Homosexuality is not a choice! Now some Christians do accept that people are born gay but still say that homosexuality is a sin. For those who still think homosexuality is a choice, please read this link and I’m sure you’ll have a second thought! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aqw6ASx5B2It2nmFYXkY_l8jzKIX?qid=20070829022207AANlbDF
These Christians who accept that gays are born that way still compare homosexuality to murdering, stealing, raping and etc. They compare murdering to homosexuality in the sense that you can have the urge to murder but you can choose whether or not to act upon your urge. First of all, to compare homosexuality to those things is completely absurd and ignorant! Murdering, stealing and raping all cause damage to another person. But homosexual activity does not hurt someone else! See the difference?
20 answers
asked by
Wild Falcon
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Now the question is, “What do you want homosexuals to do when they are clearly born that way?” Do you want a gay man to marry a woman despite feeling no sexual attraction towards her? Do you see the immorality in that? Or do you suggest them to go against their nature and pretend to be non-sexual beings for the rest of their life? Do you know how many Christians are actually gay? And because of your intolerance many gay Christians is suffering and many of them have committed suicide! For once try to put your foot in a gay man’s shoes and imagine if someone told you that your natural sexual feeling is a sin and you’ll go to hell for acting upon it! Go and ponder real hard Christians!
17:02:17 ·
update #1
I don't want to hear anyone say that homosexuality is a choice. If you say that, it means you haven't read the link I've provided.
17:03:24 ·
update #2
LOL. Talk about double standard! Go and see the resposes of Christians answering my other link! And you'll see!
17:09:59 ·
update #3
I was born into a family of alcoholics. By the time I was in my 40's I was drinking a quart of vodka every day. Then God called me into his family and gave me his Holy Spirit and I choose not to drink any more. Medical evidence shows that alcoholism is an inherited trait. It isn't that I never am tempted to drink but because I know what the Bible says I make the choice not to. On my own I would have probably relapsed long ago, but by the power of God I can live a changed life.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such WERE some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
I'm also a single man and I choose not to engage in fornication because of what the Bible teaches. Again, it isn't that I don't have a desire and am never tempted but it is because of what God is doing in my life that I can succeed in overcoming these desires.
So whether a person has a problem with fornication, or drinking or homosexuality, the Bible is clear. Repent of that behavior and turn to Jesus so that the Spirit of Christ can give you the victory and make you an overcomer.
Revelation 3:19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. 21 The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'"
2007-08-29 17:14:13
answer #1
answered by Martin S 7
The link you gave us does not change anything. It was just a question on Yahoo written by someone. The bible actually does say that being gay is wrong. Also back then people didn't date and fall in love. Lot's of people got married without love. Also I don't know if they are born gay or what but the fact is God has said that it is a sin. But so is lying and people do that all the time. No one has said that being gay is a bigger sin as a sin is a sin no matter what it is. Some people could feel love towards another person that is not their husband or wife but that does not mean that you get a divorse to be with that other person. When you get married it is a life long committment. So then you have a marriage without love right? But no one is gay, right? But then who said someone who is gay has to get married? Not everyone has to get married. Thank you for that link but I think I will stick with the Bible....
2007-08-29 17:18:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Most of the Christians I know would suggest that homosexuals are called to live a chaste life.
I haven't studied enough on this topic to give a definitive answer on where I stand. Fundamentalists will point to several verses in the Bible (not just Leviticus as the answerer above claims) to demonstrate that homosexual sex is wrong.
Before I make my judgement on these verses I will study them in the original languages and discern their message in context. I agree that science is showing more and more that a persons orientation is not a choice.
2007-08-29 17:16:47
answer #3
answered by ozchristianguy 4
Homosexuals argue that they did not make a conscious decision to be that way, so it must be natural. They are born that way—just as all of us are born with a sin nature and sinful desires (Ephesians 2:1– ). It is natural for them, and for all of us, to be tempted to do things that God says are wrong. In the same way, pedophiles and adulterers (alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.) don’t make a conscious decision to "choose" that self-destructive lifestyle, they simply give in to their sinful desires. However, although sin is natural for unbelievers, that doesn’t mean God wants them to remain that way. God can set them free from their sinful nature (Romans 7:23–8:2), give them new desires (Ephesians 4:22–24), and help them withstand temptations (1 Corinthians 10:13). See 1 Corinthians 6:9– 1.
2007-08-30 06:25:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I did read the link, and I won't say that it is a "choice" to be sexually attracted to a member of your own sex for I agree that no one in their right mind would choose a lifestyle so fraught with danger and rejection. However, what I do NOT agree with the premise that "born that way" and "chose to be that way" are the only two explanations for sexual preferences!
Before "born that way" became the widely accepted "truth" in psychological research, many formal research studies established a correlation between various childhood traumas (e.g., abuse) and psychological disorders and homosexual preferences. Some of those studies even established temporal precedence (required to support a claim of causality)...the abuse or disorder preceded the homosexual tendencies. Those studies weren't scientifically disproven, they were dismissed by philosophical and political arguments. Many of the same factors were changed from cause to effect in future studies but many (most) of those studies haven't been able to establish temporal precedence. Thus, research hasn't been able to support the conclusion that birth instead of circumstances (genetics versus environment).
...and then there is the possibility of outside influence! If God has an enemy that has the power to influence people, then, given God's opinion of homosexuality, convincing a person that he or she was homosexual would be a pretty good strategy for turning someone away from God. Not saying that's the case, but you have to admit it would be a pretty effective strategy for God's enemy to use.
Personally, I don't see the difference between choosing to hurt other people and choosing to hurt only yourself. Do you think it makes any difference to God whether the damage it internal or external? People that murder, steal and rape hurt themselves AND they hurt other people...but you'd have a hard time convincing me that homosexual behavior (not just preference but choosing to act on that preference) does not hurt anyone except the person that practices it. We all affect the people we have contact with and when that contact is intimate, the influence is that much greater. If a person's homosexuality is limited to preference, the only person they are hurting is themselves and that DOES separate them from people that murder, steal and rape. However, when a person acts on that preference, he or she involves at least one other person in their decision. Homosexuality doesn't hurt someone else...what about the spouse who is abandoned by a man that chooses to pursue a homosexual relationship? (just one example but I could give others related to the documented mental and physical consequences of sexual immorality in general and homosexual activity in particular).
2007-08-29 17:59:26
answer #5
answered by KAL 7
no longer all Christians here homosexuals, undesirable ones do regardless of the shown fact that. the detest is brought about by way of the devil and a loss of information. Homosexuality isn't a sin, because it fairly is yet a state, no longer a decision, however the DOING is a sin, because it fairly is against God's layout. Homosexuality isn't God's will the two, yet one does not % their sexuality in this fallen international, so God is merciful.
2016-10-19 21:08:19
answer #6
answered by fote 4
My wife and I have a close friend and co-worker who is a
transsexual. He was born a heroin addict as well do to his mother choosing to do heroin while pregnant. His grandparents raised him and his grandfather sexually abused him as early as the age of 4. He started dressing like a girl around 8 years old because of the abuse and confusion in his life and his grandparents didn't do anything about it. I don't think he had a lot of choice or reason in the matter, he just did not want to be the poor abused boy that he was, so he became someone else. my wife and I love him and pray for him. He has yet to discover who God meant him to be and we are confident that the Lord will heal him of all his suffering and one day he will be a great man of God in Jesus name.
<"((>< \o/
2007-08-29 17:52:38
answer #7
answered by cdp4jc4life 1
Ok, first of all let me say that I have no problems with gay people. But look at it this way; our bodies are designed to reproduce, that's the whole point of sex. God created us that way, created male and female so that they could reproduce. That is why people don't choose to be straight, we are designed to be straight, so that we can make babies. But the deciever convinces people that it's ok to have premarital sex, or to have homosexual sex or whatever to draw people away from the Kingdom of God. Think about it! Sex is meant for reproduction, so why would anyone be destined, or programmed to be gay, when there is no chance for sex to do what it is meant to, make a baby? Christian or not it doesn't make sense. Let's pretend that evolution is real, would all people with the homosexual disposition end up passing away, since they can't reproduce?
2007-08-29 17:28:34
answer #8
answered by putonthearmorofgod611 2
Sex is ordained by God to be between a man and a woman who are married to each other.
Any sex out side of this definition is sin.
That would include any sex before marriage between men and women, and sex with animals, children, and members of the same sex.
Keep in mind please, I or any other Christian did not make up these parameters. God did. It does no good to rail at Christians. Are there Christians who are homosexual ? I am sure there are. And by the grace of God they are overcoming their sin, just the same as the man who has a bent toward thievery, or alcohol abuse, when they allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen them against their sin.
2007-08-29 17:25:59
answer #9
answered by Lady M 6
The extremists want you to do the same thing they want the entire world to do, become brainwashed and join the cult. In your case, they may suggest joining one of the groups that attempt to "turn you straight". It's cake or death with them, if you don't like cake....
2007-08-29 17:28:34
answer #10
answered by Lancelot 2