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I've come to the realization after such a horrific couple of years in my life that if there was a God, such things would not have happened to me, and after pondering some of the events that have happened over the years makes me doubt it even more.

Like how could a God that is so pure and good let the holocaust happen to so many innocent people, or how could suicide bombers be allowed to terminate people so easily, and there are many more, but this is got to be the toughest one of all...how could God himself, allow for the innocent kids of this world be molested, raped, and traumatized by the sickos that exist, and even worse, in our own CHURCHES !!!

Now explain how there is a God, try not to use blind faith, but rather give an actaul event in the last 2000 years that isn't Bible related that we can say without a doubt this is God's doing and why we should worship something that has never appeared! Again...try not to use the Bible as your source, because you were not around then!

2007-08-28 13:51:54 · 39 answers · asked by golfdodger 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

39 answers

As salaamu 'alaikym, my friend.

I am sorry for the many difficulties you must have experienced which have lead you to the conclusion that God does not exist.

God ( as YHWH, Trinity Father, Trinity Jesus, Trinity Holy Spirit and as Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala) has endowed humankind with free will which primarily allows each individual to submit to the Will of God or to refuse to do the same.

Those who have openly refused to submit to the Will of God (even when they have supposedly professed to have submitted) have committed some horrendous attrocities to literally millions of their brothers and sisters.

God also has given us the responsibility for our individual and collective actions. He allows us to be both responsible or to choose to be irresponsible both as individuals and as communities/states/nations.

I can not give you what might be labled as scientific proof of the existence of God. One can not quantify God. We can not take a spoonful of God and weigh it, measure it, divide into its smallest particles, test to see its age, its structure, etc.
However, we also can not do that for any of the many emotions we feel, like love, yet we know that we can feel such and that love does exist in a wide variety of forms from the mildest liking to an entense romantic flame which seems to consume our very soul. Do we doubt that love or any of the other emotions exist?
Another thought is that perhaps our ability to believe in that which we can not scientificially prove yet can experience just as we have with our emotions is in itself proof of the existence of God.

IN the end, belief comes down to a personal choice based on how one has interpreted his or her life experiences and the knowledge attained or lost during the same.

I would have at one time argued that God did not exist, I would have demanded proof.
One day, which was actually a period of many years of research, study and intraspection, self reflection, I was able to reduce everything to a point where I could say that nothing existed, yet I was experiencing life which does seem to exist. I could take things back scientifically to the Big Bang where time and all things appear to have begun. At that point, I realized that there must be a "First Cause", something or some Being who is outside of our understanding of time and who has the abiity to put all that is into motion. Such a Being would be beyond our human abilities to comprehend the same yet that same Being must have cared enough about us to have created us by whatever process He so chose to utilize so as to do the same.

I have studies Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zorasterism, Jainism, Shitoism, Greek, Roman, Celtic and Norse mythology, new age beliefs, the occult, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, planetology, pshycology, etc., etc., etc. I spent approximately six years in a Roman Catholic monastery studying for the priesthood. I spent many years as a practicing Buddhist. I learned to read many languages and to speak a few of them well enough to be understood by native speakers of the same.
By the Mercy, Compassion and Love of Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala, I found myself in a bookstore one day holding an English translation of the Holy Qur'an as I realized that Islam was the one religion that I knew little about.
For myself, through the blessings of Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala, I have discovered my "First Cause" and my life was and has been changed for the better since that time.

Ash hadu an laa ilaha ill-Allaah, wahadu la sharika lah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh.
I bear witness that there is not god but Allah and that he has not associates/partners or equals, He is God alone. I also bear witness that Muhammad (peace be uopn him) is His slave and His messenger.

Perhaps you are on a similar spiritual journey.
I will pray for you, that you may be guided to the truth you seek for your benefit as well as for the benefit of all others remembering that those whom Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala guides are truly guided and no one can lead them astray and that those whom Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala allows to stray none but He Himself can guide them back to Himself.

Ma'a salaam, my friend.

2007-08-28 14:30:18 · answer #1 · answered by Big Bill 7 · 2 1

This will be fun and challanging, I will try to answer your question without the bible in a sec. First though to answer your why would he let it happen... 1.) God gave man free will, that means he will not interfere. when societies degrade so much, that the family isnt important it doesnt matter if dad is around, these things happen. If you have time, read the Catholic book, Good news about sex and marriage, it will explain how family and God relate. 2.) Look, at your wall right now. Do you see the particles of light.... You didnt (dont lie) you saw your puter, dresser, lamp, but you didnt see light. Turn that light off. and what will you see, well zero light equals zero sight... Understand so far. Those people that do terrible things live in the dark, they dont see light, and they dont understand or care about the pain they cause...
K, on with the big task.... No Bible... 1.) there are 3 egyption tablets, that appear to portray, the xodus of moses. (a forth one that hirogliphically explains it (Discovery) 2.)More than 2000 years later, what could be takin as a fairy tale (plagues of passover Exodus) can be scientifically explained. Catholics, have had more than 1 host (the bread we use) bleed. I seem to remember it was AB+ (wish I could remember the book, but google "Miricles of the Eucharist" see what you might find) We have Many Apparitions Mostly visions of Mary Guiding us to her Son, Jesus. Cant remember the apparition but it was 3 kids that saw it in the early 1900's. Other than that you will get personal testamony. If you came across a car in the middle of the woods, would you say it has always been just because noone is around.... My friend, I am of a science mind, and I still cant fig out how billions of protons Nuetrons and electrons, make the people that we are.... Ive never been able to take legos, and make a live creature... if you catch my meaning... I hope I may have helped, and Take it or Leave it, But May God Bless you

2007-08-28 14:12:44 · answer #2 · answered by chillen 2 · 0 1

Please, read all of this...I took a lot of time...

Chicato, let me first start out by saying..that I was like you too...at one time. I was even to the point of suicide. I remember my last days of pain...I was sitting on my bed with a razor...and holding it against my wrists...I kept contemplating one question. IS THERE A GOD? I decided that if I truly believed there was...I would live and that I would have to change my disgusting and whorish ways. But if there wasn't ...then all the immoral deeds I had commited didn't matter, for I would just be an organism, no better than an animal. As it turns out, I belived there was a God. For I was sitting there...shaking and crying, almost screaming...all alone..thinking that nothing would become of my life or my death. Then I shouted out..(extremely loud) "God help me!!!!!!!!' That was a most horrible, yet sounding scream. I said "Help me God"..again...Then it was odd, I got this totally calm serene feeling over me. So comforting. At first I didn't know how to react; but I then got this notion to go into my cabinet and ulled out my Ma's ( she is gone) old Bible. Now I know you say to make no reference...but I picked it up...and just let it fall open to where ever. I dropped it lightly and it opened up. I looked down, and my eyes fell upon a passage (little to my knowledge, this is rather a remarkable one) Psalm 23. You must read this. From then on, I've read the Bible daily, and actually took a vow of celibacy. I am a new person. I've come to know, and am actually an example or proof of...that eveything bad happens for a reason, and that it is for a greater good. Manolo, while evil can never come out of good, good CAN come out of evil. Know this. Also, your pain, it is mean't to strengthen you. For while there is no honor in pleasure, there IS honor in suffering. Believe me Mio, there is most definately a God....an amazing powerful one!! You know, I don't know what I'd do without him. I love him so much...he is very real. Talk to him. Do you thikn I'd write all of this if I wasn't sincere...lol..I think I have carpel tunnel in my hand..thanks a lot!! :)....iF you have any more questions, feel free to email me at makaveli_122089@yahoo.com.

Shannon Lee

2007-08-28 14:11:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Terrible actions of people are terrible actions of people, not proof that God does not exist.

If you believe that good people who follow the 10 commandments, the beatitudes, Christ's 11th commandment to love one another, will have a chance at heaven. Then the focus in life is not what other people do to you or have done to others. Then the focus is on how to overcome the trials of life and hopefully find the narrow gate to heaven. Is this easy? No.. Based on the really bad things that happen around us, is it easy to lose heart and doubt? Oh yes. Even great Saints had their dark nights of the Soul.

But think of the good things in life: a wonderful new baby of a family member or friend, the blooming of flowers which brighten your day, a brave policeperson or fireperson who rushes into danger to save strangers from danger..

2007-08-28 14:09:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Proof of existence of God are all around you.

If you think why sun, earth, rain, rivers and mountains were created, what would have happen if any one of them were not created, if earth was flat instead of round, if it was't tilted, would four seasons be possible, if high mountains where water is stored and supplied year around to agricultural lands through rivers weren't there, would life be possible without water. If oxygen wasn't there in atmosphere will life exist on this planet. Think about the leaves of fruit trees that turn sun light into sugar and sweeten the fruits on trees, think about honey bees that collect juices from all flowers and turn into honey which is best antidote for allergies, think if our life was possible if heart had a minor defect, could we run if our one leg was made shorter than other, or could we hold some thing tight if a thumb wasn't made in our hands.

All this is called intelligent creation and who created all that.
I stop here because I can go on for hours and thoughts about His creations would not end.

Then think who has created all these with such a perfection that absence of one of theses things make life impossible or extremely difficult on earth. Think what you should call the one who created all these including you and every one around you.

2007-08-28 14:33:56 · answer #5 · answered by majeed3245 7 · 1 1

Not very educated are we? There is more SCIENTIFIC proofs to prove creation than disprove. Your beloved Evolution has more holes in it than a lump of Swiss cheese. How could a dinosaur limb evolve into a birds wing? It would become a bad limb long before it could become a good wing. What happened before the Big Bang? What caused singularity? Science can trace the origin of the universe back to the Big bang event, but what happened before singularity? How can inorganic molecules gain the complexity required to become organic molecules by natural processes? Where did the encoded information in the DNA molecule come from? Can you name a strickly natural process that creates information? These are just a few. There are many more gaping holes in evolution. There are computer simulations that prove random mutation cannot be a plausible explanation for evolution as well as the fruit fly experiment. Sorry you seem to have a lot of growing up to do.

2007-08-28 14:08:07 · answer #6 · answered by Deslok of Gammalon 4 · 2 2

People are quick to blame god for all the bad things.
All the things you mentioned where committed by men. Granted maybe in the name of god but that doesn't mean it was gods will.
Bible prophecy foretold this time we live in today. Matthew 24 & Luke 21.
How we have proof of god is found by bible prophecy in the OT which has already come to pass.
Just because things happen in churches don't mean the churches are of god there are many false religions out there.
Not that I am saying it's a good thing but in the last 2000 years the prophecy of israil being rebuilt happened after world war 2.

2007-08-28 14:07:19 · answer #7 · answered by pestie58 the spider hunter 6 · 3 1

these horrible things that happen can not be questioned by how did god let this happen but should offer proof of gods opposition.as for proof of god is very simple for me take away all man maid objects off the planet and explain the things you would see who or what could create such a thing of beauty who or what could set fourth such remarkable living creations men and women dont say evolution because i have yet to witness monkeys turn to men forget about any man maid books altered through the course of time this belief is base on logic .to try and overstand what sort of being created this planet and us in it is beyond my knowlege.my question is how can there not be a god.

2007-08-28 14:25:17 · answer #8 · answered by Tweety 1 · 0 1

There's this thing called sin, which was created when humans decided to put life into their own hands. This is what has made murder possible at the nearest corner store. Seriously. God is a God of love, but why should he let a rapist go to Heaven? Would you like that? He sent His Son Jesus to give us a new life and even if this life ended up being hard, He said that we'd be free for eternity and go to Heaven, where we wouldn't have to worry about murder, rape, and drugs.

I'm not even going to use the Bible for proof. But one thing I know is that from what I have been delivered from is amazing. shyness and depression and other addictions. How could I have lived a whole life of sadness and come out of it all of a sudden? Why do I have such a joy in my heart and a love for all? I never had this before I became a Christian.

Have you seen a painting appear from the sky? How about a poem? Of course not. It doesn't make any sense to have something there without a Maker. The Bible is proven by archaeology and scientific proof. http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/divine.htm

I even have scriptures that say the earth is round that were written years before navigators ever figured it out. hehe. It's so amazing.

2007-08-28 14:00:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

There truly is a God. I know not just from the Bible, but what I've seen and expierenced. I don't know if you herd the term "the power of prayer", but prayer is powerful. I know because I pray to God asking for comfort during a hard time or asking for safety of my loved ones or help me with my attitude. He does answer, but He does not answer in the way you would want Him to answer or the time. God is never early nor late. He is always on time. An example of one of my prayers, I prayed to be a more patient person. He didn't answer the way I wanted Him to. I didn't just automatically become a patient person He gave me oppertunities to become a patient person. And I am a more patient person I was. You should try it one time. But that's not just the only way I know He exists. There is scientific proof that He exists. Take the flood in Noahs time (I know it didn't happen 2000 years ago), but there have been scientists in snow capped mountains in the Hemalayans who do not beleive a word in the Bible but who have seen fossilized fish and other underwater creatures, but they couldn't explain how they got there. Take the great world wide earthquake that's said to have happened when Jesus died on the cross, there is historical proof that that had happened. If you don't beleive me go and read world history books. About all the rapes and melestations and the holocaust, God, to many peoples eyes may not have done anything about it or to prevent it, but He did. Like 9-11 God brought families together, He brought a people together. He brought faith in thier lives, He brought many to Him. God is a tester of faith. He will put you through hard times to see if you truly have faith in Him and if you do how strong it is. To those who did do all this evil God has thrown them into the lake of fire. About seeing God. You can not see Him and live to tell about it. God is so full of hollyness that your body will not be able to take it. God's will is not for you to die, but to live with Him in eternity. I just want to warn you. Do not be unprepared, for one day you will see Him. So repent of your sins and accept Jesus into your heart. Please. For it is in God's Will.

2007-08-28 14:20:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I believe in God in part because of the work that I've seen him do in changing people's lives, and the work he's done in my own life. I've seen bitter angry people find peace after coming to know Jesus, and alcoholics find new purpose in their lives.
Personally, I've gone through situations and trials that I know I couldn't have dealt with without the strength and comfort that I get from God through prayer.
Growing up in South Africa, I've seen God soften the hearts of leaders and people who had to deal with such a build up of hate and anger that I know without him it could have ended much more badly. I know that it was recognising their shared christian brotherhood that helped end years of opposition.

You're probably not going to find your answer on the internet, but I pray that God brings someone into your life that can personally show you His love, and that He's there and has a plan for you even through the pain you may have to deal with.

2007-08-28 14:08:28 · answer #11 · answered by Moara 3 · 1 1

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