Does watching demon related things make you more suseptable to posession? When can posession occur? Who do demons target? I would say i am pretty strong in my christian faith. I love god and jesus very much and im so scared that i am going to be possesed at one time or another in my life. I was watching this show ... a haunting doc on demon posession on the discovery channel. I was watching this out of curiosity but also to learn th steps to prevent myself from ever being posessed and to strengthen my faith. By watching this am i making myself vulnerable to demon attack?
27 answers
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Society & Culture
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I heard somewhere that if you can invite demons into your house by watching these things.
08:16:07 ·
update #1
the woman in the doc was a catholic!! a woman of god!!!
08:16:41 ·
update #2
oh i forgot to mention that she was a supernatural investigator and she visited this barn that was inhabited by satanists and she was posessed there.
08:17:32 ·
update #3
no, Donna, it won't make you possessed. But You are going to become fearful if your viewing these things. Don't give the enemy room ; a stronghold. Remember Phil 4:8 which tells us to dwell of things that are lovely and of good report? But, know this- Christians can not become possessed. Harrassed- yes, possessed- no
2007-08-30 08:22:37
answer #1
answered by Naomi S 2
Yes, you don't want to delve into that information.
It can affect you. It's best not to be too curious about it,
actually! Better safe than sorry. I don't think a Christian
can be posessed, but certainly can be attacked.
You don't ever have to be afraid of it, though!
Even if you are attacked, God is always more powerful!
Avoiding situations and influences is good.
Sometimes a Christian will need to go to, say, a
foriegn land or area to preach the gospel in a
place where there is more demonic activity and
that person needs some spiritual warfare preparation
and training to do that. It is best not to expose
yourslef without prayer first! Don't be too suspicious
or too overconfident either! Especially, trust God and
the blood of Jesus Christ that delivers from everything!
Don't be fearful, no matter what!
2007-08-30 08:24:43
answer #2
answered by Nickel-for-your-thoughts 5
In a way yes, but no it depends on how interested your are into something. Like the lady did work with the supernatural. Your fear of demons or Satan can make you weak. They will take advantage of that. Doing things or bringing things demonic into your home can open portals for demons. Demons target anyone, but they really target people who are more christian like. People who believe in God and worship him. They really go after people like that because they don't want you on God's side. The Devil and his demons want you to turn from God and join them. Satan is trying to get as many people to join his side. It's like a war good vs. evil. Satan and his demons target people's weakness and desires. Be strong, show courage, and pray to God for protection and strength. God protects those who are with him.
2007-08-30 10:05:39
answer #3
answered by Denise 2
99% of the time, people who are possessed invited the evil spirit / demon / what have you. By focusing too much on demonic matters you can invite such an entity. By focusing on God and godly things you invite the Holy Spirit.
I should put in a disclaimer that when diagnosing a possession, one should rule out the mundane (such as mental illness).
2007-08-30 08:28:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I f you are holy ghost filled the devil can come on you he can not posess you,it is not healthy to watch demonic flicks it does allow them into your house,and yes you are making your self vunerable to attack,Just like you recieved jesus and you have to grow to spiritual maturity,the devil does the same thing,when you open a door such as drinking ,smoking,drugs you allow to the enemy to plant a seed of wickedness and with continual use it grows to be a strongman and thats posession and deliverance is needed.Watching a tv program allows the enemy into your eye gate,then your mind,thoughts and it is put into action you have to watch your eye gate,posession does not happen over night its over years of use.The steps are do not watch the demonic programs if you have other family memebers that do plead the blood over you and your house activate the angels to keep you from all defilement according to psalm91,pull down every principalities of wickedness and demonic strongholds and release divine protection thru Jesus,watch your eye gate,ear gate,mind ,for out of the overflow of the heart flow the issues of life feel free to e-mail me, I have have done years of study in spiritual warfare Be blessed and enjoy Jesus Lisa
2007-08-30 08:36:44
answer #5
answered by God Child 4
Such things can happen. Satan/demons have to have a legal right or point of entry. Any involvement with things such as the occult, white/black magic, Ouija board, horoscopes, psychic, tarot cards, and many tv shows and movies can and will open the door to demonic oppression or possesion. If you are truly a child of God you should not be afraid of demon influence. Remember, God did not create in you a spirit of fear, but one of power! : D
2007-08-30 08:28:27
answer #6
answered by jojo9 3
More importantly, you should ask this: "How does this show lift up and glorify the Lord?" If you can't answer this in the positive, then don't watch it.
As a Christian, one need not worry about a demon behind every tree. We have authority over such things, unless we allow ourselves to be opened up to it.
These shows on the Discovery channel are not exactly science, let alone rocket science. They are meant to open you up to a world that is not particularly nice.
You're not inviting it into your house by watching it, necessarily. However, if you have children, would you like them to be exposed to it?
2007-08-30 08:21:22
answer #7
answered by †Lawrence R† 6
No one who is of The True Christian Faith need fear possession by any demon... All of those of The Church belong to God and can not be taken from Him.... demons can, and do, attack Christians in many way though... and those who are weak in some way, morally, spiritually, physically, are often targeted for attack by the forces of evil... this is done to weaken the individual and thus to weaken their witness for God.
many years before I came to know The Truth I was the target for a possession attempt... I can testify that the forces of evil are very real and dangerous... since I have been of The Church I have been physically attacked by an evil force on two occasions... and after I came to God those close to me, who are not of The Faith, have been targeted for attack by the forces of evil in order to weaken me...
I would caution any one not to watch all the demon garbage that is so prevalent on TV now and in movies... this is a well orchestrated move to desensitize people to evil and make them more vulnerable to the deceptions of satan's forces.
2007-08-30 08:23:06
answer #8
answered by ? 5
The Bible doesn't say much about this, But I would think that it has to do most likely with Satan and his temptation skills. These would be the ones who the demons would target, the weak ones. The ones willing to listen to him.
2007-08-30 08:16:36
answer #9
answered by great gig in the sky 7
I believe you shouldnt watch alot about demons they attack when your faith isnt as strong and when you deal with shows but more when you play games like the wigi board.
2007-08-30 10:15:49
answer #10
answered by donielle 7