I would say that nobody at the council meeting could agree on one. remember that the bible was assembled in rome. So it was a large political structure. with all the different languages of the roman empire they thought it was best to make it as vague as possible. Also they didn't want anyone to research that 'name' and argue the point. Why should it be a jewish name or why can't it be a roman name? So it was just better to call it 'god'
2007-08-28 10:48:33
answer #1
answered by bluesagedragon 4
The Christian God has several names. Yahweh, God, the Lord, and Elohim come to mind. You may be thinking of the reluctance of the people originally to pronounce a name - that was because they believed that God was all powerful, and attracting His attention would get them blasted. Also, God has a secret name that only a few know. When spoken, the speaker can "tap into" the power of God and use it to accomplish something along the line of a wish or miracle.
By the way, the Christians aren't the first to come up with either the concept of a single God or the concept of a triune diety. They're just the most well-known now. :)
2007-08-28 17:35:49
answer #2
answered by Cat 6
His name in Hebrew is YVHY (Yahweh). He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, also known as I AM..... The Jews considered His name very holy and would not say it in respect to His glory and honor that they put to it, so they called Him Adonai and Lord.... Today the Jews write G-d out of respect even though not saying His name. the bible usually put LORD GOD for Yahweh and in the front of the bible it will reference this to show you that LORD GOD in caps means Yahweh. He has a name :).... The Jehovahs Witnesses have a wrong spelling and call Him Jehovah and the KJV has this name but the Jews point out that this spelling is wrong, when I see or hear it I know what they are talking about anyway. There is no J in Hebrew.... Jesus' name is Y'Shua (Yeshua) but we have the same deal going on with the translation from Hebrew to greek to latin to english.... but when we see the name Jesus, we all know who this is just as when we see the name Jehovah. Some newer bibles have put Yahweh where it would have said LORD GOD.
2007-08-28 17:31:46
answer #3
answered by Ms DeeAnn 5
you know, sometimes you should research a subject before you go off talking about something you have no idea about.
first of all the word God like Allah and Eloihim is just like saying human... it's not a name.
second of all you can find in various verses that God's name is "I am that I am" which translates to Yhwh, or more modern Yahweh, Jehovah.
so as you see, God does have a name...
2007-08-28 17:32:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Hey, we don't say that other gods don't exist because they do. In fact, many people in the Bible worshipped other gods. Anything can be a god if you worship it. But we do believe that He is the only God that can save. And the Bible says not to have any other gods before Him, so I choose not to. And you are mistaken, we have many names for Him. YAHWEH. Jehovah Jireh. Jehovah Rafah. Jehovah Nissi. Adonay. Jesus. The God of Jacob. The God of Abraham. If you are wondering what any of these mean, then ask me. I hope this is informative and helpful.
Amen Spoken4!!!
2007-08-28 17:28:07
answer #5
answered by Kris 2
From the research I've done, it's apparent that God named Himself.
(1) Abraham called on the name of the Lord (Gen. 12:8).
From there he moved on to the hill country east of Bethel, pitching his tent with Bethel to the west and Ai to the east. He built an altar there to the LORD and invoked the LORD by name.
(2) The Lord proclaimed His own name before Moses (Ex. 33:19; 34:5).
He answered, "I will make all my beauty pass before you, and in your presence I will pronounce my name, 'LORD'; I who show favors to whom I will, I who grant mercy to whom I will.
Having come down in a cloud, the LORD stood with him there and proclaimed his name, "LORD."
(3) Israel was warned against profaning the name of the Lord (Lev. 13:21; 22:2, 32).
(4) The name of the Lord was not to be taken in vain (Ex. 20:7; Deut. 5:11).
(5) The priests of Israel were to minister in the name of the Lord (Deut. 18:5; 21:5).
(6) The name of God is called “wonderful” in Judges 13:18.
(7) To call on the name of the Lord was to worship Him as God (Gen. 21:33; 26:25).
Consequently, from this we can conclude that such phrases as “the name of the LORD” or “the name of God” refer to God’s whole character. It was a summary statement embodying the entire person of God.
2007-08-28 17:35:00
answer #6
answered by rojo_jojo 5
Greetings. We didn't give God a name because He already told us His name. In Exodus 3:14 God told Moses His name.
God said to Moses: I AM WHO AM. He said: Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel: HE WHO IS, hath sent me to you.
God is also known as the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.
Of course if you don't believe in the authority of the bible then none of this will make sense or matter. No one can understand God or prove everything associated with God or His decisions. That's where faith comes in.
Peace be with you.
2007-08-28 17:30:40
answer #7
answered by Void Engineer 3
For your information our God, the One and Only True Living God, His name is I AM.
JESUS Mt.1:21 The Vine Jn.15:5
Jesus Christ Jn.1:17 Bread of Life Jn.6:35
Messiah Jn.1:41, Jn.4:25 Rose of S haron S.of S.2:1
Savior Jn.4:42, Luc.2:11 Lily of the Valleys S.of S.2:1
Lord's Christ Luc.2:26 Light of the World Jn.8:12,1:9
Son of God Jn.1:34 Rock 1Co.10:4
Christ Mt.16:16 Living Stone 1P.2:4
Immanuel Mt.1:23 Capstone 1P.2:7
God 1Jn.1:20,1Ti.3:16, Jn.1:1Heb.1:8, Mt.1:23, Root and the Offspring of David Rev.22:16
Word Jn.1:1 Gift of God Jn.3:16,Jn4:10
Lord Jn.20:18, Ro.10:9 High Priest Heb. 3:1
The Almighty Rev.1:8 Mediator 1Ti.2:5
Creator Col.1:16, Jn.1;3 Intercessor Heb.7:25
Son of Man Mr.10:33 Advocate 1Jn.2:1
Lamb of God Jn.1:29 The Guarantee Heb.7:22
Shepherd of the sheep Heb.13:20 The Truth Jn.14:6
Good Shepherd Jn.10:11 The Life Jn.14:6,11:25
Rabbi Jn.1:49 The Resurrection Jn.11:25
The Gate Jn.10:7 Nazarene Mt.2:23
The Way Jn.14:6 Lord of Glory 1Co.2:8
Lord of Peace 2Th.3:16 Outstanding among 10,000 S.of S.5:10
Master Mt.23:10 Man of Sorrows Isa.53:3
The Last Adam 1Co.15:45 Hope of Glory Col.1:27
Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev.5:5 Desired of all Nations Hag 2:7
Amen Rev.3:14 Wonderful Isa.9:6
Faithful Witness Rev.1:5 Counselor Isa.9:6
Faithful and True Rev.19:11 Mighty God Isa.9:6
Lord of All Ac.10:36 Everlasting Father Is.a9:6
High Priest He.7:26 Prince of Peace Isa.9:6
Bishop of Souls 1P.2:25 Our Passover 1Co.5:7
Chief Shepherd 1P.5:4 Author and Finisher of our faith Heb.12:2
KING of Kings Rev.17:14, Ap.19:16 LORD of Lords Rev.19:16
Bright Morning Star Rev.22:16 Alpha & Omega Rev.1:8
First & Last Rev.1:17 Beginning & End Rev.22:
2007-08-28 17:27:13
answer #8
answered by Spoken4 5
HIS NAME was given in the Old Testament when HE spoke with Moses HE said to tell the people that "I AM sent you". HE created man and has no need of A name. We should all respect the fact that HE is the GOD! Have a nice evening.
2007-08-28 17:24:59
answer #9
answered by Eds 7
My God does have a name - Jehovah.
2007-08-28 18:08:43
answer #10
answered by SisterCF 4