Sweet victory...let's watch them explain it away...us heathens don't understand the hateful word of god. YAY!
2007-08-28 04:48:10
answer #1
answered by Primordial Soup 4
Yes, you are taking those verses out of context. Learning "in quietness and submission" is how all students learn; including Rabbinical students. You don't disrupt and cause disorder while you are learning! This does not imply that the women in that church would never become teachers, just that they are not allowed to be loud while a teaching is going on. This was actually affirming the women, because in tradition of the time they were not taught the scriptures. Paul was commanding the women to be taught along side the men, like rabbinical students.
Also, the part that says "have authority" is not talking about ministry or productive authority that loves and builds up. Thus NOT about ministry leadership. The root of that word in Greek means to murder. So it's talking about tearing someone down and stripping them of authority. It means to usurp, like mocking a teacher and trying to take over..... No Christian, male of female is allowed to do that. So if Paul said it to the women, it's probable that they were acting like that towards Timothy and he was correcting them.
About the second verse, "women should remain silent in the churches....." is most likely Paul sarcastically quoting what the men said in a previous letter; as he did that before. There is no punctuation in the original passage, so we don't know if there are quotation marks around it. The reasons why I say it is most likely sarcastic is that: 1- The law does not say women should remain silent in the churches, and Paul was a Rabbi and would know this. 2- The next phrase says "Did the word of God originate with you? Are YOU the only ones who it has reached?" The Greek word "you" is NOT talking about the women. It's either talking to the whole group or exclusively the men because the pronoun is masculine. So Paul was not correcting the women, he was either correcting the men or the whole church. So his phrase was most likely sarcastic, correcting them for claiming men are the only ones who can speak.
2007-08-28 11:56:51
answer #2
answered by peacetimewarror 4
God limits the women's role in the church, not the home. There is specific instructions on the church and who should speak and "lead" the worship.
If a woman is at home or away from the church assembly, she can speak her mind as much as she likes.
Simply put, God's plan for authority in the church does not allow for women preachers, women elders or any other leadership role in the worship service. Other than those requirements, the woman is just as equal as the man.
2007-08-28 11:52:41
answer #3
answered by TG 4
Oh boy, here we go.
If you read in the Bible what all are considered sins, then
IF I am wrong by just speaking my mind, God will forgive me.
Hey Diminati- I can't say I know what God does about
with what you mentioned but I do know that is very wrong!
Feral- Did you have a bad realtionship with a Christian
There are parts of the Bible I do not take literally.
What amazes me is people who say they don't believe in
God or the Bible and then they painstakingly look for
verses in the Bible? I don't get it.
I do have a Bible Verse for you though Feral since you
are quoting the Bible-
Acts 2:17
And it shall come to pass in the last days that I will pour
out of my spirit on all flesh, your sons and daughters will
Also, if people believe in the last days, it says the moon
will bleed and this morning the moon looked blood red.
In fact, they were talking about it on the radio.
I do wonder about the last days.
By the way Feral, when I saw your post, I was trying to
remember that verse and where I heard it. It was then
I remembered it was on a "Designing Women" show,
a Baptist preacher said women should keep silent
and quoted those verses. "Bernice" quoted some
good verses right back at him.
"How Great Thou Art " episode aired Feb. 22, 1988.
2007-08-28 11:48:53
answer #4
answered by Wacky Lady 00 3
I really think that the times were different back then I think that times change. Maybe some people just don't want to believe for their own reasons and maybe some people choose to believe for their own reasons. You have every right to try to convince me that you are right and I have every right to not believe it. And it goes both ways so here's the deal you believe what you want and I will believe what I want and we will see who is right at the end. As for me, I feel like if I am right then the price is too high to pay for not believeing, and heck I am not really losing out by believing, so good lick on your personal belief system and we will see who was right and who wasn't Later dude.
2007-08-28 15:34:01
answer #5
answered by Stu Pedasso 1
I would consider myself a believer in God and Jesus..and after earning a degree in Religious Studies, do not consider 1, 2 Timothy or Titus part of anything I would ever follow, or would teach my children to follow. (I tend to agree with more of the gnostic texts anyways) Here is my answer:
Both the Timothy gospels and Titus were not written by Paul, but by someone else years after his death. I would say that they aren't even inspired. People began to realize that Jesus wasn't coming back any time soon, so they had to form themselves as a group under certain beliefs and conducts, as a way to survive in a culture that essentially thought that they believed in a criminal who died in recent history -their religion wasn't ancient like Judaism or the other pagan religions, and therefore Roman society was very suspicious of them.
These groups lived in Roman culture and therefore picked up the most "roman" of these beliefs regarding women and men...
So, no, you are not taking these verses out of context, they are very clear and pointed...but they were written by MAN for man -no Godly inspiration here or otherwise!
And as far as the Corinthians verse, if you read the whole of the Corinthian letters, you would see that this verse is completely out of place with the rest of Paul's teachings..scholars believe that this verse was added in years later by some cleric or priest who copied the texts..I believe there are several copies of 1 Corinthians, and one has this verse while the other does not.
2007-08-28 11:52:22
answer #6
answered by SisterSue 6
You told them...I mean, just have them the ask the Christian men trolling around here talking about man's natural superiority and women's real "roles" due to their emotional and physically weak nature! Fun!
2007-08-28 11:48:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would love to have any man try to tell me I should listen and keep my mouth shut! So, you are either latent homosexual with a decided hatred toward women or you are heterosexual and you haven't gotten any for a long time and most women probably wouldn't give you the time of day! Which one is it?
2007-08-28 16:13:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
All I can say to you is the words you have read mean in the church .the old testmenet .So but that is beside the point it don't apply to you because a christian would not have posted something so rude .
All people does not read and interput the bible the same so oppions needs to be given with respect .I will pray for you For I am sure my Father in Heaven was not pleased with your words .
2007-08-28 11:55:43
answer #9
answered by Holly 5
Fireball? Do you have something you would like to add to this?
Old Nag: And as long as the man who rapes your daughter is Christian, God will forgive him as well, right? So no problem?
2007-08-28 11:49:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous