Exactly so -- drinking is okay, getting drunk is not. It's right there in the Bible, and it's also part of Catholic teaching. It's specifically spelled out in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkenness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others' safety on the road, at sea, or in the air.
2007-08-30 09:00:58
answer #1
answered by sparki777 7
Last night I was at a car show, and 99% of the people there were white (including me). I would estimate that 90%-95% of the people there were drinking some sort of alcoholic beverage, and I am almost positive that 9 out of 10 of them were Christian/Catholic/whatever. Why is it so much more likely for Christians to be weak followers of their religion than any other religion? There were plenty of people there, and almost all were drinking beer or some other alcoholic drink. Why do most, yes I say most, Christians drink? Is the Bible too loose and the interpretation is up for grabs? Perhaps a previous author did not want to lose converts, so he changed the Bible and loosened its limits? Why?
2007-08-30 16:00:48
answer #2
answered by Omer 5
Jesus told them, "Fill the jars with water." So they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, "Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter." So they took it. And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, ... (John 2:7-9)
Wine is used throughout both the Old and New Testaments. The first recorded miracle of Jesus was to turn water in wine at the wedding in Cana.
It is true that we should not become drunk but used in moderation, wine is a biblically acceptable beverage.
Go, eat your bread with joy and drink your wine with a merry heart, because it is now that God favors your works. (Ecclesiastes 9:7)
What would Jesus do? Jesus had a cup of wine with dinner.
If some people wish to totally forego alcohol to eliminate the temptation to over indulge, that's fine. But I don't think they should force that unbiblical practice onto others.
With love in Christ.
2007-08-31 00:52:21
answer #3
answered by imacatholic2 7
you are not missing anything at all and you have correctly divided the word of God...it is OK to drink , but drunkenness it down right sin, of course God will forgive us if we do get drunk because he will forgive all sin that is confessed, but there has to be true repentance which does not mean to a mumble an "I'm Sorry" and go out a get drunk the next day or weekend..repentance is to "change your mind" and if you are too weak to resist drinking until you are drunk it is better to avoid it all together. We are suppose to "crucify our flesh and its desires" Peace.
2007-08-30 16:13:43
answer #4
answered by candi_k7 5
Of course not! A book written by prominent Catholics and consulted by all Catholics specifically condemns drunkenness and other forms of excess. It's called the Bible.
2007-08-30 16:13:14
answer #5
answered by PaulCyp 7
I would hope it was ok for catholics to get drunk. I lived in a small town and we use to take bets as to when the catholic priest would fall off the barstool. NO lie.
2007-08-30 16:33:54
answer #6
answered by flash 4
Getting drunk is NOT holy. The Bible clearly says that getting drunk is NOT good. You can drink, but not overdrink.
Peace & God bless from Texas. <><
2007-08-30 15:57:02
answer #7
answered by jaantoo1 6
How many drinks does it take for your judgement to be impaired? The law says one beer per hour if you weigh a certain amount. If you want to have one drink then I guess that is okay but once you start it sometimes doesn't stop and then your judgement becomes impaired.
2007-08-30 16:00:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
"I can drink as much as I want, but I choose not to drink any of it." Chuck Smith.
When Jesus said, we are not to judge, the greek word was krino meaning judge to condemnation. Later in that same chapter, Jesus said you will know false teachers by their fruit. We are to judge for identification not condemnation. If they are getting drunk, there is something very wrong going on.
I encourage you to read Romans 14 prayerfully. God bless you.
2007-08-30 16:02:42
answer #9
answered by wassupmang 5
it is NOT okay for catholics or anyone for that matter to get drunk. The bible states no drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God.
2007-08-30 15:57:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous