
When you take the absolute truth of Jesus Christ, people will call you a bigot, a fanatic, a 'fundie' and that's the nice stuff. The world does NOT like the truth and absoluteness of Jesus Christ and His non-compromise. IF He is right, then all others are wrong and it doesn't sit well with the "relative" group.
2007-08-30 16:22:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Each of the four gospels portray Christ in different ways.
Matthew- As a King
Mark- As a Slave Savior submitting to the Father and serving men as a Godman.
Luke-As a Man Savior, Matthew Mark and Luke all emphasize on the Lord's Humanity more than His Divinity.
John- Portrays Him as the Word Who is God from the Beginning.
So in this Book of Matthew where you quoted this verse.
Matthew 10:34
" Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth; I have not come to bring peace but a sword."
The Lord's prespective and reason for speaking this verse is because the Whole earth is under Satan's usurpation, 1John 5:19 says" We know that we are of God and the whole world lies in the evil one" This whole world comprises the satanic world system and the people of the world, the fallen human race. So the Heavenly King, Jesus Christ came to call some out from that usurpation. This certainly aroused Satan's opposition. He instigated people under his usurpation to fight against the heavenly King's called ones. Thus, Christ, as the King's coming did not bring peace, but a sword...
The warfare was not in the physical realm, but rather in the spiritual realm. This is no mere sword. The Lord spoke out the Words of Life to break the bonds of satan over people. The Word came out of His mouth as a double edged sword. A physical sword would never be able to touch satan or the world under his usurpation. Only the Eternal Word of God is able to defeat and subdue satan and those enslaved by him.
Eph 6:17b.. " the sword of the Spirit which Spirit is the Word of God."
Matthew 5:2
And He opening His mouth, He taught them...
Matthew 7:29
For He taught them as One having authority and not like their scribes..
Matthew 13:54
And He came into His own country and taught them in their synagogue so that they were astounded and said, Where did this man get this wisdom and these works of power?.
Revelation 1:16
And He had in His right hand seven stars and out of His mouth proceeded a sharp two edged sword and His face shone as the sun shines in its power...
Revelation 2:12
And to the messenger of the church in Pergamos write: These says He who has the sharp two edged sword...
a sister
2007-08-31 04:12:02
answer #3
answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6
The Scripture you speak of is Matthew 10:34....The "sword" Jesus brought was the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17)
Everyone was expecting the Messiah to bring peace and deliver the Jews the fullfillment of all prophecies....but Jesus brought a whole new load of surprises to the table....
The exclusiveness of God and His Holy Spirit and Scriptures for the Jews was no more... and again the Jews had to "wait" for Prophecies to be totally well as to take a more active role in the battle between satan and mankind.
Peace be with you :)
***gg28 speaks Truth :) *** Correction...all speak well here lol :)
2007-08-30 16:35:43
answer #4
answered by ForeverSet 5
He meant that during His ministry on earth Christ did not come to end all suffering and bring peace to the world. Instead He came to bring forth His commandments and a higher law than the law of Moses. If you read in Rev, John speaks of a vision and he sees Christ with a sword coming out of His mouth. Christ's word is His offensive weapon. It is by His word and obedience to His commandments we will be judged. So the sword He speaks of is His word.
There is a talk by a man named Richard Draper that is excellent on the topic of the Book of Revelations, he also has many books on the same subject. Check them out
2007-08-30 16:11:51
answer #5
answered by Bubblewrap 4
The Bible may be the sword that Christ refers to in this verse. The Word is often called a sword in the Bible. The Bible does not bring peace to this world. In fact it divides the world between Christians and non-Christians.
2007-08-30 16:07:53
answer #6
answered by Bible warrior 5
Do not think that I have come to bring peace; I bring a sword to divide...He also said that if anyone does not hate mother and father he is unworthy to follow Me. Meaning: To be a Christian means putting obedience to Christ above all other concerns. Or, to put it another way, if you're going to be My disciple you may find that your family and close friends will forsake you or worse...but He also said that whatever a person gives up for my sake it will paid back to him...with interest. There is no easy means enough that leads to repentance (changed life, attitudes, thoughts, behavior).
2007-08-30 16:16:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you look to the rest of the quote, you will see that the same theme of if you want to save your life, you must lose it. I have come to set son against father, daughter against mother... I believe refers to the fact that in many cases it was known and proven that when people accepted and made statement that they believed in JC as Lord and Savior, that it would cause strife between believers and the closest people to them. So in this way, He did bring a sword and there is not peace in that relationship. It is not to say that JC was the provoker of fights, only that standing up for your faith in Him would be the basis for fighting among you and those you love the most.
Just as He told the disciples, [paraphrased] If you want to follow Me, you must leave everyone else behind." Putting Him first.
2007-08-30 16:18:30
answer #8
answered by Duane 3
Paul calls the teaching of Jesus "a sword of truth." It's true that new teachings rarely create political peace.
There is also the frequent misunderstanding that Christian teachings are meant to create an earthly paradise, rather than prepare for the real paradise.
2007-08-30 16:16:05
answer #9
answered by praisedivinemercy 4
If this is Revelations as I suspect He is coming to Glean the fields with the two edged sword of the Word of God. He will save the world from self destruction and defeat Satan and bind him for one thousand years.
First time Lamb of Judah Rejoice!
Second time Lion of Judah look out He's angry.
2007-09-05 05:02:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous