The church only confuse people because it is from the devil.Read 2 thes 2 verse 3 and 4 .God is God only of the living. the dead does not exist,nevermind in heaven or hell. Jesus came to bring and establish the kingdom of heaven on earth he said that the kingdom(heaven) wont come through visible signs but the kingdom is inside of us. God is not a god of any kind. he is the creator of all.Jesus came to reunite us people that are the Gods to the supreme creator read John 17 verse 21.We are God, and we must worship each other through love and tollerance .because God is love.All churches are warmongers.Look at the catholic spanish inquisition,Look at the christian churches, look at the muslim churches, look at the Jews, they all kill people in the name of their god, they even murdered the savior of the world Jesus to carry on in darkness. If you are confused by the church then you must know that the holy spirit is leading you towards the truth. just dont become an atheist, rather a true follower of christ. goto and read the whole page and then go and pray to God the father of Jesus to help you to exept jesus and start to follow him in truth he will open all the secrets of the universe for you but you must believe that you recieved already
2007-08-27 23:31:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
As Christians we believe that Jesus is Almighty God, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. One God, manifest to
all in three persons.
Jesus laid aside His Divine Powers, so to speak, in order
to fulfill His mission on Earth. Nevertheless He is sinless all
the way upto the cross, when sin was laid upon him to fulfill
justice. Since He was sinless, His faith, I believe was immessurable and hence He was able to perform the works that He did.
As a man He became our example and as such He taught us
to pray to the Father. Make note here. He never prayed to
Mary, or any other saint, both OT and NT. This should be an
eye opener to many.
Yet He also declared in Jhn 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
Hence He confirms His Divinity.
So you will say to me, "I just don't understand this Trinity
thing. I hear what you're saying but I just don't understand
Well you're absolutely right. You and I and every other human
being ever put on this planet will never quite understand it.
God would not be much of a God if we could understand Him
completely. However because of His Word(the Bible) we
have a pretty good idea of who He is. I hope this helps. If not
give me a call.
I Cr 13;8a
2007-08-30 10:29:12
answer #2
answered by ? 7
- The Son of God
- God
- Lord>>
Jesus is God incarnate. As a God-man, Jesus humbled Himself before the Father for the purpose of showing believers how they too should humble themselves (ourselves) to the Father as well.
Again, Jesus humbled Himself before the Father to serve as an example for others to follow. God the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit; think of them as three different manifestations of the same One God.
Again, it all comes down to the fact Jesus - in spite of being God incarnate, humbled Himself before the Father to serve as an example for other people to follow.
2007-08-31 01:24:42
answer #3
answered by Daver 7
This question touches on the Holy Trinity. The divinity of Christ comes from the fact that He is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity - God the Son.
The Trinity is one God in three divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are three, distinct individual person, but one God. We are able to understand who they are by their relationship to each other - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
This is why Jesus calls God His father while at the same time being God Himself in the flesh: three divine Persons; one God.
2007-08-28 17:24:48
answer #4
answered by Danny H 6
The Bible says that it is written to confuse so that only some people would understand. The bible say that Jesus is the invisible God made visible. Jesus said that he was the father , son, and the holy spirit .He said he was "the way the truth and the life", the bible says that the Spirit is truth. Jesus said that wed have His spirit. He said "be baptized in the name of the Father< son, and Holy Spirit" and the apostles baptized in the name of "Jesus" because they understood that the name of the Father and holy Spirit is Jesus. In Isaiah, Jehova said that He himself would come and save His people, and that there is nobody else that saves and redeems. Jehova or "The Lord" said in Isaiah that He would save His people and that the blind would see, the deaf hear etc. And those are the things Jesus did. When Philip(i think) asked Jesus to show him the Father, Jesus replied "“Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip?" in John 14:8. God being invisible has many manifestations, like when he manifested himself as a pillar of fire, or a cloud. timothy 3:16 says " God was manifested in the flesh " . the flesh that God occupied is what is reffered to as "The Son" . Jesus was God and man. The man Jesus was born 2000 years ago, but the God Jesus always existed. He said " before Abraham was, I AM " I AM was also a name for God in the old testament . God cannot die, or feel hunger, so He needed a body . Its only One God, not 3 in 1. The Father is spirit ,and holy too, but that doesnt mean 2 Holy Spirits, Its the same God . talking about Jesus " and He shall be called Eternal Father, God with us" i hope this helped. if youhave more questions, e-mail me @ God Bless
2007-08-27 23:34:27
answer #5
answered by pianokid510 2
It's called The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) and you can order it off of or your local church gift shop should have more than a few copies. It was the project of the then Cardinal Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI) who was given that assignment by John Paul II.
Another good book is "This Is The Faith" by Father Francis Ripley - the best book I've read yet about the basics of the Catholic faith. A large book also, but probably a somewhat easier read for you.
This is all assuming you actually are Catholic - I have my doubts - you sound more like a troll. Not trying to be insulting - it's just that for a real Catholic, this is actually pretty basic stuff. If you came right out and told me you were a non-believer or a Protestant Christian, I'd probably give you a more detailed answer.......
I will give you a little piece to chew on though - Jesus was not only God, but completely and fully human at the same time. That's part of our belief as Christians, both Catholic and Protestant. We share a common creed. Jesus did a lot of things by way of showing example of how to lead a perfect life. For example, His baptism. He didn't have to be baptised - when John the Baptist objected saying essentially "You should be the one baptising me" Jesus showed the proper humility and obedience that should be offered up by all humans to each other and to God. And He not only allowed Himself to be baptised by water, but also by the Holy Spirit, which descended in the form of a dove. At the same time, a disembodied voice from Heaven was heard to say "This is My Son, in whom I am well pleased". This was all actually the coming together of the Father (who spoke from heaven), the Son (Jesus Christ Himself, the God/man) and the Holy Spirit (in the form of a dove), all working together, and yes, it's Scriptural. The Holy Trinity, in the Bible. (Read it and weep, JW's) It's been a Christian belief since the very beginning, only later confirmed and written down as the Nicean Creed in response to attacks on the Church's beliefs.
2007-08-27 23:37:45
answer #6
answered by the phantom 6
God was the Father of Jesus. He is referred to as his "only begotten son." It was God in the flesh that was born and lived among us. He was fully man and fully God.
He also lived as an example to us, to pray and to seek God. Prayer is communication with God the father. Thinking that Jesus is God and therefore knew everything in the sense that a person knows himself is a misconception. The three persons of the trinity are all God and yet individuals.
The truth of the matter is a mystery and beyond our understanding. You may want to ask your priest, or another good source is they have forums there and you can get some very good answers.
Check out the scriptures that prove the divinity of Christ:
2007-08-28 00:11:39
answer #7
answered by Misty 7
The Athanasian creed gives a summary of the early Church's teaching on the Trinity :
"We worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity, neither confounding the Persons nor dividing the substance. For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost; but the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one, the glory equal, the majesty co-eternal. The Father is made of none, neither created nor begotten; the Son is of the Father alone, not made, nor created, but begotten; the Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son, neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding."
The Mystery of the Trinity is just that: the Father calls the Son God; the Son calls the Father God. Both are God. Both are one. Both are distinct, but both are united. The Holy Spirit is the third part of God, making Him thrice holy, thrice personal. And the Scriptures provide overwhelming testimony to this.
The Trinity is one God who exists simultaneously in three persons. Each is coequal, copowerful, and coeternal with the other. Each person, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is not the other. Without either there is no God; all comprise the one God.
2007-08-28 01:19:45
answer #8
answered by jeffd_57 6
I am not Catholic but I used to be. I hope this helps. The trinity is a hard thing to explain. Jesus is the son of God. God made man. One part of three that makes a whole. While here on earth still united in spirit, separated by his humanity. So, that is why Jesus had to pray to the father. He had to communicate with the father. Prayer is communication.
2007-08-27 23:20:23
answer #9
answered by roselyn m 3
I agree, it is very confusing. I have also heard of several examples of how we are to comprehend the Trinity. (Like the egg, like a person being a father, a brother and a husband all at once.) But, that doesn't explain how/why Jesus prayed to his Father.
Don't think it is just the Catholic faith. But you also answered your question by saying Catholic "faith". You didn't say Catholic Religion or Catholic Church. I think that the foundation of what I am is in my faith. Faith is believing in those things not seen (or understood). I think there is a better chance for a cockroach to learn chemistry as it is for me to understand the Trinity. No matter what we do with that cockroach, he's still stupid bug without the capacity to understand a lot of things. It doesn't keep that cockroach from being one of the most resilient creatures on the earth! The same goes for me.
Delight in your faith. Marvel at the wonder. We don't have to understand the orbiting of the planets to enjoy and appreciate the sunrise.
Good luck in your journey.
2007-08-27 23:26:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous