That is why I am looking for a true bible believing Church.
2007-08-30 13:32:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You have violated the first rule of Biblical scholarship: Who is speaking, and who is being spoken to?
God was speaking to anc. Israel, AND NOT CHRISTIANS.
This commandment, as well as the rest, were codified in a covenant, the parties of which were God and Israel, AND NO ONE ELSE.
Are you trying to claim Christians cannot worship on a Sunday, or any other day of the week other than Saturday?
You are not "shaking the foundations of Christianity" you are trying to undermine the foundation.
And while we are at it, what happens when either party to a covenant dies? Paul explains this in Romans 7, using the marriage covenant as an example.
Christ, who was the God of the O.T. died on a cross, thus ending that covenant. It is over. It is finished. It is replaced by a better covenant based upon better promices. The old covenant was the ministration of death and condemnation; the new is a covenant of life. Why then do you choose that which condemns and kills?
2007-08-31 09:11:33
answer #2
answered by Hogie 7
Christians don't misinterpret anything.
Christians worship on Sunday the day that Jesus rose from the dead.
Since Acts chapter 20, we are told that Christians met on the first day of the week.
And in Colossians chapter 2, Paul tells us that Sabbaths and Festivals and Feasts and New Moons, don't matter anymore the substance is Christ.
So the Sabbath law you cited has been nailed to the tree and canceled. Again see Colossians chapter 2.
Pastor Art
2007-08-30 20:34:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
That don't shake my foundation one bit..... The roman catholic cult changed the day to demonstrate the authority of the pope and the cult... when the potestants split from that cult they kept the "tradition".... and most of The Church also goes along with that .... however The Fourth Commandment was in no way voided by The Teaching of Jesus The Christ... most of us of The Faith will find that we will be short a reward upon entering Heaven because of following "tradition" rather than The Sabbath..... it is not a pratice that keeps any from Salvation... but The Sabbath should be returned to the Sundown Friday to sundown Saturday keeping..... that is one thing at least the Seventh Day Folks get correct.
2007-08-30 20:39:05
answer #4
answered by ? 5
You are not shaking my foundation....Jesus told us not to esteem one day above another....we should worship God every day but one day a week should be set aside to pay our tithes, get money together for missionaries and the homeless...have offerings for the business of the specific day but Sunday was chosen because it was the one most convenient...
We are no longer under the law so anyone who tries to live by it, will be judged by it. We are to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbor as ourselves....that is all that is required and to take our wine and bread in remembrance of what Jesus did for us.
2007-08-30 20:38:39
answer #5
answered by dreamdress2 6
Because the Sabbath day was part of the ceremonial law that Jesus fulfilled and we are no longer required to keep it. All of God's moral laws are still in force because they represent his unchanging character and while it is good for a person to have a day of rest and to trust in the Lord to meet their needs, the legal requirement to observe the Sabbath has been nailed to the cross and done away with.
Colossians 2:13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him. 16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
The day of rest from working was symbolic of the rest from the dead works of the law that believers can now find in the finished work of Christ on the cross.
Heb 4:3 For we who have believed enter that rest,...8 For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken of another day later on. 9 So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, 10 for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.
2007-08-30 20:37:32
answer #6
answered by Martin S 7
I'm going to try to stop all the s h a k i n g around here.
God provided the example for us by resting after His work. He would have us to do the same and rest on one day out of the week. It really doesn't matter if its Sat. or Sun. The day of rest is to reflect on what the Lord has done, to praise Him, to worship Him and to fellowship with the saints.
Jesus is the Rock of salvation { Psalm 89:26} when your shaking, watch for falling Rocks !
2007-08-30 20:51:33
answer #7
answered by bill b 2
your not shaking the foundations of christianity you just don't understand our relgion. Well, i'm roman catholic, but i also boleive in keeping the Sabath day holy. God wants us to keep this day holy and by the we can go to church, spend time with our family, or relax with our friends. Keeping this day holy is showing love towards other and this pleases God. God likes to see us relax and be at peace in our homes.
who said they misinterpreted this meaning? huh? you.. well you are not holy nor are you a special being. Sunday is when they gather at church to worship the lord. You don't even have to go to church to do that because everyone knows if you pray in silence by yourself you develop a better understanding and relationship with God. As you see. Saturady is being kept holy by us being in peace and having fun. God is love and it is a time to show our love on saturday.
2007-08-30 20:35:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Traditionally it was a Saturday, but how do you KNOW it was a Saturday? How do you know the Sabbath wasn't originally a Wednesday? How do you know if God started creating the world on Monday or Tuesday?
2007-08-30 20:35:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You didn't shake it enough.
This commandment has never applied to non-Jews. It is a given to the Jews as a sign of the covenant between the Jews and God, as it says in the Torah.
No one can change that, except God, and Jesus certainly wasn't capable of doing so.
Christians will say that there is no Jew or Gentile, that we are all one in Jesus. Sorry, that isn't the way it works. That's Church propaganda, and replacement theology. Christians say that they have been "grafted in". Again, sorry that isn't how it works. You aren't "grafted in", there is no way for non-Jews to be "grafted in", nor has there ever been any need for non-Jews to be "grafted in".
The sacrifices at the Temple in Jerusalem were done for ALL the nations, first of all, every Sukkot. Not just for the Jews.
Secondly, when the true Messiah comes, it is the Righteous Gentiles (Noahides) who will be worshipping the God of Israel side by side WITH the Jews, as equals (not AS Jews, but as EQUALS.)
There will not be any believers in pagan human virgin blood sacrifices worshipping with them. That means Christians.
Third, there was never, ever the role of the Messiah to be a virgin human blood sacrifice for sin for anyone. This is pure ancient pagan cult worship, and does not come from Judaism.
Non-Jews merit their place in the World To Come by following the the 7 Universal (Noahide) Laws. By following these laws, non-Jews create a society of peace and unity, compassion and kindness between mankind, and between mankind and God. THIS is how non-Jews receive their place in the World To Come, NOT by believing in a human sacrifice, which is an abomination to God.
For the role and prophecies that the REAL Messiah is to fulfill (in his lifetime, and he doesn't die, either), please see the following links. After reading these you will know more about what God actually gave on Mt. Sinai than 99.9 % of Christians do:
Oh yes, and for those Christians who say "We are no longer under the law" - guess what. You were never under the law anyway, except for the 7 Noahide Laws. And you are not free from the 7 Noahide Laws.
There was never a penalty existing anywhere for non-Jews for not following the rest of the laws in the Torah.
No non-Jew was ever punished for not following those laws, because the law never applied to them.
Therefore, Jesus never freed you from them because you cannot be freed from something you were never bound by in the first place.
Christians believe in error that Jews follow the law in order to gain salvation. Once again, this is a lie taught by the Church to its followers for centuries. Judaism doesn't even HAVE such a concept as needing salvation in the first place, let alone the idea of following the laws in order to obtain it.
2007-08-30 20:42:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
We rest from the cares of the world and spend our time worshipping and, well, resting. What you do on the sabbath is completely up to you.
2007-08-30 20:38:24
answer #11
answered by socmum16 ♪ 5