Funny that the basis of our existence is faith, yet some say they don't believe anything without logic/evidence.
2007-08-29 16:52:01
answer #1
answered by Melty Blood 3
No, it is not all faith...I did take a leap of faith but it is based on what I consider the best evidence of how we were made, why we are here and what happens to us when we die. I am blessed to have found the truth. I hope and pray all of you will find it too.
When I reached out to God, he was right there. I felt he had been waiting for me to come home to the family of God. So now it is based on an absolute knowledge of God and Jesus, who died for me on the cross. God gave us all a measure of faith to believe in have all you need to believe in him, right now.
Romans 12:3 says, "God hath dealt to every man THE measure of faith" (emphasis mine). God didn't give us different measures of faith; we all received THE measure of faith. If I were serving soup to a lot of people, and if I used the same ladle to dish it out, then that ladle would be THE measure. Everyone would get the same amount of soup because I would use the same measure. That's the way it is with God's faith. He only used one measure. All born-again Christians received the same amount of faith.
2007-08-30 00:04:36
answer #2
answered by dreamdress2 6
I think once you come to the realization that none are perfect
(people that is) and you are honest with yourself and feel that you are missing something big in life, your start to search for truth. After you ask God into your life He starts to give you evidence. Sometimes it can be as simple as a beautiful sunset or the way you feel about your children while sometimes you just feel His love fill the depths of your heart!
" I'm not OK, you're not OK
but that's OK
because God loves us
anyway" Ken Davis
<'((>< \o/
2007-08-29 23:53:47
answer #3
answered by cdp4jc4life 1
Christianity is not vain faith. There are results of this faith. It brings good fruits, many things that were not possible in life without Christ. Good tree brings good fruits. Just it is evidence. Wonderful changes happen to people coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of such changes can do only God and seeing wonderful things you can begin to understand that God can do everything.
2007-08-30 01:31:22
answer #4
answered by georsh50 3
Hey I'm a Muslim.
I believe Islam is the truth. Many people are coming back to Islam because more and more people are finding it's the truth! In Islam there is both proof and faith. I have a link for everyone to watch. The Muslim scholar's name is Dr. Zakir Naik. He is brilliant! He proves the existence of Almighty God, as well as showing some of the many scientific facts in the Qur'an that scientists are discovering today! Please look at the lecture.
Thank you for your time.
2007-08-30 00:24:14
answer #5
answered by asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdadasdads 2
To answer this I have to tell you a story. Okay two.
1) When I was 31 (almost 32) and had two small children ages 2 1/2 and almost 1 I became very sick one day, bad stomach ache and I went to a "doc in the box" and they checked me out and said it was my appendix and they were calling an ambulance to come and take me to the hospital. At the time we didn't have a lot of money ( because my husband was an alcoholic and drug user and while he worked very hard he used up all the money. He had struggled with fighting it for years 12 step programs and the like nothing would really work. He always fell off the wagon. (hang in there this is part of my second story) Any way no money and so my husband took me to the hospital himself which wasn't far from where we lived. They after many test said I had a blockage and the flu. Mind you I have a sever abdominal pain, high white blood count and a low grade fever. Which is classic appendix problem, but no they sent me home. No insurance either. I went home, I am not the type to go to the hospital or doc, in the first place, my opinion is they will likely kill you if you aren't already dying. I called the hospital 3 days later and ask what I should do because I was still having bad abdominal pain and not going. They said that I should take exlax. SKIP a head three weeks. Yes that is right that is what I said 3 weeks later, the pain has changed some and I can hardly do anything but sleep and go to the bathroom when I am not writhing in agony. My mom had come to take care of my kids. My husband was working all the time. I said on one wakeful moment that I was sure I didn't have the flu and my mom took me to the doctor. He gave me anitbiotics and that helped for about 4days then I crashed and my mom forced me to go to the doctor again, I had already lost my ability to hold my bowls and of corse hadn't eaten in some time but was throwing up every 30 min. The doctor sent me to the hospital. We went to a different one. They had me in surgery 45 min after they got me in to the ER. Not only had it been my appendix but it had burst according to the doctor who operated on me at least a week to two weeks before. It took two surgeries to get it all out. But I know that I would not be a live today if it hadn't have been for God, He kept me alive.
Now to the rest of the story. Three years later my husband is still got his problems and I am on the verge of giving up hope that he will ever change, one day I ask him if he loves God and why would he want to hurt God that way by wasteing his life if he did love God and he said that he did. I ask him to say it again and he said " I love God" by this time he was crying and he said it again "I love God". Very shortley after that while the kids and I were out of the house he had bought some drugs and was about to use them but didn't want to he says he sat on the floor needing those drugs so bad and hating himself for it and not wanting that life, but unable to help himself and he said he cried out and said "God I can't do this by myself I need your help please help me" He looked down in his hand and the drugs were gone and so was his desire for them and his need for them. But that is not the most incredible part of this story you see he is such a different person now just like the Bible promises he is a new man. A new creature in God and I KNOW only GOD can do that in a person. ONLY GOD!!!!!!
That was over two years ago and my husband is still such a different person that is the incredible part of this story. He is sweet were he was foul mouthed and happy were he used to be depressed and positive were he used to be negitive and so many other changes. He truly is a joy to have as a husband. Now I thank God for him everyday.
2007-08-30 00:16:47
answer #6
answered by Ddvanyway 4
You are a man with no ideas is all that I can says. Can't you see all the evidences around you ? Have you wonder at how the leaf on the tree grows or how a child is form and born ?
Honestly I don't think you have any idea at all!
2007-08-30 00:44:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
1. Whose says I don't have "evidence ?"
2. No.
My God is Yezua (Jesus). My Lord is Amen. Without either I would not be their EVIDENCE that they "exist" for you see, who I am "today" is not who I was "before" they transfigured me. In my "previous" life I used to deal dope, protected prostitues and cocaine shipments, and have worked with Italian mob, the Crips, Bloods and "La Em-e" all at different stages of my PREVIOUS life. Upon "death" (had bad accident) the Lord made me a "deal." You do my WILL, I will "change" you. Been DOING his will SINCE.......
2007-08-29 23:55:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I believe that there is something that exists inside of me beyond this body. I have had a death experience and saw the light and all that jazz. There is something bigger than us but it is not like Jesus or Allah or Budha or whoever floating on a throne someplace. All of these crazy denominational religions mean squat. There is a higher power but it isn't in the man made religions. I think it is in the energy. We are all made up of energy and life force. Call it God if you want. I prefer to not give it a name.
2007-08-29 23:48:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yes, faith...also, there is evidence all around. I'm alive, I'm breathing air, i have a job, go to school, I'm blessed with a wonderful family...i go through my ups and downs just like everything else. but in the mist of all that..God still blesses me with life. everything that we see was created by God. man just wants to take credit for something they did not create.
evidence is all around's up to you if you want see it and believe in it.
2007-08-29 23:53:53
answer #10
answered by Ms. Lady 7