I know colombians, costa ricans and guatemalans claim they carry the best blends, and they are undoubtelly awesome. However I have recently heard that Kenya coffee is considered to be the finest coffee in the world. Anyones has any ideas?
15 answers
asked by
Food & Drink
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By the way, I was looking for some info and i found this great quote on coffee:
"The language of coffee must be learned by tasting". I completely agree on that.
03:16:44 ·
update #1
Blue Mountain & Kona coffees are considered the best coffees in the world by conoisseurs. Blue Mt. is also pretty rare, so hard to come by & very expensive.
I really enjoy S. American coffees. Kenya & Ethiopia produce some excellent coffees, such as Kenya AA & the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe especially are becoming more well-known. @ Caribou Coffee, seasonally they also have La Minita Peaberry, which is a small, compact bean uniform in shape that likewise is supposed to produce superior flavor due to its shape & smaller size-- they are handpicked so that only one uniform size and shape are selected.
2007-08-29 07:49:04
answer #1
answered by jakomo 3
I think there are many factors including roasting, how the coffee is ground and brewed, and how fresh the beans are to name a few. In other words, it's more than just where the beans are grown or what kind of bean it is. I think I'm very lucky to live in Portland, OR where Stumptown Coffee is. They have been called the best coffee in the world and acknowledged nation wide. Check their website below. If you click on 'news' you'll see some of the national attention they've gotten.
2007-08-29 15:42:40
answer #2
answered by prekinpdx 7
That's a question with many answers. The finest coffee in the world is the one YOU like best. It wouldn't matter if the coffee cost a million dollars, if you didn't like it, how could it be the finest? Same goes for what I like...and the next guy etc.
2007-08-29 10:13:15
answer #3
answered by sci55 5
Lately I have not found any coffee that taste full flavored. One of the best at the moment is superior brand coffee. Seattle's Best is good too and Gevalia. Even dunkin donuts has a decent one at the moment. Kenya coffee has been good but it is not consistent in the robust flavor and can be very bitter. It all depends on the crop.
2007-08-29 10:12:27
answer #4
answered by moondego 3
Folgers Classic Roast
2007-08-29 15:04:02
answer #5
answered by pollywollydoda 3
i am not a coffee drinker anymore but when i used to drink it i drank african and french coffee it wasnt the instant type it was the coffee beans roasted and blended with aromatic spices if you go to your deli or check the internet that will be your best bet before you decide what blend you want and how much are u willing to pay
2007-08-29 11:24:53
answer #6
answered by schumigirl1956 4
Parisienne by ARA coffee services. Puts hairs on the inside of your chest.
2007-08-29 10:12:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i personally like Guatemalan coffee
2007-08-29 12:38:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Jamaican Blue Mountain. My uncle is a coffee connoisseur and he swears by this stuff.
2007-08-29 10:15:13
answer #9
answered by h_a 2
Kona - Hawaii
2007-08-29 10:14:33
answer #10
answered by Zombie Birdhouse 7