Because it's a religion that continues to step backwards into the dark ages.
2007-08-30 11:30:18
answer #1
answered by Nurse Mildred Ratched 2
Contrary to popular belief, Islam is a very peaceful religion. If you had the guts to actually learn about what a wonderful religion it is, you wouldn't have to ask this question. All I am saying, is the only answers you are going to get on Y.A are from people who :
-- have NEVER read the Quran
-- do not TRULY KNOW ABOUT THE PROPHET, his life, his morals, and his teachings.
-- and are just plain ignorant
Do you want to take advice from them? I am a Muslim, and am EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH ISLAM..
My advice : don't listen to anyone against Islam, because that proves they are ignorant..
Go to your local masjid, take a class, make some Muslim friends, buy some books from amazon ( Some that i think ARE AMAZINGLY GOOD ARE , The Absolute Essentials of Islam by Sheikh .. and Critical Lives: Muhammed by Yahiya Emericak ) but learn something about Islam, ON YOUR OWN, because chances are, you will learn the truth, and learn the beauty of a religion like Islam
May Allah (swt) put you on the right path
Allah Hafiz
2007-08-30 12:01:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Why shouldnt you CONvert to ISlam?My friend who is white converted to islam she said "its makes alot more sense to me".Its also the fastest growing religon.Go on to youtube and check for yourself...
2007-08-30 12:06:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I can't tell u why u shouldn't convert to islam but I can tell u many reasons why u shouldn't convert into Christianity:)
( If I get any thumbs down then u know I got them from angry Christians)
2007-08-30 11:31:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I have met many Muslims who have an emptiness in their heart. They see God as someone so big, that He is untouchable. They live in fear of never knowing where they will go when they die. They believe the only way to Heaven is for good works to outweigh the bad.
Christians, on the other hand, have a personal relationship w/Jesus Christ. We are assured of our salvation and do good works because we love the Lord, not out of fear. We are saved by God's grace and it's awesome!
2007-08-30 13:19:23
answer #5
answered by ? 6
Because Islam requires that you do not become a Muslim until and unless you are absolutely sure and certain in your heart that you have chosen the true, and last Religion of God. God asks us in the Quran to look at the evidences ((proofs, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)) and decide for ourselves whether to believe or to reject it :
Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
(Quran, 2:256)
2007-08-30 11:36:11
answer #6
answered by B 4
Because a tree is known by the fruit it produces. I wouldn't join a religion which encourages the murder of innocent people under any circumstances. I know not all Muslims murder people, but most remain silent while it's happening rather than speak out against it.
2007-08-30 11:36:03
answer #7
answered by Jeff A 5
you should convert to Islam to find your inner peace
2007-08-30 11:43:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Why do you want us to convince you not to convert to Islam? You should be free to join any faith you wish.
2007-08-30 11:31:23
answer #9
answered by Daisy 6
Try instead to persue truth through reason. Unlike, "God" it's never let me down or lead me astray.
You simply shouldn't believe in something because you want to or feel like you need to. That's rediculous and potentially dangerous. You should only believe in something because you feel it to be true.
Religion is for people who can't deal with their guilt. It's empowering to feel like you understand something that not everybody is a part of. It's human nature to desire significance, but foolish to seek it in fantasy. Just because so many claim that it's true doesn't mean it is. They have faith, not proof. It's quite easy to put faith in a deceptive or empty cause when group enthusiasm is displayed. The communist movement failed because it wasn't attached to an emotional cause. To get people to rise up and change the world, you have to inspire or terrify them. A good reason is just never enough by itself.
If you feel you HAVE to look OUTSIDE of yourself to find purpose in life, you will always fail and you'll always have that sliver of doubt in the back of your mind, no matter how hard you and your fellow Muslims try to suppress it. I did away with doubt the day I took a hard look at the world for what it really is.
It's OUR responsibility. Man invented God.
2007-08-30 11:31:13
answer #10
answered by Cosmodot 5
Do you look good in a mini-skirt? If not go ahead and convert.
2007-08-30 11:33:23
answer #11
answered by Anonymous