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and demon influenced?? What if they're your childrens' teachers? EGADS.

2007-08-29 13:48:32 · 21 answers · asked by PediC 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Rib: no other religion separates people from their families, no wonder ex JWs protest overmuch.

2007-08-29 14:04:03 · update #1

Rib: no other religion separates people from their families, no wonder ex JWs protest overmuch.

2007-08-29 14:04:11 · update #2

shadowwolf, I have to disagree with you. I do not dislike the world ("out here" i've met many caring, lovely people who lead moral, upstanding lives and who would give their shirt off their backs for me) nor am I pessimistic about the world. but I respect your right to be so.

2007-08-29 14:50:08 · update #3

Christian Soldier, GREAT JOB and thank you. Idea here.. would you come to my mother's house and get her out? How about a roadtrip to my husband's family to get them out? I'll pay gas!

2007-08-29 17:46:28 · update #4

Salt, I think you'd have to worry more about your kid trying to proseletize the class and the teacher. I know I did that when I was a good little JW girl. I'm sure my teachers loved that. As I remember, no one tried to talk to me about their religion, and I'm sure I would not have a thing to say to a JW child, except compassion for what they're enduring being an outcast.

2007-08-30 07:50:24 · update #5

21 answers

I think you have it backwards. They left the JW's to get away from the influence of demons.

NOW they get to live a decent life.

2007-08-29 13:55:38 · answer #1 · answered by Morbid One 6 · 6 6

Just like Island Princess said, by what standards of morality are you talking about? No matter how many ex JWs tell you otherwise, the number one reason for people in the JW religion being disfellowshiped or shunned, is because of immorality. 90% of the disfellowshiped ones committed immorality. Immorality can include, sex before marriage, cheating on your marriage mate (pornography/"cyber sex" can be classed as immorality too)...and yes, even the disgusting pedophilia isn't tolerated (although many ex JWs say it is).

Satan can reach even members of the JW religion, this is why the shepherds (elders) have to be extra vigilant in looking out for bad traits the congregation and in individuals. If they didn't do this then the congregation would be a shambles, and totally unholy.

Essentially, the JW organization don't want to disfellowship members, it is a last resort to people who show a stubborn/unrepentant attitude. The organization try to keep as clean as possible. But in this wicked system, imperfection and Satan’s "burning missiles" can cause some to bring reproach on JWs and God.

From my experience, most disfellowshiped ones turn bitter and proud (I showed these traits at one point). Most turn away from the religion simply because they want to follow their own course and not that of the bible. No matter how much the apostates of the JW organization will lie and twist the truth, the JW organization always follow the bible. They follow the bible so strictly that they follow even the hardest of rules (e.g. abstaining from blood - Acts 15:19-21).

2007-08-30 02:02:08 · answer #2 · answered by Paul S 4 · 3 2

Those who No longer walk with JW's have their reasons. Many wanted to be involved with Immoral behavior that the Organization would Not Tolerate, not because The Organization felt like it should be so, but the Scriptures show it to be so.
Before writing what appears at 2 Corinthians 6:14-16, Paul had dealt with a serious problem among his Corinthian brothers. They had allowed a case of gross immorality to exist in their midst, so Paul directed them to expel, or dis-fellowship, the unrepentant sinner. (1 Corinthians 5:1) That man’s wrongdoing showed that bad association or unguarded immersion in the world’s moral climate could affect Christians.
That very same stance is Taken By JW's, and anyone who reads the Bible ought to Know better. There is No way that Jesus would Tolerate unmarried couples living together since that Union results In fornication. Every year Thousands are Disfellowshipped, Not because they did,nt ask for Forgiveness, but in many cases they were living in Sin or leading a Double Life. Such Cannot and should not be Tolerated with any claiming to be Christian. Like Satan, those who dont like the Biblical Guidlines for living a life that acceptable in God's sight can Up and Leave at any time.
The apostle Paul showed how different Christians must be from the world when he wrote: “This, therefore, I say and bear witness to in the Lord, that you no longer go on walking just as the nations also walk in the unprofitableness of their minds, while they are in darkness mentally, and alienated from the life that belongs to God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the insensibility of their hearts.” (Ephesians 4:17, 18)

2007-08-29 14:31:28 · answer #3 · answered by conundrum 7 · 5 1

People who were once Witnesses likely know the Bible's standards of morality inside and out, and so I would think they are capable of being moral. Many choose to ignore those standards, though. In fact, the vast majority (though not all) leave the truth because they find Jehovah's standards of morality too strict.

To judge between a person's ultimately being righteous, unrighteous, or wicked is God's place, and not the office of any human.

To some extent, we are all influenced by Satan and his demons because we live in a world controlled by him. The media, entertainment, and people's bad attitudes toward spiritual things today all point to Satan's influence. The extent we allow it to effect us depends upon the steps we take to reject it.

As long as a schoolteacher stuck to the curriculum and didn't introduce their personal prejudices to the classroom, I would allow a former Jehovah's Witnesses to teach my children, if I had any. But the minute I caught wind of any anti-Witness propaganda, I would have my kids out of there in a second!

EDIT: I'll take that as a compliment. :) I hope my kids would stand up for themselves and witness at every chance they could. I would be proud of them if they did and worried if they didn't.

I've never met a Witness child that felt like an outcast. I certainly never felt like one. Witness children have a whole organization full of friends of all ages.

2007-08-30 07:35:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Heck no we are all Satanists and we eat our young!

only 1 exJw so far, so I will answer....My life is squeaky clean. I would put some Jw's to shame.
No drugs
Married to the same Man for over 22 years, and Happy
Don't smoke
Barely drink
Don't cheat on taxes
Read Bible and Pray at least once every day if not more
Go to worship
Preach the gospel daily
Don't cheat
Never lie
Didn't abuse my Children
Never molested anything
Treat Jehovah's Witnesses with respect.
Never had an affair, and never would

I would have to give Morbideus a huge thumbs up...right on, and amen.

Island Princess use YOUR mind and not the WBTS...Show me the scripture where you can lose your salvation for smoking and I will get on the Baptist Church...By the way, there are no smokers at my church...the Pastor would hassle you too much...and the congregation would put loving pressure on you to quit. Just like if you had a problem with food or alcohol. WAKE UP..Your example is SILLY.

Nea87..LOL...Yea..I want some of that cash!...It would be hard to come up with the lies that are more rediculous than the TRUTH (i made a pun) if the WBTS is, though! They would have to pay a lot!

2007-08-29 16:27:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Awwww, c'mon guys!!! that's not nice- i don't agree with what they teach- but i do know a few JW's and they're quite nice actually- not evil at all. Got some funny ideas, sure! but that's no reason to lump a blanket statement on the whole lot!!!! wicked without exception? AS IF!

2007-08-29 13:57:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I live a pretty good life - I have more morals than the elders in my old congregation.
According to Adam's Rib, ew-jw's pay people to spread lies about jw's - wow! So, when are you going to start paying me? I can make some stuff up, although I never have. All the bad things I say about them are true.

2007-08-30 02:53:23 · answer #7 · answered by Nea 5 · 2 1

John 3:16

2007-08-29 13:53:45 · answer #8 · answered by firechap20 6 · 0 3

Yes they are very capable! They are some of the finest warriors for Christ I have seen. They know the right questions to ask to get the deceived to think for themselves!


Morbideus great answer! Satan runs the watchtower!

Kishnin I'm in the same situation. I've only been married for 17 months but my wife used to be a jw and God used me to pull her out. Her parents are strong jw and with God's help I'm working one them. They haven't tried to shun us yet but we'll see. I've already stumped them several times and have presented the Gospel. It's just a spiritual battle!

Pedi C.

What you told me reminds me of the early church! Anything for the Gospel! God would have to clear an opening in my schedule, lol! God bless you! Just stay grounded in the Word, Prayer, and Faithfullness and God will do great things through you. What satan has done to destroy God comes along and does some remodel work and before you know it your better than you've ever been! Study to be a workmen approved by God who can rightly divide the word of truth and always be ready to give an answer to any person who asks you for the hope that you have. Much love sister! God Bless!

Jesus has blown the trumpet and shall NEVER call retreat!

No one is perfect we are all sinners. But the blood of Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Have you been cleansed? Not only that have you done your homework on the watchtower? Why don't you humble yourself and some some homework. My sources are well documented. Then ask yourself this question.

Does the JW organization seem right to me when it contradicts Scripture?

Obviously someone is lying and it's not God.

God can't lie. Titus 1:2

2007-08-29 17:43:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

As a former Jehovah's Witness, I must say we are not wicked. We are just pessimistic and have a general dislike for the world.

2007-08-29 13:55:43 · answer #10 · answered by shadow-wolf666 2 · 5 0

The Jw's are a false church and one is better not to be with them. They have a portion of the truth but lack its entirety. So I would dare say that an exJW is perfectly safe and is in no way look ed down upon or seen as living inmoral. If you'd like to know more feel free to email me. Gklein99@yahoo.com

2007-08-29 14:01:44 · answer #11 · answered by gklein99 2 · 3 5

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