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* nataliemaher2000

* Member since: 12 August 2007
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I have a 2 year old daughter who is breast fead. I cant get her off my breast. She sleeps with us of a night.?

My daughter sleeps with me and all night she is sucking on my breasts. She is 2 years old and uses me for a dummy. She has never had a dummy or a bottle only ever had breast milk. It is becoming annoying and I just want my boobs back! She can talk and tells me she wants boob when she is tiered. It is becoming a habit of when she is tiered she wants boob. Sometimes she gets boob and then hops off me and goes plays, then comes back when she is ready for more booby as she calls it. It could be a 5 minute interval or 30 minutes, then she finally falls asleep on my breast. She stays asleep for 30 min then wakes up and wants more booby, gets it and goes to sleep again and will stay there for as long as I hold her near my breast. My baby is the baby of 6 children and I have never been in this situation before. I have breast fed all my children and I have always weened at 12 months. I don't know where I went wrong this time, but there is no getting off the booby for this baby! Please help!

2007-08-27 22:42:54 · 6 answers · asked by nataliemaher2000 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

6 answers

this may be kinda weird, my wife got my oldest off by putting some mustard on her nipple, it worked a treat except she hates mustard to this day

2007-08-27 23:24:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

when you are lying her down for a nap, or putting her to sleep at night, place a pillow between your breasts and her, and offer a sippy cup. hold her close, so she still has that close feeling she is holding on to, but do not offer her your breasts. be consistent with offering the sippy cup. one day, she will not refuse the sippy cup, because she will realize she cannot have your breasts anymore. once you get her used to the sippy cup, get her a bed of her own. be persistant, and she will give in eventually. it may not take as long as you think! she may be just as ready to be weaned as you are.

2007-08-28 10:05:52 · answer #2 · answered by superyduperymommy 5 · 0 0

If she is sleeping with you at night, you are on call to her all night. Maybe its time for her own bed where she cant just roll over to you and demand booby. It will take some perseverance and she will probably hate being in her own bed but if thats what you really want . . . try taking her into town for a nice new duvet cover or something for her own bed.

2007-08-28 06:48:03 · answer #3 · answered by kiwichickie 3 · 0 0

starting her on whole milk in another cup and her own sleeping area is really going to be our best bet. it'll be rough b/c she' older and really attached to you. try limiting the "booby" time. if she can say hey, i want booby, then you can say hey, not right now. only give it when she's really going down at night, pretty soon she'll move on

2007-08-28 07:28:05 · answer #4 · answered by bishop 3 · 0 0

Start by giving her a sippy cup to drink out of. Other than that I can't help you I am still nursing my 13 month old.

2007-08-28 05:50:18 · answer #5 · answered by mabuisakura 2 · 0 0

they kicked my first answer off when you asked the first time
I'll try again feed her before bed then tape her mouth shut
I'm just kidding could be she just likes nibbling boobies
obviously something i cant get away with

2007-08-31 09:28:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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