Let's suppose Jesus came to a stone-age culture where early humans were grunting over the carcass of a mammoth. Suppose he taught the Beatitudes. Do you think they would have understood Jesus and believed the Gospel?
Just as kindergartners can't understand calculus, God had to choose a faithful people, the Jews, and patiently lead them to a place where they could at least understand Jesus' teachings. Not all responded, but a faithful band of Jews believed the good news and carried it to the world.
2007-08-30 12:59:50
answer #1
answered by Bruce 7
In the Bible God states that His invisible power is clearly seen by what He has made, and with this information we are without excuse of not repenting. God also tells us that He has put eternity into the hearts of all men. This means everyone wonders about what lies after death...kind of what you are doing right now. One of the really tight parts about when Jesus came in history is that it was at the time when transportation methods had a big boom. Any earlier than many villages and cities Jesus visited wouldn't have heard His message or seen His miracles. I think that's why. Also God has given everyone a conscience. We all kow when we are doing wrong. I feel that is God's way of convicting people of sin...especially those who have never heard the Gospel. Oh and if you read Genesis you will see that God was with the first people on Earth. They messed up though and all the rest is history. It's cool your asking questions though. Who knows maybe your intrest in God will open your eyes to Jesus Christ.
2007-08-30 13:02:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
This one is really a deep subject. There was no need for a Jesus, in the beginning.
What Adam and Eve did was to commit adultry against God. Until then, there was open communication with God and God saw to their every need.
Just like anyone, who's love has commited adultry, God withdrew from man. What God has been after, from day one, is true love given freely. That's what separates man from the angels.
It makes sense that from that point, God spoke through and communed with particular prophets, who were true to God. And that's the only way He dealt with man, for many years.
It was out of compassion, God gave them symbols and rituals, to guide the people but it wasn't a perfect solution. Jesus was the coming perfect solution.
We have no idea why so much time passed between Adam and Eve, and the advent of Jesus. We have a vapor of info concerning that. We only know that when Jesus came, He performed the perfect sacrifice to undo the past damage and reclaim man back to the original relationship.
After the fall of man, satan began the long process of camoflauge, trying to keep man's eyes off God. Part of his work was to 'copy' and 'replace' God for mankind. Tribes outside those called "God's chosen" had no guidance and found their own gods to follow. Satan helped that one along, it was perfect for his plans.
So practically from the beginning, satan devised ways to confuse and pervert truth. This is where you get so many false religions and so many of them claim the same stories as those told of God.
Jesus spoke a sermon on the mount so Buddha claimed he also preached a sermon on the mount, even claiming almost the exact words. Problem is, these false religions can't claim dates as old as those in the bible.
2007-08-30 13:14:13
answer #3
answered by judysbookshop 4
The best way to gain a testimony of the existence of God is to begin with finding out about who you are first. Who am I? Where did I come from? What is my purpose of life?
Then and now are completely 2 different worlds. God has spoken to his children since Adam...just in different ways because the spiritual needs of the people are different at different periods of time. During the time of Moses God spoke to him through a burning bush. Greek mythology came at a dark period of time in the world where light and truth was taken from the earth. But the fact is because of Gods mercy and love for his children truth is back on the earth in its entirety. Its important to know that and what source to look for truth.
I promise that if you start with finding out who you are first--everything else will begin to fall into place...it did for me. Please read a little bit of the link I attached. Pray about it and ask God if its true. I am not here to convert you besides only the spirit can do that rather just share with you how I came to know God. He is not the author of confusion, but love. You will know by quiet peaceful feelings of warth and love....these are called the feelings of the spirit.
2007-08-30 13:14:04
answer #4
answered by LooneyLu 2
First...what a great question?
Jesus was not needed in the beginning of civilization. In the beginning man knew how to embrace the Love that God intended for them to embrace. They loved the earth, sun, stars, and life in itself. But the more and more humanity lost touch with Love, oneness, respect for life, the more God thought humanity needed a teacher to remind them. So at a time in history when God felt man needed it most, he sent Jesus. Jesus did not preach about Christianity to be noted, he preached about love, about a return to obtaining heaven. A perfect human...
Hope this helps.
2007-08-30 13:07:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Great question....you might want to look at Christianity as God gradually revealing more and more of His true nature to us through time. As soon as we get one revelation, we are ready for the next one. And so the New Testament you will find builds upon the Old Testament and allows us to see the previous covenant in a whole new light....you might say kind of like seeing a two dimensional image of something, then seeing the actual object in three dimensions. Jesus showed us the nature of God in a way we had never seen it before...even though He was there with God in the beginning. In fact, it is even written that all things were created through Him and for Him!
2007-08-30 12:58:33
answer #6
answered by whitehorse456 5
He spoke to His people directly, remember? He talked to David, Noah, Adam, all those people. It wasn't until man basicly ignored Him that He stopped talking to us that way.
He will still talk to you now if you take the time to speak to Him. It just wont be the way you think. Sometimes something happens and it's your answer, sometimes a thought will enter your head and you have no idea where it came from because it was out from left field. You know who it's from. He is still answering us, just not the same way as before. He changed the rules and made it as easy on us as He could because we failed so badly the first time. We still fail now, but at least now He catches us if we call on Him.
2007-08-30 12:59:04
answer #7
answered by Stahn 3
Jesus coming was foretold when God cursed the serpent after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:14-15).
2007-08-30 12:58:57
answer #8
answered by 9_ladydi 5
We all must begin at the beginning. Nobody begins in the middle, or at the end.
Jesus Christ's death on the cross was not meant for the beginning. That was the time for Adam and Eve, etc., then Abraham, etc.
Jesus Christ's death on the cross came at a time when God wanted it to be. All things happen in their own time, and in their own place.
2007-08-30 13:03:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
when people were first put on earth they had not sinned yet. they were already with God. only after adam and eve ate the fruit, were they separated from God. but on the same day that man sinned God promised to send a deliverer he said that the seed of eve would bruise the head of the seed of the serpent. notice that he said the seed of eve not adam. that was for telling of our savior Jesus Christ.
2007-08-30 12:58:42
answer #10
answered by 777 6