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My husband has this problem and it is REALLY bad. I mean not just itchy, it has him writhing on the bed trying not to scratch. He has tried lotion right out of the shower but it made him itch more. It also happens when he sweats. What could this be? I think its more than just dry skin because of the intensity of it, plus even with the lotion its worse. Anyone else have this problem? What should he do?

2007-08-30 03:49:05 · 13 answers · asked by azrielle 3 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

BTW I forgot to add that it has happened all his life basically, and we have tried different soaps, detergents, etc and lived in different places in the country, so we're at a loss

2007-08-30 04:03:39 · update #1

13 answers

Changing your bathing habits can also help. If you bathe too often, it may dry out your skin. Try to take short, lukewarm baths or showers. Oatmeal baths (one brand name: Aveeno) may be soothing to dry skin. After a bath or shower, pat your skin dry and put a moisturizer on your skin right away. Use a mild soap every day to clean your genital area and under your arms. Only clean other parts of your body 2 or 3 times a week with soap.

Some people use bath oils to help make their skin less dry. However, these oils can be dangerous because they make your tub slippery. To avoid slipping and falling, put the oil on your skin after you get out of the bathtub. Plain baby oil works well.

if youve tried all this and it still itches there is a thing called psorious i think thats how its spelled either way. try the things above.and if it doesnt help go to a dermatologist


2007-08-30 04:00:44 · answer #1 · answered by Sammi L 2 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

Itchy skin when just out of shower?
My husband has this problem and it is REALLY bad. I mean not just itchy, it has him writhing on the bed trying not to scratch. He has tried lotion right out of the shower but it made him itch more. It also happens when he sweats. What could this be? I think its more than just dry skin because...

2015-08-26 07:16:37 · answer #2 · answered by Temple 1 · 0 0

I go through the same thing with my Husband & Daughter
Well for my Husband is (Fragrance free Body-Wash) Aveeno is the best (Sensitive Skin)
When your Husband is in the Shower (Obliviously he uses really hot water, while he is bathing)….what he needs to do is this….
Purchase a Long wooden handle / scrub brush with hard Bristles for him only….
Put the Aveeno body wash on it & have him scrub his back while bathing…
But before he leaves out of the Shower
Rinse your body in Cold Water…before stepping out
The Hotter the Water the Tighter your Skin gets…that makes him really itch
Also if you want you can put any Fragrance free / Lotion on his back as well…
Just so you know if you have a Swimming Pool / Chlorine / Bleach is the Worst…
If you do not Rinse off right away & let the Sun bake in your skin with Chlorine / bleach from the pool your skin will itch….
That is the same Concept @ the Beach (Sand / Salt water)
My Daughter has Eczema so I know all this….I have dealing with this for 18-Years with my Daughter….
Everything that we have in the Shower is all Fragrance Free
Try a lot of Aveeno Products they re the Best…
Expensive but it all works…
But also with your Husbands clothing / Washing (Rinse his Clothing Twice / in the Machine) Fragrance free laundry soap
Good Luck {:

2007-08-30 04:07:05 · answer #3 · answered by Jeanny G 2 · 0 0

As for the itchy skin felt after a shower, minimizing the use of detergents such as soap or shampoo and the duration of shower may help. Instead, using diluted dettol applied to the body while taking shower may eliminate the problem for ever!

2007-08-30 03:55:18 · answer #4 · answered by Sami V 7 · 0 1

You should try bathing him with a moisturizing body wash. One I know that works very well is by SoftSoap, ultra rich shea butter. Afterward try to bathe him with Neutrogena light sesame oil, it gets down deep in to the dermis and moisturizes the skin great. AND ALWAYS apply on a gentle, yet moisturizing lotion after the shower. The heat of the shower actually opens up the pores of the skin releasing skin nourishing oils that prevent it from drying up. So, when you apply the lotion, your pores will absorb it much easier and faster.

2016-03-15 05:25:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He needs to try alkalizing diet for some time for a few weeks to see results. The alkaline-acid percentage needs to be 80-20%. Add a lot of vegetables to the diet, especially cabbage, carrots , sprouts. No alcohol or red meat. Gradually the itching will go away.

2007-08-30 04:04:01 · answer #6 · answered by Gopinath S 1 · 0 0

He could just be having his showers too hot. Try cooling the showers down to luke warm and if that doesn't work than go to the docs. As bad an yuck as this sounds he could have body tinea. I know someone who has had it and can be catchy. Docs can give you some stuff to clear it up in no time!

2007-08-30 15:19:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Eczematics tend to have this problem. Suggestions:
-luke warm, short showers
-soap substitutes with emollient and oatmeal colloid eg Dermaveen/Aveeno
-moisturise with sorbolene with at least 10% glycerol. Next step up from this is soft paraffin
-cotton pj's and boxers
-light cotton sheets

2007-08-31 00:14:39 · answer #8 · answered by Isamyn 4 · 0 0

In that case I advice that he needs to see a dermatologist. Some skin test will be needed to conduct to tell what he's real case is. Good Luck!

2007-08-30 04:00:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was thinking maybe dry/harsh water, but this sounds too intense to be just that. Probably a dermatologist would know. Does he have any kind of rash or anything?

2007-08-30 03:54:56 · answer #10 · answered by sm17 3 · 0 1