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3 answers

No. It will actually benefit you by checking your credit scores/reports multiple times. The 'hard inquiries' occur when a 'creditor' pulls your credit report.
If you check it, then it is called a 'soft inquiry'.

If you have a lot of 'soft inquiries...then the hard inquiries start dropping off. The hard inquiries take 2yrs to come off.....or you can dispute the inquiries ONLINE with Equifax or by mail with Experian, Transunion.

2007-08-27 18:16:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

checking your credit too often can negatively impact it. Look for a site where you can receive your report from all 3 credit report agencies at the same time. Also try to check it only once a year unless you have other reasons to do so such as puchasing a home or you suspect fraud.

2007-08-27 17:19:57 · answer #2 · answered by Panda 7 · 0 1

If you pull your own credit report it is a soft pull and does not affect your score. When a potential creditor checks your credit, it is a hard pull and does impact your score.

2007-08-27 17:26:08 · answer #3 · answered by bdancer222 7 · 0 0

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