Well, religion is like a group. Atheists are the group of religionless people.
2007-08-29 13:30:17
answer #1
answered by WTP 6
Your logic scheme is illogical.
Atheists don't claim to "have no beliefs". I'm not sure where you got this from. They have no belief in contra-natural entities (or "God"). There is a huge difference.
If I told you I don't eat meat, it would be silly to think I don't eat. By the same token, I, an atheist, have all sorts of beliefs. None of them involve "God".
You had it right the 1st time:
"the word atheism consists of two parts:
a- means without
theism-means belief"
2007-08-31 12:25:21
answer #2
answered by Dog 4
As any agnostic could attest, there is no proof that there is a Creator and there is no proof that there is not. Therefore one must be
A) A believer in a God
B) Do not know.
C) A believer that there is no God.
Both A & C are bassed on "belief". Therefore both are actually a form of religion when religion is defined as an accpetance that something is true without proof. God believers = theocratic religion. Non God believers= secular religion. Only agnostics can lay claim to a logical position.
As a Deist, I believe in a Creator. It just seems more likely to me than not. I arrive at this position through reason. I believe there are only two choices: The physical universe was created by the Creator or it somehow created itself. A higher intelligence not of the physical universe makes much more sense to me.
2007-08-30 01:24:39
answer #3
answered by Jacob W 7
It could seem that way, but it really isn't. If there were never such thing as religion then there wouldn't be anything to not believe in, it would just be the way things are. In that case there would be no need to call oneself an atheist. However, since, in the world we live, there are many that assume there is a god and that is the standard for everyone, the term atheist is then used to seperate yourself from the believers. I guess it's more of a label of seperation than the definition of the belief or lack thereof.
2007-08-29 13:35:31
answer #4
answered by Dethklok 5
well if you look at dictionary.com and type in theist you would get this:
belief in the existence of a god or gods
so as you can see it doesn't just mean "belief" there is indeed a second part to it, so now when you take the two parts that make up atheism you get
a- means without
theism-means belief in the existence of a god or gods
hope that clears something up
2007-08-29 13:40:39
answer #5
answered by crl_hein 5
No, because it is specifically towards belief in Deities. It's not illogical in that context at all. It isn't a complete definition to say "without belief" of ANY kind... but it is derived from Theist which is belief in God(s) - Theos is Greek for God which is where we get Theology, etc... Once you learn where we even get the base word, you can see the context where the word Atheist comes from.
2007-08-29 13:40:33
answer #6
answered by River 5
The word "theism" does mean belief, but it is specific to gods. It means "belief in God/gods". Atheism means "without belief in God/gods".
Atheists believe in a lot of things. They just don't believe in gods.
2007-08-29 13:45:53
answer #7
answered by Jess H 7
Atheism is the lack of belief in god/s. Theism means belief *in god/s.* Atheists often believe in a lot of things, deities just aren't among them.
2007-08-29 14:10:57
answer #8
answered by N 6
I don't believe in ANY god
the way you word that you assume religion comes first when everyone is born as an atheist with no belief in gods or anything else
2007-08-29 13:36:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
To quote you, "How can someone claim to be atheist if they have no beliefs?"
Theism does not mean belief.
It means belief in GOD/GODS.
Miriam Webster:
Main Entry: the·ism
Pronunciation: 'thE-"i-z&m
Function: noun
: belief in the existence of a god or gods; specifically : belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world
Athesim means non belief in god or gods,
NOT non belief in EVERYTHING....
2007-08-29 13:37:45
answer #10
answered by Gizzard 3
Theism means belief in a deity or set of deities. Get your facts straight, Atheists have beliefs, just not in God.
2007-08-29 13:33:06
answer #11
answered by Anonymous