There are those who like to say that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. Various verses are cited (out of context) and the verses that people use to show that homosexuality is wrong are explained away. The world wants to change God's words and meanings into something more suitable to its sinful desires. Nevertheless, the truth stands: The Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin. Let's look at what it says.
Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"
1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."
Homosexuality is clearly condemned by the Bible. It goes against the created order of God. He created Adam and then made a woman. This is what God has ordained and it is what is right. Unlike other sins, homosexuality has a severe judgment administered by God Himself. This judgment is simple: They are given over to their passions. That means that their hearts are allowed to be hardened by their sins (Romans 1:18ff). As a result, they can no longer see the error of what they are doing. Without an awareness of their sinfulness, there will be no repentance and trusting in Jesus. Without Jesus, they will have no forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there is no salvation.
What should be the Christian's Response to the Homosexual?
Just because someone is a homosexual does not mean that we cannot love him (or her) or pray for him (her). Homosexuality is a sin and like any other sin, it needs to be dealt with in the only way possible. It needs to be laid at the cross, repented of, and never done again.
As a Christian, you should pray for the salvation of the homosexual the same you would any other person in sin. The homosexual is still made in the image of God -- even though he is in grave sin. Therefore, you should show him same dignity as anyone else you come in contact with. However, this does not mean that you are to approve of their sin. Don't compromise your witness for a socially acceptable opinion that is void of godliness.
2007-08-28 04:23:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Going to hell or not? Well darlin we humans don't make that decision on our judgement day, God does. We make that decision in the here and now.
I couldn't tell you if a certain homosexual is going to hell or not, I haven't the ability to do that. The heart, and faith of the individual is the deciding factor. Jesus the Christ knows every heart, and He knows His fold. We humans do not have the ability to know the heart and mind of another human being, we cannot say for sure.
But I believe it is safe to say that the faithless, and sinners will not be going into God's kingdom. Where else is there to go?
Homosexuality is wrong, Search Genesis 19, Judges 19-20, as well as 1 Corinthians 6:9, and 1 Timothy 1:9.
2007-08-28 04:31:46
answer #2
answered by the old dog 7
Rejection of Jesus & God's word keeps one out of Heaven. Sexual sins of any kind is forbidden in the bible. As for homosexuality, read: Lev.18:22 & 20:13. New testement:1st Corinthians 6:9-10 and Romans 1:24-32 All these can be forgiven & God can help you overcome.
2007-08-28 05:03:04
answer #3
answered by 2 beez 1
Romans 1:24-27
2007-08-28 04:30:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Whether or not a person is gay makes no difference, and is irrelevant.
What IS relevant is the fact that there is a passage in Revelation that **unequivocally** states that EVERY person who had LIED will end up in the Lake of Fire. Which **contradicts** every passage in the Bible that promises salvation.
So, since everyone has lied, everyone is going to hell.
OR -- the Bible is self-contradictory... which relegates it to being a work of FICTION. In which case, we either all are destined for hell, or we'll simply cease to exist when we die.
It's a lose-lose situation.
The only answer is NOT to die.
2007-08-29 05:32:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
a person will not go to hell for being gay. There is a heaven and a hell. God will send hell, satan, and those who have not repented of sins and accepted CHrist into the Lake of Fire after the Great White Throne Judgement.
Those who did repent and accept Christ will be taken to the New Jerusalem to spend and eternity with God. It does not matter if that person is "gay", a murderer, a Sunday school teacher, a Lawyer. We are all sinnersand can only get to Heaven through Christ.
2007-08-28 04:32:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No. Gay people are not going to hell unless they never repented of their sins and have become born-again. The Bible does say that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. The Bible also says that people who lie will not enetr the kingdom of Heaven. Born again Christians still lie from time to time. A born again Christian can still engage in homosexual activity but still go to Heaven. He will not enjoy the activity because he knows that he is sinning against God and Jesus died for him so the he could be free from that. A Christian who lies will still go to Heaven but he will feel remorse for telling a lie. Read the book of Corinthians and the Book of Romans. The word efeminate is used which is another word for homosexuals.
2007-08-28 04:28:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
everyone has the opportunity to repent of their sins, whether they do or not is totally up to them. But it does talk about homosexuals in the bible in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10; I know that a lot of people choose to believe that homosexuality is okay but it is against God.
2007-08-28 04:28:01
answer #8
answered by mom of 3 5
I’m not sure I understand the intent of your question. I sounds like you are asking, “If I jump off of the Empire State building will I die”? But I doubt that is your meaning. God is not interested in sending ANYONE to hell He is merely instructing mankind from HIS wisdom. He designed us and He knows what it takes to live a quality life here and then live an eternity with Him when we depart. It is important that we realize that God REALLY does love us but we have been compromised by the curse of sin. God has given us a workaround to survive in spite of this. These MORAL codes are for our protection and survival. Some sins are very difficult to deal with but if we cling to God and ADMIT He is right we will have His help and blessing.
2007-08-28 04:59:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
OK folks listen up - it is in the Bible PLAIN AND SIMPLE:
1 Corinthians 6:9 - 10
9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
God did not create Hell just to threaten people with - Hell is real and the people mentioned above WILL get the chance to check it out. But any and all have the right to eternal life - all you have to do is follow God's will.
2007-08-28 04:31:42
answer #10
answered by Gladiator 5
The Catholic church, for one, has never defined who is in hell, not even Hitler. It's not up to us to make those kind of judgements. It's clear that homosexual acts are wrong, but if that degree of sin means you're going to hell then we're all in trouble. One should remember that God's mercy applies to all, even homosexuals. The other thing is that we don't even understand the genesis of homosexuality, so although we can determine it is a sin, we cannot determine degree of culpability.
2007-08-28 04:26:01
answer #11
answered by Thom 5