Alright already! I cannot believe that so many people do not like "fundies" or "bible thumpers." For 50 years I told them "I'm not interested." I would argue; the bible was written by people so very long ago, why, they're not even cool, they couldn't possibly have had inspirational influence to write because they were obviously backward. Or so I thought. And, because I had been in the military, because I've been to college, because I worked in management for a big company. I knew better! I knew ALL there was to know and therefore the bible and God were a figment of someones imagination, well, because I said so!
I've learned, I was a fool. Until I met Jesus Christ that is. He has changed my life where I don't fear, don't hate and don't pursue the sinful life. Now that I love everyone I don't want to see them "lost forever." Jesus Christ is, The Way, The Truth and The Life. You can meet Him now or meet Him on judgment day, your choice.
2007-08-28 04:48:36
answer #1
answered by peterngoodwin 6
I am thrilled and delighted to discover there are as many non-believers as there appear to be. That there are so many who know how to think for themselves, fills me with hope for the future of humanity. It may actually be possible for humanity to escape the superstition and bigotry of our ancient ancestors and move forward toward a much better future than endlessly praising and worshiping imaginary genocidal monsters. Seeing all the unbelievers here fills me with hope -- especially considering the scientific revolution only began 400 years ago and didn't really get rolling until Maxwell's equations were published in 1865.
If organized religion wishes to survive in modern times, it must return to its origins and accept that God is a purely spiritual being who exists only in the subjective experience of those who believe. God was invented by Solipsists, for Solipsists and it is a fatal error for Believers to insist (without evidence) that their God also exists in the physical realm. There is a place for religion in humanity's future, but only if the faithful abandon their futile efforts to extend God's influence into objective (physical) reality. Leave science to the scientists and spiritual matters to those who experience God as part of their conscious awareness.
2007-08-28 05:25:38
answer #2
answered by Diogenes 7
Well, I'm quite aquainted with atheism and agnosticism.
Personally, I understand their reasons, but also adamantly disagree with them. Most objections from atheists are not so "cut and dry" as they would like.
The point is there are brilliant minded people who believe. There ARE philosophical, reasonable reasons for belief in God. That is what atheists do not like to hear.
However, I think the big issue here (on YA) is that most christians don't engage atheists on their own level. I find most christian positions sadly misrepresented and argued rather lamely and that only leads to the wider assumption that christians aren't intelligent or don't have anything reasonable to say, which is not true in the least.
That is why YA needs intelligent believers to engage the people not only on this site, but everywhere!
2007-08-28 09:51:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am amazed and heartbroken at the words that seem to spew from the devil's mouth on here. Are people really that way? Or are they a non believer trying to get a reaction?
If you don't agree with a Christian's point of view then give them a thumbs down and move on or give your reason for believing as you do.
The differences in our beliefs may not change but the way we state our answers (on both sides) could use a more respectful touch.
2007-08-28 06:10:56
answer #4
answered by gabeymac♥ 5
Nearly everything I read on this forum is anti-Christian, by those who proudly boast of leading a lost life. How very sad!
When I speak of charity, I find Christians at the forefront. If there is someone in need of food, the Christian shares. If someone needs housing, the Christian is there to help renovate the home with their Church. Hospitals were started by Christians (Presbyterian Hospital for example here in Dallas, St. Jude's), Universities (Notre Dame). Organizations started / managed by Christians.
Indeed, I am amazed (but shouldn't be) by the numbers of non-Christians or Christian-bashing that goes on. But the people who do these things do these out of ignorance and misinformation. They are led by satan to see life in darkness, which is contradictory to Christ. If they truly knew the Truth, they would be more at peace in their lives, giving to others, not so tied to earth and it's seductions.
We pray that God comes into their lives. We see their responses, and we just pray that their eyes be opened to God and His Son Jesus, and leave it in God's hands.
082807 4:11
2007-08-28 10:12:30
answer #5
answered by YRofTexas 6
I've only met one atheist during my life but when I started going onto this site I never realized until now that there are so many unbelievers out there and we need to win for Christ before it is too late to do so.
2007-08-28 05:49:29
answer #6
answered by FuTurE SolDieR 6
Yes, I am amazed by your question in both directions.
In fact a lot of things on here have opened my eyes for the good & the bad.~~ What we see on here honey, is also what walks amoung us out there. This world is changing and we must watch our backs and choose our company wisely.
Personally, I feel I have grown in my faith because of all the faithful on this site. I pity the rest. They have nothing to gain & everything to lose.~~ We all have a choice in this world.
I am contented in living for Jesus even if my strong belief proved wrong. Its just no better way to live. Period !!!
I love He who first loved me & died on the cross for my sins so that I may live in eternity with Him.~~~~~Jill
May You All Be Blessed Today, in your connection with others
2007-08-28 05:09:14
answer #7
answered by Jill ❤'s U.S.A 7
I disagree. Although some are rude, most are just set firm in their beliefs (or knowledge, whatever!). I was more shocked at some of the ideas that I ran into. Not so much about religion or Christian theology, but issues are tied closely (for me anyways) with religious belief or unbelief.
2007-08-28 04:29:02
answer #8
answered by MrMyers 5
yeah. This place is like a cess-pool sometimes. I wish people would think about their motives more soberly before just typing off the first thing that comes to their head. It's like they don't even think you are human.
I've been conducting an experiment where by one identity is an atheist and one a Catholic, and the one who gives out smart-*** answers gets more points here than actual correct and reasonable answer.
I also am conducting an experiment on nice avatars and evil avatars. The evil avatar, even though belligerent, and has good answers, gets many violation notices. The nice avatar does not.
2007-08-28 04:28:07
answer #9
answered by Somewhat Enlightened, the Parrot of Truth 7
yes. I am not a church goer but I believe In God. Guess I was a little naive about it. I just didnt realize how many blatantly show a hatred or total denial of our creator. what must He think? But on a basic level I can sort of understand non believers because faith can be trying at times. IT is difficult to believe in something you cant see or hear or touch. Faith is believing with heart what the brain wants to reject.
2007-08-28 04:34:27
answer #10
answered by molly 6