Easiest way to lose weight fast and safely is to cut your calorie intake by eating more on fiber, fruits and vegetables. You'll feel full with fewer calories on them. Fruits, vegetables and fibers are packed with nutrients but less on calories.
I lost 10 pounds in just 2 months using these tips.
Here are Tips to help speed up your metabolism plus help you lose weight without being miserable. they worked for me =)
1. Fill up on Fiber and Lose Weight Fast
Fill up on Fiber - Foods rich in fiber will make you feel satisfied and help curb your appetite, helping you to lose weight fast and safely - so make sure to pack your diet with fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
2. Boost fat-burning metabolic rate by 50% by sipping coffee
Sipping coffee before a meal can supress appetite by 35%, plus boost fat-burning metabolic rate by 50%, according to extensive research at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. The study-proven dose : 250 mg of caffeine daily, taken either in supplement form or by sipping to cups of coffee or 4 cups of tea.
3. Lose Weight just by eating Yogurt
Yogurt is a calcium-rich food. Research links calcium with lower cortisol production, and it has been proven that women who increase they're intake lose up to 40% more weight than calcium avoiders.
Plus Yogurt has live microorganisms which helps proper digetion and absorption of nutrients we take. Make sure to get yogurts that says "with live microorganisms in labels/packages".
4. Try this Hunger-Taming Trick
Cut fat and you'll cut cravings. Consuming a high-fat diet may supress your body's natural satiety signals, according to a new study from Pennsylvania State University. Animals who'd been consuming a diet rich in fat ended up eating 40% more of a high-calorie snack than those on average diets. Keep your fat intake to less than 30% of total calories.
5. Feel full on less food.
Apples are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that slows the digestive process, so you'll feel full on less food.The result: You'll eat just enough food to make you happy, reducing calorie intake.
6. Studies suggest people pursuing a healthy weight could lose more weight and burn more fat by including 24 ounces a day of low fat or fat-free milk in their reduced-calorie diet, instead of 8 ounces or less.
7. Speed fat burn with Cranberries.
The ascorbic acid in cranberries helps thin liver bile, making it easier for the organ to emulsify fat so so it can be quickly flushed out of the system rather than stored in cells.
8. Boost your protein intake and lose almost a pound a week without hunger.
You can try protein smoothies. Packed with nutrients and low in calories, smoothies are a fast, easy and great tasting way to achieve good health.
You can find a wide collection of healthy fruit smoothies at : http://fruitsmoothierecipe.bravehost.com
By boosting your protein intake from the typical 15% of total calories to 30%, you may be able to cut your daily calorie intake by 440-enough to lose almost a pound a week without hunger, according to a recent University of Washigton study. "A high-protein diet appears to fool the brain into thinking you've eaten more than you have," says the study's lead author, Scott Weigle, M.D., a professor of endocrinology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Stick with lean protein rather than high-fat, artery clogging meat and dairy products. For breakfast, use low-fat milk instead of water in your oatmeal and sprinkle nuts on top. Eat plenty of beans, fish and skinless chicken breast.
9. To counteract a binge, keep your body's fat-burning furnace running on full blast by drinking Green Tea.
Green Tea contains caffeine and the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) , which is proven to boost metabolic rate. In fact, in a recent 3 month study, participants who took Green Tea extract lost 4.6% of their body weight without changing their diet. To get the benefit, drink at least 3 cups a day.
Whenever I ate too much, I just drink green tea and I don't have to worry gaining weight.
10. Speed weight loss and double energy levels by eating Coconuts.
This tropical treats contain medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), a unique fat that is shuttled straight to the liver and immediately burned for fuel. Research shows this little detour revs metabolic rate by up to 50%, speeding weight loss and doubling energy levels
Plus my favorite tip : Before you eat, drink a glass of water. This will help you feel fuller without additional calories (water has no calories).
More of these Fast Weight Loss Tips Safely from:
http://www.medicalfactsandfallacy.bravehost.com/healthy_eating5.html - great tips really
2007-08-28 17:34:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I determined the publication to be very informative and effortless to learn. I've misplaced 17 kilos in 12 days, I'm simply worried that I'm wasting an excessive amount of weight, too rapidly. I will admit I have not adopted the advisor precisely. I'm no longer sticking flawlessly to the indexed meals and meal plans (however commonly) and doing little or no undertaking, however the weight maintains flying off. It naturally works and if I'd adopted it precisely I consider it could scare the residing daylights out of me on account that of the volume that I'd lose. So thank you once more for the knowledge. I've not ever bought something like this earlier than on account that they're most often filled with trash, however 3WD has been a nice shock. Get began at present!
2016-09-05 17:27:27
answer #2
answered by ? 4
diet and exercise. I realize you're busy, but if losing weight and being healthy is important, don't take shortcuts. Take some time out of your day to exercise, and make an effort to eat better. You will feel better and are more likely to be successful long-term.
2007-08-28 17:13:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Change your diet. STOP eating fast food all together and stop drinking soda. I followed the mens health abs diet and lost all of my mid section fat, dropped 3 waist sizes. Eating healthy isnt as bad as you think, you just have to WANT to. Once you get into it, you no longer crave the junk food...I used to be BAD with the junk food.
Stay away from trans fat, saturated fat, msg mono sodium gluedamate, & high fructose corn syrup ingredience in your food.
excersize, take the stairs, go for an evening walk, start bike riding, get a gym membership, go swimming
point is, it doesnt have to be hard, you just have to do something.
2007-08-28 17:22:55
answer #4
answered by CrAzY D 2
check out the book : the Dorm Room Diet by Daphne Oz. it's really made for busy college students who pull all-nighters, are studying all the time, etc. but it was very helpful. i lost 10 pounds in time with it!!
meanwhile do these exercises, you could even do them at work:
sit ups
get yoga positions online (google "sun salutations" or something)
plank (which is the start of a pushup except you don't lower urself. good for ur abs)
you can get workout videos
push ups
run in place or around the house
run up and down stairs if you have them in ur building or your house
butt-touches, not sure if that's the actual word for it but you basically run in place and make sure your feet touch ur butt
do the same thing except you hold out ur hands and raise your knees to touch them
stand against a wall and sit as if ur sitting in a chair. this can get painful
do situps to the side while moving your legs as if you're riding a bike.
lay on the floor with ur hands at ur side and raise your legs. also good for abs.
good luck!! :)
2007-08-28 17:17:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body fats.
It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.
Details such as my experience, meals, snacks, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog
2007-08-28 21:51:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
go to hugenutritionmall.com and get on the shapeworks. Its great stuff and you can loose weight pretty fast at a healthy pace. Email the person on the website and he will help you know what plan you should be on. Hope this helps.
2007-08-28 19:58:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
exercise everyday like jogging around the block
skip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per day
Dont eat until you're full
eat fruits at night if your hungry.
drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.
I found this on this website.
There are more tips and info.
# Here are my ten top tips to tip the scales your way:
<-------Weight Loss Ten Top Tips----->
<--http://www.healthylifeday.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=83&Itemid=62 -->
Please enjoy it!
2007-08-30 12:20:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
use the freezer to add some extra oomph to summer foods freeze grapes for some bite sized delights or get a popsicle mold and freeze some greek yogurt with berries
2016-07-02 11:00:19
answer #9
answered by ? 5
Monitor your progress by noting your clothes fit looking in the mirror and taking photos
2016-08-01 15:44:06
answer #10
answered by ? 3
Better to avoid diet when you re under a lot of stress
2016-03-03 06:40:50
answer #11
answered by ? 3